Insanity workout. How many calorie's should I be taking in?


New here. Just wondering how many calories I should be taking in while doing the Insanity program. I started 3 weeks ago, I'm 5'10", and weighed 190.4 lbs. Today I'm at 185.8lbs. I guess on average I take in around 2000 a day, some days I take in less and feel fine some days I take in more. I feel a little faint today and have eaten more then a usual day. I guess the low calorie days can catch up with you????? I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day so I doubt it's dehydration. Anyway I'm looking for some recommendations on calorie intake. My goal is to get to 175 at some point.



  • semperfit1823
    The program should have a nutrition calculator and diet provided when I was on it I believe I was between 2300-3000 and I was 185 starting. Also don't guess what you intake "Every real body builder has a food scale"-Phil Heath 2011 Mr.Olympia.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator

    New here. Just wondering how many calories I should be taking in while doing the Insanity program. I started 3 weeks ago, I'm 5'10", and weighed 190.4 lbs. Today I'm at 185.8lbs. I guess on average I take in around 2000 a day, some days I take in less and feel fine some days I take in more. I feel a little faint today and have eaten more then a usual day. I guess the low calorie days can catch up with you????? I drink at least 8 glasses of water a day so I doubt it's dehydration. Anyway I'm looking for some recommendations on calorie intake. My goal is to get to 175 at some point.


    I am 5'11, 30 yr old, 195 lbs and 12% body fat. I found that 2600 was optimal. Currently, I am doing p90x/insanity, so you might need a little more. Also, do you know your body fat? If not, you really should. Aiming for a weight goal is pointless if you don't know how much lean muscle you have. I originally was aiming for 175 until I realize I have 176 lbs of lean body mass and realized I would need to lose 10lbs + to get there.

    As a side note, most women I know doing that program eat 1800-2100.. so you will probably need to up your calories for best results.
  • SD865
    Thank you for the replies, sorry I shouldn't have said I guess my calorie intake. I actually do keep close track it's just some days I got over 2000 and some days under 2000.

    I don't know my body fat, I don't have access to a body fat caliper. I should order one online.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Thank you for the replies, sorry I shouldn't have said I guess my calorie intake. I actually do keep close track it's just some days I got over 2000 and some days under 2000.

    I don't know my body fat, I don't have access to a body fat caliper. I should order one online.

    It's highly suggest and it's like $10 from amazon or beachbody. Mine came with my CLX package. If I use the online calculators ( or using body fat calipers is a difference of 6%. If I use the online calculator, I would eat 150 calories less than I do now. But it can be beneficial.
  • Honeydew007

    I just started my insanity workout and its on my fifth day now. I was wondering about the calories.. i'm really petite only 146CM and weight 43Kg. How much calories i should intake for insanity workout to see maximal result ?? Thanks heaps!
  • Ajay1979
    I currently on week 3 of insanity just done the cardio power and resistance today feeling al little bit down as I don't think I changing ???? I am eating all the right things and weigh 173lbs although my wife does say I am looking like I have lost a bit, one thing I can say my core now feels roc solid and I am sure I am getting some abs starting to poke through, I just hope this fat will burn off in month 2 ????
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator

    I just started my insanity workout and its on my fifth day now. I was wondering about the calories.. i'm really petite only 146CM and weight 43Kg. How much calories i should intake for insanity workout to see maximal result ?? Thanks heaps!

    1500 Calories. Macro's around 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fats.