Veggies!!! What is your take?



  • emilye72
    emilye72 Posts: 41 Member
    I love most of them. I can't really say I hate a specific one, except green beans maybe, and whichever ones I have never tried before. I use to be a vegetarian so I am use to eating tons of veggies. There's nothing better than being able to fill up on a bunch of low cal veggies, and feel satisfied after.
  • DMW914
    DMW914 Posts: 368 Member
    I'm in between when it comes to vegetables. I like most of them but some I have to eat cooked in with other foods, like peas for instance, I can't stand them alone but in casserole they're tolerable & radishes too much bite :sick: but with a good salad...not so bad...:ohwell:
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member

    This evening I cut up a courgette (zucchini) and fried it in a bit of oil, some chilli powder and lemon juice. You're supposed to add garlic too, but I was too lazy to chop some up! That's from the Jamie Oliver cook book. He has some lovely veg recipes in there. Another one I do sometimes is potatoes, carrots, peas and broccoli all together and mashed with mint sauce.

    When it gets colder I like to make soup - loads of veggies and some lentils.

    If I make shepherd's pie I use sweet potato mash on top instead of normal potatoes.

    That zucchini dish sounds fantastic Dawn!!! I am definitely going to have to try that! Hmm mint sauce, never heard of that! Sound interesting!!
  • vegafalling
    vegafalling Posts: 8 Member
    I love veggies, but struggled with a lot of them and even some fruits until I was older because as a child my parents were poor, and bought canned vegetables. No disrespect to the canned veggie, they are still very good for you but as a result I "thought" I didn't like certain ones until later in life when I was able to try them fresh.
  • dellrio
    dellrio Posts: 131 Member
    I do love and have always loved veggies - fresh or frozen, don't care much for canned ones. 5 Years ago I stopped eating meat which prompted me to increase my veggie intake - after 5 years they just get better and better, and the more you eat them and cook with them the more you appreciate the natural flavors.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I'm in between when it comes to vegetables. I like most of them but some I have to eat cooked in with other foods, like peas for instance, I can't stand them alone but in casserole they're tolerable & radishes too much bite :sick: but with a good salad...not so bad...:ohwell:

    I agree, some veggies when mixed do taste better then on their own! I never used to add other veggies to my salad besides the basic lettuce, tomato - now i do a ton lol i put cauliflower, celery, broccoli, onion, love it all in my salad, except for carrot for some reason, like those on their own!
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    Love veggies!!! Current faves are sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes, but really, I can't think of any I don't like or won't eat...
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Veggies and more veggies for me. Considering how little meat I eat, I'd almost starve if I didn't like veggies. Cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, all kinds of lettuce, RED onions, corn, baby carrots, green beans, turnip/collard/mustard greens, cucumber, peppers -- all kinds. (I'm going on like Bubba in Forest Gump.) I make a MEAN salad.

    Shall we start on "who likes fruit"? :laugh:
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    as a vegetarian my entire life, my carnivorous friends have this curious notion that veggies are eaten raw ONLY or smothered in Hummous. this simply isn't true. Veggies can taste awful raw or steamed, but add them to a curry or a dry fry fajita mix etc and they become totally different...their flavours take on an entire new taste. it's how you cook them,season them etc that makes them taste so great.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I love veggies, but struggled with a lot of them and even some fruits until I was older because as a child my parents were poor, and bought canned vegetables. No disrespect to the canned veggie, they are still very good for you but as a result I "thought" I didn't like certain ones until later in life when I was able to try them fresh.

    Completely agree! My mom used to give me canned mushrooms all the time, and now i never eat them because I love the fresh so much! I will admit I do have a soft spot for canned green beans, for some reason I like them alot better then the fresh, but I'm thinking its because I grew up eating the canned. I will eat fresh, but I eat a lot of NSA canned ones! i can eat a whole can for about 70 cals! lol
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    I love food in general ;)
    I love veggies.

