Question: Can unused calories roll over to the next day?

I'm new here and have a question: Can calories roll over to the next day, or are they just lost if you dont use them?


  • Good question. I would like to know this too.
  • waj_b
    waj_b Posts: 45 Member
    ofcourse they can...
    weight gain/ weight loss is not just a one day thing... its over a period of time... i say think of it weekly.. so hit your targets by the end of the week... if you've gone over it doesnt matter just balance it out and vice versa..
  • Moniqua1
    Moniqua1 Posts: 195 Member
    Yes! Your body is a constant machine, you don't lose weight day to day but with consistency over time. I'm very good during the work week and allow myself to enjoy my weekends.
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    They can. For some people it's more helpful to look at this as a weekly goal. For example:

    If your MFP goal is set to 1500 cals then you have 10,500 cals a week to play with.

    Hit that number any way you'd like. One low day isn't going to hurt you anymore than one high day will. Whatever works best for you!
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member happen that I am just not hungry so I eat a bit less......the next day I am always starving so I use my calories from the day before. That being said, I eat 1700 calories a day. I would not recommend it if you are eating 1200 calories.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    If you're worried about going over, look at your log and check the weekly net. As long as you are UNDER your weekly net, then you shouldnt have to worry about it too much.
  • Thanks guys! I am usually always under just a little. Have been over once or twice but not by much. I figured it was okay, just wanted other opinions :happy:
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    If you use the phone app it has a great bar chart for the week. It tells you how you did average over the period.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Can they? Yes, but it's a bit of a slippery slope. Your goal should be good habits, not coming in way under one day so you can binge the next. If you're 50 or 100 cals under one day and 50 or 100 over the next, that's more than fine.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    ofcourse they can...
    weight gain/ weight loss is not just a one day thing... its over a period of time... i say think of it weekly.. so hit your targets by the end of the week... if you've gone over it doesnt matter just balance it out and vice versa..

    ^^This. If you're weighing in weekly/monthly, the calorie deficit accumulates over time, resulting in weight loss. Just don't go overboard with it. Our calorie needs change from day to day anyway, depending on how active we are. Sunday is my rest day, so I don't generally eat as much on Sundays (usually a very light breakfast and dinner, and my larger meal right after church Sunday morning). If you're especially active on one particular day, you may need to eat a little more than usual. If you're less active, eat a little less.
  • hiker359
    hiker359 Posts: 577 Member
    Nah, but you can roll out of bed the next day and do things the way you should have done them the day before. The body doesn't keep a tally of how many calories you consume each day. It only cares about what it needs and what is in reserve (in terms of body fat).
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    don't forget, the goal is nutrient dense foods, not processed junk.... so if you have a nice healthy day of eating and wind up under calories, don't turn around the next day and say, "i was under my goal yesterday so i'm going to eat this tub of ice cream."
  • ofcourse they can...
    weight gain/ weight loss is not just a one day thing... its over a period of time... i say think of it weekly.. so hit your targets by the end of the week... if you've gone over it doesnt matter just balance it out and vice versa..

    I agree! I use the weekly summary to see if I can go over one day if I may want to satisfy a craving. Use the reports and look at your net calories. You should be fine.
  • Yes! Your body is a constant machine, you don't lose weight day to day but with consistency over time. I'm very good during the work week and allow myself to enjoy my weekends.

    I also am VERY good during the work week and although I don't go overboard on the weekends, I do eat more than my allotted calories and I am averaging about a 2.5 pd loss a week. I weigh in every Tuesday.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Can they? Yes, but it's a bit of a slippery slope. Your goal should be good habits, not coming in way under one day so you can binge the next. If you're 50 or 100 cals under one day and 50 or 100 over the next, that's more than fine.

    Though there are some who argue that by varying it from day to day, it keeps the body from getting used to a specific number, which is beneficial to our metabolism in the long run. So, some people will purposely cycle higher/lower calorie days, as long as it averages out to an appropriate number.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Can they? Yes, but it's a bit of a slippery slope. Your goal should be good habits, not coming in way under one day so you can binge the next. If you're 50 or 100 cals under one day and 50 or 100 over the next, that's more than fine.

    Though there are some who argue that by varying it from day to day, it keeps the body from getting used to a specific number, which is beneficial to our metabolism in the long run. So, some people will purposely cycle higher/lower calorie days, as long as it averages out to an appropriate number.

    And some people say they can build muscle on a deficit doing cardio.
  • vickilm1976
    vickilm1976 Posts: 141 Member
    I keep hearing about this weekly net calorie summary, but for the life of me cannot find it. Can anyone help me with this? I found a 7 day chart, but it doesn't give me my net cals.
  • waj_b
    waj_b Posts: 45 Member
    Can they? Yes, but it's a bit of a slippery slope. Your goal should be good habits, not coming in way under one day so you can binge the next. If you're 50 or 100 cals under one day and 50 or 100 over the next, that's more than fine.

    Though there are some who argue that by varying it from day to day, it keeps the body from getting used to a specific number, which is beneficial to our metabolism in the long run. So, some people will purposely cycle higher/lower calorie days, as long as it averages out to an appropriate number.

    100% correct ... it is FACT is constantly eat low carb (more so lowcarb) or constant lower calories without change... your body will go into SURVIVAL mode.. and hold onto your fat.. you should have slightly high calorie/carb days atleasttt once a week.
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I'm new here and have a question: Can calories roll over to the next day, or are they just lost if you dont use them?

    depends on who you talk to...

    basically I consider things on a weekly basis... mfp give me ~2100... I like to do 5 days at 1900 and 2 days at 2400... that is about 400 less than the weekly allowance... and lets me do things like go 50 over on a day...

    I lose pretty consistently when I do this...

    but it took some figuring and calculating to figure this out FOR ME...

    weight loss is a basic set of generalizations that you look at and try and work and then personalize... if you find that it works for you to do it one way then do it that way... personally for me... this feels like a built in cheat day... I can be "good" for five days... and not beat myself up for "going over"
  • bii14
    bii14 Posts: 192
    very informative replies from everyone of you thanks! i was just stressing over going over my goal tday.. made me feel much better :)