Mommy friends.

So I recently had a baby 4 months ago. I'm so tired of looking at myself and my boyfriend keeps telling me not to end up like most women who have babies and let themselves go... Trying to diet, workout, and take care of a baby just gets so hard. Are there any other moms out there who is having a hard time like me? I'm almost to my weight goal but certain days i feel like just giving up. I need someone to help me motivate myself. I'd like to get some new mommy friends (or people in general) to diet with and hear your stories or struggles.


  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I'm 30...single mom to 2 kids! I juggle a full-time job, the kids, their sports schedules & practices, and attempting to keep with a social life. I fallen off and gotten back on the wagon more times than I care to admit but I want this and I want it bad so I'm hoping this time around will give me the results that I want so badly. Feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • mrs_deg1983
    I have two little girls. One just turned four and the newest is six weeks old. It took me six months with my first to feel normal again.. With my newest i had another c- section and breast feeding and i feel like it will talk longer to get back to normal. As for what your husband / boyfriend has to say dont let them push you cause it will push you right in to depression. Dont get me wrong, take care of your self.
  • albhed1039
    I had my son july 24th, and just got the Ok to start working out. I had some complications from a c - sec, so its taken much longer than I would have liked. I know how it feels to want to be back to normal NOW! :)

    for my husband and I what seems to work is I let him work out in the mornings ( hes in the military so he has PT) and I go that night to the gym. I prefer to work out in the morning, but I can only get that on weekends if I want.

    also to eat healthy, I try to plan out the days meal in the morning over my morning bagel. I have not been too successful at planning lunch yet, mainly just frozen healthy choice meals, But I take the baby with me to the grocery store to grab just enough fresh food for dinner that night. It gets me out of the house, gets the little guy some fresh air, and keeps me from just "eating whatever" because I don't have anything healthy.

    I also got my husband on MFP. even though he does not need it, its nice for him to be aware that I cant eat 2 slices of 500 calorie pizza for lunch ... :) hes helping me stay n track when we both have to add in the same meal. keeps me from cheating and he keeps me motivated to go to the gym. also gives him some quality time wit the baby.

    feel free to add me ( im not sure how... im really new to this) and maybe my new routine can help you out.

    Edited to add - 100 cal skinny cow fudge bars ... mmmmm they are my saving grace :D one a day wont break my diet AND they are awesome
  • KWKY
    KWKY Posts: 110 Member
    There's a group called "post partum pack" if you want to meet lots of ladies who are going through similar issues...

    Did you boyfriend really say that? I have two girls and with both of them it took me a good 9-12 months to feel like a normal human being again. This Sun I am running my second HM so there is light at the end of the tunnel!

    Feel free to add me if you want :D
  • sweetkristina
    So I recently had a baby 4 months ago. I'm so tired of looking at myself and my boyfriend keeps telling me not to end up like most women who have babies and let themselves go... Trying to diet, workout, and take care of a baby just gets so hard. Are there any other moms out there who is having a hard time like me? I'm almost to my weight goal but certain days i feel like just giving up. I need someone to help me motivate myself. I'd like to get some new mommy friends (or people in general) to diet with and hear your stories or struggles.

    My son is 4 now. I didn't do much for weight loss until after his 2nd birthday. I just took my time. You are way better off than I was. Although, my bf didn't make comments to me like yours has. I don't know what I would have done if he had said something like that 4 months after having a baby. It took 9 months get your body that way, it is going to take some time to go back. He needs to be more understanding, but just keep doing what you're doing, and you'll get there way before the 1st birthday!
  • anjoola
    anjoola Posts: 9 Member
    Congratulations on the new bundle of joy! Shame on your boyfriend for saying that. He'll catch more flies with sugar than vinegar. Of course women gain weight when pregnant. But believe me, most people gain weight as they age, including men! No one can eat the same as when they were in high school and stay slim forever!

    There are some very inspiring success stories on here, I hope to be one too! Good luck and think positive!
  • wakeboardgirl77
    I'm a mommy to a two year old, and he keeps me motivated (most of the time). Keep working at it!! If you'd like, add me as a friend, we can encourage each other! I have finally worked off the baby weight, now I'm working on the excess weight I was carrying around long before my son came along. Its even harder when you don't have support in your husband makes fun of the "rabbit food" that I eat while he eats a hamburger. I don't know how to deal with the situation other than to tell him that I feel much better than I ever did, and hope that my good influence rubs off on my son (which he does pretty well when it comes to eating his veggies, so I must be doing something right). Keep up the good work!!!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Your baby is only 4 months old. Give yourself a break. You are doing great so far, so just keep going. There will days when it's hard. You are tired, but you just have to push yourself. I hope your bf was just joking when he said don't be like one of those women who just let go after having kids.

    I am 32, and have 2 kids (4 and 2.5). DH and I alternate days when one of us watches the kids and the other exercises right after we get home, and then the other person will do their workout at night after the kids' bedtime. I find that it's hard to get back into it when I skip a day or two. So I just try not to skip days.

    Good luck.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    So I recently had a baby 4 months ago. I'm so tired of looking at myself and my boyfriend keeps telling me not to end up like most women who have babies and let themselves go...

    This makes me sad. I wonder if your boyfriend would "let himself go" if he GREW a HUMAN in his BODY? :grumble: If he's so concerned about how you look he can be on baby duty while you go to the gym and help you shop for/cook healthy meals. You are doing great and should give yourself time to get your body back. My third baby is 5 months old (my other kids are 11 and 3), and I've been on here since the little one was a month old. I'm down to 25lbs below pre-pregnancy weight. It can be done if you're dedicated, especially if you have support. :smile:
  • winterdancer
    you can add me. I am 37 years old a single mom of a 10 year old daughter Rylee
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Congratulations on baby! Raising children is the most rewarding and demanding job there is! Committing to a healthy lifestyle will not only keep your stress and emotions in check, but will be a wonderful example for your child. I have 5 kids, and only after my 4th did I "let myself go" . . took me 7 years to commit to a healhty lifestyle, but it is so good to have "me" back. My sister on the other hand has 5 kids, and still has the body of a model at 48, so it is possible! Enlist the help of boyfriend to watch baby while you workout and prepare healthy meals, it will do you both good! You are beautiful and you have youth on your side - form GOOD habits now!
  • anjoola
    anjoola Posts: 9 Member
    Your baby is only 4 months old. Give yourself a break. You are doing great so far, so just keep going. There will days when it's hard. You are tired, but you just have to push yourself. I hope your bf was just joking when he said don't be like one of those women who just let go after having kids.

    I am 32, and have 2 kids (4 and 2.5). DH and I alternate days when one of us watches the kids and the other exercises right after we get home, and then the other person will do their workout at night after the kids' bedtime. I find that it's hard to get back into it when I skip a day or two. So I just try not to skip days.

    Good luck.

    Great idea for you and Dad to TAKE TURNS watching the kids so you BOTH have time to exercise!