Smashed Potatoes

nortx Posts: 130
This has become our favorite way to eat a potato. Crispy, brown and crunchy and so delicious! If we are having a gang in, I make little red potatoes and serve them on a platter with cheese sauce, sour cream - (gluten and dairy free yogurt for me), bacon bits, chopped peppers, grilled mushrooms and onions, salsa and spices.

Smashed potatoes make great appetizers, or dinners if you use the larger Yukon Gold potatoes.

You need to start with tender cooked potatoes. If it is just 2 or 3 potatoes, you can cook them in the microwave. For a larger number, just gently boil until tender. Once cooked, you can proceed to make "Smashed Potatoes".

If you would like to see a step-by-step procedure of this recipe with pictures, please visit my MFP blog:


Done to perfection!


Serve with Greek yogurt or Horseradish sauce or Sour Cream, bacon crumbles, blue cheese crumbles, shredded Pepper Jack cheese!

Smashed Potatoes


- potatoes (use Yukon Gold or red) - cooked tender in the microwave or in water on the stove
- olive oil
- seasonings to your taste: salt, pepper, garlic, onion, paprika, parsley


1, Preheat oven to 400 degrees
2. Lightly brush a cookie sheet with a little olive oil (this helps to brown and crisp the bottoms)
3. Lightly cut an "X" into the top of each potato and place on the oiled cookie sheet
4. Use a large fork, potato masher or even the bottom of a glass to gently "smash" down the potato. Don't make it too thin.... something like a thick burger size
5. Lightly brush some olive oil on the tops of the smashed potatoes and sprinkle on seasoning
6. Cook for 45 minutes at 400 degrees. The bottoms and cut edges will brown and crisp
7. You can add some crumbled bacon and sharp shredded cheese during the last 5 minutes.
8. Serve and enjoy!

