Is it the scale or is it me?

I've been eating under/at my MFP goals and exercising above (like twice the amount of calories burned above) my MFP goals 90% of the time, and at first I was dropping weight at a really good clip. I've lost about 5-6lbs and suddenly BOOM no more weight loss. I'm seeing better definition in some of my muscle groups, and my measurements have dropped a little bit, but it seems like everything has stopped. I know what plateauing is, so I've been mixing up the food, exercise, anything I can think of, and still nothing. I'm also not feeling hungry anymore after I've eaten all my calories. Am I doing it wrong, or do I need a new scale?


  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    You probably need to eat more. Are you eating back your exercise calories?
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Do you mean that you are regularly in high negative net calories? If so, that's probably the issue. Your body has slowed down to attempt to maintain its weight on the tiny amount of calories you've been giving it. Eating more will fix that, although you might initially see a gain.
  • rissstewart
    rissstewart Posts: 10 Member
    I'm eating back my exercise calories. I have calories left at the end of the day but its always less than 100. 126siany: I don't know what you mean by being "in high negative net calories" but I'm eating back my exercise calories, and am always eating b/w 1200-1600 calories daily subject to my exercise that day. I've been burning 1000-1500 calories a week.
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    How many pounds a week did set it at ? Also who many are you trying to lose. You could have it set too aggresive.

    Also are you getting protein/water intake? Also are you going over on sodium intake?
  • blueroses_78
    get in some more water, and take one day that you don't exercise and over eat (by less than 400 calories). See if that helps any. Sometimes, the body gets used to the lower caloric intake and fights to maintain homeostasis, so if you up the calories one day, usually the body is like "whoa" and it kinda resets the whole thing. That's what's worked for me the last several times.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I can pretty much assure you it isn't the scale!

    Here is my take on your situation - the calorie needs and calories consumed are all estimates. The way you estimate your food plays a HUGE part in that. If you aren't weighing everything you eat (and I don't, not saying to do this), then you are probably overestimating your food a little. Just cut back a little bit more and you will probable see the weight move again.
  • erikadelacruz7
    I'm having the exact same problem. I've watched my calories and really try hard to keep my carb intake to under 60g. I ate a late meal last night perhaps a bad idea because my weigh in this moring showed no results. I feel though that the scale hasn't budged.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Meeting your goals 90% of the time leaves a lot of room for not meeting goals. Do you meet them 100% of the time every WEEK?

    Especially if you're slacked off a bit on measuirng accurately and counting everything. That's why most people plateau - they go back to their old habits.

    Also, if you've lost weight, you may need to reset your MFP measures to lower your recommended calories. As we get thinner we need to eat less because our bodies get more efficient (darn it).
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    Will you make your food diary public so we can see what you're doing?
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    We can't see your diary but from what you said it sounds like you are netting very low and yes...that will cause plateau! You need to net at least 1200 calories - that is AFTER exercise. also - you are correct that the scale is not always the best indicator of your success. Its a guideline and should be used as that!

    Change up your routine and make sure you are eating as clean as you can. You'll see results!! Keep up the good work!
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    I've been eating under/at my MFP goals and exercising above (like twice the amount of calories burned above) my MFP goals 90% of the time, and at first I was dropping weight at a really good clip. I've lost about 5-6lbs and suddenly BOOM no more weight loss. I'm seeing better definition in some of my muscle groups, and my measurements have dropped a little bit, but it seems like everything has stopped. I know what plateauing is, so I've been mixing up the food, exercise, anything I can think of, and still nothing. I'm also not feeling hungry anymore after I've eaten all my calories. Am I doing it wrong, or do I need a new scale?

    guys... she said that she sees definiton and sees plateau at 5 pounds...her muscles are growing at the same time she is losing fat, she is on the right track, THIS IS WHY SCALES ARE BAD and pictures are good... YOU see results, that means you are getting results.. Keep doing your thing, your metabolism is burning hotter, you know what you are doing with exercising and food so, I would say, you are doing great and to keep it up. but as always.. PICS over the scale...
  • rissstewart
    rissstewart Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all the help! I'll see if I'm underestimating my food. I say I track accurately only 90% of the time b/c of computer/app access makes it difficult when I travel. This isn't my first rodeo so to speak, so I actually try and overestimate my food and underestimate my exercise, but like it was mentioned, its all guesswork w/o a food scale and one of those fancy calculator things. I've considered pictures, but self-esteem issues usually prevent me from taking that route. I've done measurements, but its not time for me to measure again, so I'll get to see if that's changed in another month! I can't reset my MFP measures b/c my daily goal w/o exercise is 1200 calories. I won't make my food diary public, but if anyone wants to message me, I can give more specific information. I just want to really make sure I'm giving it my best shot. I've tried to lose weight every possible way and food/exercise diaries work best for me, but I always hit a point where it seems like I can't go any farther so I get frustrated, stop, and end up back at the beginning! Trying to make a true commitment here, and appreciate the help!