Why am I starving?!!!!



  • momof2TONI
    Stomach does NOT "Growl." As I said and someone else, Next time, PLAN Ahead.

    Are you kidding me??!! Your stomach has never growled? Wow, I'm impressed......
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    SO! Your stomach is "Growling", if THAT's YOUR indicator that YOU are hungry then You are in trouble. If you are hungry, say so but do not use your stomach as an indicator that it means someone/you are hungry. Also, if you ate that much and are STILL hungry, it can NOT be physical; "WE" need to STOP putting HUNGER and OVEREATING on PHYSICAL NEEDS. MOST hunger Starts Psychological and Emotionally! I say you are hungry because you just finished the first week of a very strenuous program, you've been eating right and you want to "reward" yourself on your day off. That's what your "Gut" is telling you...subconsciously! Next time on your day off and you have done well PLAN a Treat for Yourself and Save the grief...JUST PLAN Ahead!!!

    wow! let me just begin by saying that we are all here for encouragement, not a berating!! Not to mention....I am curious how you know you are hungry if it is not from your stomach??? And yes I know the difference from sounds of digestion and actual hunger pangs.

    to the OP....I had this problem also. I am a runner and very active but I was so hungry it was hard for me to stay under on calories. What I did was add more fats and proteins into my diet and cut out wheat. I found that for me, wheat products actually stimulated my appetite. It may not be your issue but its worth a try. You will notice less hunger right away if it works for you. Good luck and sorry you had to be chewed out by this obviously disturbed individual.
  • Bmontgomery613
    Bmontgomery613 Posts: 200 Member
    I've not tried Insanity yet, but I also tend to feel hungrier on my rest days. I'm not sure if it's boredom, time of the month or what, but sometimes it feels like no matter how much I eat, I can't get satisfied. During these times, I tend to go toward the higher protein and higher fiber foods. They seem to help the best. I find the higher water content foods such as fruits and some vegetables to be not as filling on these days.

    In my completely 'semi-educated' opinion, my body is working on repairing itself from the damage I've done to it during my work outs. So, even though I'm not working hard, it still is and it still needs the fuel. Maybe really focus on fiber and protein during your rest days to help alleviate some of the hunger?
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    how many calories a day are you eating?? it might be that you're not taking in enough calories to supplement all the calories you're burning off doing Insanity. open your diary so we can see :)

    The Insanity workout would appear to be well-named.

    Exercise makes you hungry, I think I'll skip the intense stuff ... mmm, time for some eggs and bacon ...

    ...liking your attitude! :wink:
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    So, just to clarify, one more time: The title of this post is "Why am I starving?!!!!" The title is not "Am I starving?" or "Please critique my use of the word "growling." By the way, when I referred to my tummy growling, I used the term in the same way that I have always heard it used, to refer to a hungry, loudly grumbling tummy WITH the accompanying hunger pangs. So, my bad for not realizing that others use it differently or otherwise don't have the same connotations to it. And, I even put a sentence in the original post that basically said this is not one of those psychological things, I am really hungry. I apologize for YOUR confusion, or alternately hope you have enjoyed your entertainment (for those of you who troll the forums as a passtime looking for someone to p*ss off.) Have a nice day.

    For those of you who actually took my post at face value including the presumption that I knew what I was talking about when I said I was hungry, thank you. I appreciate the various suggestions/observations you have given me.

    I am no expert but have you tried taking an antiacid (Tumms) when you have this severe hunger - I used get painful pangs but it was acid (I acutally cured this by cutting out Wheat eventually)
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    BTW - I am really not sure why people are being mean to you here - it seems like a real question - people should try and give you real answers.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Fat is not what makes you feel full.... protein and fiber are (mostly protein), which is why the peanut butter helps with hunger is because it has a lot of protein. Here is a nice little article on it.


    Peanut butter has a lot of fat and very little protein, though. I don't find it fills me up at all.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Stomach does NOT "Growl." As I said and someone else, Next time, PLAN Ahead.

    Are you kidding me??!! Your stomach has never growled? Wow, I'm impressed......

    We may have found the route of the reason said person is on a weight loss site......
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Anyway, I tend to feel hungrier on my rest days too. In fact, I struggle to meet my allowance on the days I exercise a lot, and feel like I am starving to death on rest days. I think it's because I don't eat enough on the exercise days, I have a deficit, which I feel on the rest days. I think it's the body evening out across the week, we don't reset every night.
  • awilmeri
    awilmeri Posts: 218 Member
    Anyway, I tend to feel hungrier on my rest days too. In fact, I struggle to meet my allowance on the days I exercise a lot, and feel like I am starving to death on rest days. I think it's because I don't eat enough on the exercise days, I have a deficit, which I feel on the rest days. I think it's the body evening out across the week, we don't reset every night.

