Why am I starving shorty after a meal?

so for the past few weeks Ive been dealing with an increased appetite which has caused me to have trouble staying under my 1400 calories. Most days my meals are around 300 calories each and I have a couple snacks, for example this morning i had a two egg omelet with one slice of cheese four slices deli cut chicken and some broccoli. that was about 30 minutes ago and now im starving. Yesterday I had two soy chicken breast and a red potato for breakfast and one can tuna, half a cucumber, some cherry tomatoes, a cheese stick and a tbs of mayo for lunch. I also had a slimfast and a 100 calorie snack. plus dinner, chicken and veggies and a small serving of pasta. I drink water and have only been exercising about 4 days a week at 200-400 calorieds burned.

any advice on what to do? im tired of the hunger pains!


  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    Maybe you need to eat more?
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    1400 calories is the suggestion that MFP gave me for my weight and losing 1.5 lbs a week, I rarely lose that, in fact I havent lost a lb in a month :(

    i also have my activity level set to low, because i spend a lot of time at the computer most days, maybe i need to up it a level
  • robyng1986
    robyng1986 Posts: 139 Member
    ^^^ i agree. try eating more and see how it goes. I like to eat things like brown rice with meals, good fibre and very filling.

    i hope you work out what's best for you!! :happy:
  • meganbook
    I feel hungry all of the time too, I constantly have to urge to eat something. What keeps my hunger at bay is raw vegetables. Carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli. I eat them by the handful. Around 1030 when I get my first snack craving, at lunch with my salad, after my workout with a tablespoon of hummus, and when I'm done eating supper if I'm still hungry I'll munch on some more veggies when I'm preparing my lunch for the next day. They big and bulky, take a long time to chew, and they fill you up. If you can't eat them plain, I'd suggest hummus, salsa (you'd be surprised!), light salad dressing, or laughing cow cheese. A cup of veggies has about 20-30 calories, so eat up! Hope this helps! :smile:
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Don't forget that you are allowed to eat your exercise calories back. I'd make sure you have healthy fats at each meal.
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    I feel hungry all of the time too, I constantly have to urge to eat something. What keeps my hunger at bay is raw vegetables. Carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli. I eat them by the handful. Around 1030 when I get my first snack craving, at lunch with my salad, after my workout with a tablespoon of hummus, and when I'm done eating supper if I'm still hungry I'll munch on some more veggies when I'm preparing my lunch for the next day. They big and bulky, take a long time to chew, and they fill you up. If you can't eat them plain, I'd suggest hummus, salsa (you'd be surprised!), light salad dressing, or laughing cow cheese. A cup of veggies has about 20-30 calories, so eat up! Hope this helps! :smile:

    thanks I have been eating a lot of carrots, it does help some for a while. thanks
  • Macyboston
    Macyboston Posts: 37 Member
    I know you said you drink water but are you getting enough hydration? If you're dehydrated your body will indicate with hunger. I've read that you should take your weight and divide it in half and that's how many ounces of water you should be drinking each day?

    Also, if you use artificial sweeteners they will make you feel hungry too because they trick your body into thinking it's been given fuel when it really hasn't.

    As someone already pointed out, fiber will make you feel fuller longer. You might want to try something like oats in the morning for breakfast. Your body will burn those carbs slowly throughout the morning which your body might be craving after fasting during the night.
  • AshlynG923
    AshlynG923 Posts: 59 Member
    Could be heartburn? Sometimes, for me at least, I get heartburn which can easily feel like my stomach growling.
  • skudera27
    Everyone is different, but I try to eat something every 2-3 hours

    6am breakfast - english muffin w/ pb
    10am snack - grapes
    11-12 gym
    1230 lunch - salad w/ tuna, chicken, etc
    2pm snack - greek yogurt
    330pm snack - apple
    6pm dinner
    8pm - evening snack

    i sometimes get a hunger urge, but not for long since i break up my eating throughout the day
    currently on 1260 calorie diet (before workout). I end up eating around 1600 for the day
  • radioberry
    I eat similar to skudera menu without any hunger problems. I have also found it to be much easier for me to eat 5 mini meals instead of 3 meals with 2 snacks.
  • Culley34
    Take down 32 oz. of water before a meal.

    Also, it takes the brain about 20 minutes after eating to realize that you're stomach is full.
  • skudera27
    I eat similar to skudera menu without any hunger problems. I have also found it to be much easier for me to eat 5 mini meals instead of 3 meals with 2 snacks.

    yes, exactly. my 'mini meals' usually fall between 200-400 calories each. breakfast 290, lunch 300, greek yogurt 150-175, dinner usually a little more but 500 or below, sometimes throw in a protein bar around 200 cal... it's been working for me very well (outside of the fact that I threw that plan away on my honeymoon ;) )
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Eating something with a lot of salt in it makes me feel more hungry afterwards. For other people it's sugar that makes them feel like they actually want to eat more.

    I second the advice other posters have written to drink water, eat more fiber, protein and veggies to make you feel fuller.

    Or, do you think you could be pregnant?
  • missk8t
    missk8t Posts: 6 Member
    I noticed I was feeling the same way until someone said to me to make sure I chew 30 times before swallowing. I suffer IBS and this is a common problem for IBS sufferers that we don't chew food enough. When I started chewing for this long by the time I finished my lunch/breakfast etc I was feeling full and satisfied but my cravings an hour later have nearly gone. Occasionally I'll get the odd craving but I usually just have a sesame snap or piece of fruit.

    Might be worth a thought?
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    Eating something with a lot of salt in it makes me feel more hungry afterwards. For other people it's sugar that makes them feel like they actually want to eat more.

    I second the advice other posters have written to drink water, eat more fiber, protein and veggies to make you feel fuller.

    Or, do you think you could be pregnant?

    oh man, dont jinks me! lol....I actually just had a blood test done 8/16 so I could get a new script for birth control, it was neg. but as crazy as it sound the it kinda does remind me of the way I feel then
  • joywo
    joywo Posts: 39 Member
    Make sure you have protein with every meal. Quinoa is great and versatile.
  • icerose137
    icerose137 Posts: 318 Member
    Try taking in more fiber. I love using Konjac Gluconnaman powder. I mix it in my smoothie if I'm having that for breakfast or in a cup of plain almond milk right before a meal. (I can't have regular milk.)

    Mix it in a blender if you do it and drink it right away. The fiber is natural and not only keeps me feeling full and satisfied, it also keeps my blood sugar levels stable. Since I'm hypoglycemic I can't tell you how wonderful that is to not start shaking two hours after I've eaten because my sugar has crashed.
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies. Ive read all your answer and will be trying them to see what works. I probably need to increase my water intake. :)
  • ErinRibbens
    ErinRibbens Posts: 370 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? How close are you to your goal weight? 1.5 lbs a week is quite high, maybe you might want to lower that goal which would raise your calories a bit. You are eating healthy, filling foods so I would guess you might not be eating quite enough.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    You're not eating enough carbs. On days that I eat low carb, I get hungry sooner after a meal. Add in some whole wheat toast or wild rice into your meals and see if that helps.