    This makes the most sense to me. I was actually go to post a question to see if I was "normal". I never feel hungry on days I exercise and could easily not eat all my calories let alone extras from exercising but on days off I am usually starving. Obviously I need to even that out but I am glad I'm not alone. Good luck op!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    Are you lacking any vital nutrients/vitamins?
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    I looked at your diary, and you're doing pretty well with your caloric intake. IMO I think you should cut back on the carbs at least a little bit, and increase your protein and fat consumption. Carbs are not going to keep you satisfied for very long, whereas protein and fat will. Also, I don't know how much water you're drinking, but thirst can often be mistaken for hunger. Drink lots of water all day long and this may help.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Crazy as this sounds you might want to try eating less. I started reading about andhave started experimenting with Intermittent Fasting (IF). Previously, I would eat HUGE breakfast...oatmeal, three eggs, four egg whites, and some fruit and by 10 I would be hungry again, and then hunry at lunch time.

    Last two days I had dinner at 7pm and just had a big glass of water and coffee in the and did not ea until 12pm. To my amazment I actually felt fine...my stomach growled a little but I just ignored it..usually if you sip/drink water you feel full again...

    I think I am goig to use IF with my carb cycling and work out regimen to torch off some body fat....

    Don't take my word for it..google it on the net and research it yourself...
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Today is a non-exercise day for me too and I'm feeling RAVENOUS. Over the last 2 months I've been on MFP, I only remember this happening one other time. I am drinking water, but I'm also just eating a little more to satiate myself. Besides, if I ever feel like I'm depriving myself, I will not stick with this lifestyle change. Try to make some healthy choices and EAT!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Today is a non-exercise day for me too and I'm feeling RAVENOUS. Over the last 2 months I've been on MFP, I only remember this happening one other time. I am drinking water, but I'm also just eating a little more to satiate myself. Besides, if I ever feel like I'm depriving myself, I will not stick with this lifestyle change. Try to make some healthy choices and EAT!

    how much protein are you getting? When you feel that way it may be best to have a protein shake mixed with water...it will help satiate you ..
  • Faith2Bfit
    Faith2Bfit Posts: 33 Member
    I have days when I feel like I could eat an elephant. Then I have days where Im not hungry at all. I haven't started insanity yet thats a future goal but I do know that on days where I have a LOT of activity Im starving the next day. I sit there for a moment and think am I craving something specific or am I just hungry.... If I could eat anything..... then Im hungry and I eat something small fruit apple snack bar. If I want pizza i suck it up and go on :) Listen to your body it will tell you what you need.
  • katarinakr
    In regards to the person who has a picture of Plankton (a marine microorganism & on 'Sponge Bob' an unsuccessful restaraunt owner/villain with a computer wife and extended family that are hillbillies). If the suit fits??? LOL

    I can't believe the A-hole has responded to so many posts. That person must be miserable as they seem to love to bring others down instead of build you up. At least they could try and use a little tact when offering advice. Or put their face up. Coward. Just makes me mad.
  • BABetter1
    BABetter1 Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks everyone for the many great observations and support. Hey guy with the snarky comment about having something more substantial than a protein shake. You obviously didn't read the original post all the way through. I had the protein shake, immediately followed by the banana, AND the 5 egg white omelette (with 2 cups of kale greens and chopped onions) and 2 slices of whole multi-grain toast. Couple of hours later, I had a yogurt for a snack. Couple of hours after that, I came home and tried to eat everything in the house (THIS IS AN EXAGGERATION, FOLKS, FYI), and I was STILL feeling absolutely ravenous. So, I don't know, maybe think about actually reading a little before adding your two cents.

    So, today I got a nifty little Polar F11 heart rate monitor. Don't know if I completely believe how many calories it says I burned during my Insanity workout, but . . . . 787!! Could that be right? If it is, I think I've just discovered why I was starving yesterday. Definitely gonna' bump up my calorie goals.
  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Thanks everyone for the many great observations and support. Hey guy with the snarky comment about having something more substantial than a protein shake. You obviously didn't read the original post all the way through. I had the protein shake, immediately followed by the banana, AND the 5 egg white omelette (with 2 cups of kale greens and chopped onions) and 2 slices of whole multi-grain toast. Couple of hours later, I had a yogurt for a snack. Couple of hours after that, I came home and tried to eat everything in the house (THIS IS AN EXAGGERATION, FOLKS, FYI), and I was STILL feeling absolutely ravenous. So, I don't know, maybe think about actually reading a little before adding your two cents.

    So, today I got a nifty little Polar F11 heart rate monitor. Don't know if I completely believe how many calories it says I burned during my Insanity workout, but . . . . 787!! Could that be right? If it is, I think I've just discovered why I was starving yesterday. Definitely gonna' bump up my calorie goals.

    Definitely could be right! I've seen most men burning around that amount with their Insanity workouts. Enjoy the new monitor! It will change your life. I love mine :happy:
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    I get that way too so I understand!! A lot of times it's from working out.