    I never heard that you palate changes every 7 years that's interesting. I know that as a child I did not like squash but as an adult I love it.

    I also know that parents can influence what children like. My mom loves every veggie except brussel sprouts so I never even tasted them until I was an adult. I like brussel sprouts--same goes with sweet potatoes.

    I will say that spinach is ok depending on how it's fixed. I like it raw in salad and smoothies. If it's frozen sometimes it has an odd slimy texture that I don't really care for.

    Oh, and okra. I only started eating it recently. I used to not be able to get past the slime but it's not so bad when you sautee it or cook it in a stew form. It grows fairly well in my container garden which is the only reason I even tried it again--free fresh food--who can say no to that??
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Love veggies!!! Current faves are sugar snap peas and cherry tomatoes, but really, I can't think of any I don't like or won't eat...

    have you ever tried the orange Zima cherry tomatoes?? If you see them in the store and haven't tried them I highly recommend them, the BEST cherry tomatoes I have ever had!!
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    Haven't found one I don't like yet :-))
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Well if you aren't counting potato or corn then don't count the below either.

    The following are botanically considered fruits and not vegetables: Avocado, Bell pepper, Bitter melon/Bitter gourd, Chayote, Courgette, Cucumber, Ivy Gourd, Eggplant/Aubergine, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet corn aka corn; aka maize, Sweet pepper , Tomatillo, Tomato, Winter melon.

    The following are botanically considered flowers and not vegetables - Artichoke, broccoli, caper, cauliflower.

    The following are botanically considered legumes and not vegetables - beans (yes, this includes green beans) and peas.

    So there you go. Just made your list of vegetables much smaller.
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    Well if you aren't counting potato or corn then don't count the below either.

    The following are botanically considered fruits and not vegetables: Avocado, Bell pepper, Bitter melon/Bitter gourd, Chayote, Courgette, Cucumber, Ivy Gourd, Eggplant/Aubergine, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet corn aka corn; aka maize, Sweet pepper , Tomatillo, Tomato, Winter melon.

    The following are botanically considered flowers and not vegetables - Artichoke, broccoli, caper, cauliflower.

    The following are botanically considered legumes and not vegetables - beans (yes, this includes green beans) and peas.

    So there you go. Just made your list of vegetables much smaller.

    I know most are not technically a veggie, but most people do consider them such. And I only meant not corn and potatoes because even most people that don't like veggies like corn and potatoes, they seem to be universally liked by a lot of people!
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    My take on veggies since I started roasting them with garlic has completely changed! I now crave brussel sprouts, broccoli, peppers, asparagus, etc like no other! It's all about finding what you like! And lately I'm loving mushrooms and sugar snap peas raw, too!!! I notice when I don't fit in veggies I ammunition actually hungrier for bad things as opposed to satisfied
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    I like them ok. I wish I liked them more--then I would eat them more. It's a process....:ohwell:
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    Well if you aren't counting potato or corn then don't count the below either.

    The following are botanically considered fruits and not vegetables: Avocado, Bell pepper, Bitter melon/Bitter gourd, Chayote, Courgette, Cucumber, Ivy Gourd, Eggplant/Aubergine, Pumpkin, Squash, Sweet corn aka corn; aka maize, Sweet pepper , Tomatillo, Tomato, Winter melon.

    The following are botanically considered flowers and not vegetables - Artichoke, broccoli, caper, cauliflower.

    The following are botanically considered legumes and not vegetables - beans (yes, this includes green beans) and peas.

    So there you go. Just made your list of vegetables much smaller.

    GAH!! And I was going to have a Courgette, Ivy Gourd, and winter melon sandwich tonight....GREAT!! :angry:

    Just kiddin' :wink: --I'm just impressed you came up with such an extensive list!!! lol
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I looooove veggies!! I've always loved them, but since making my lifestyle change, I've added in a lot more -- my new favorites.... eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, spaghetti squash, kohlrabi, beets, spinach, and sweet potatoes. I love pretty much all veggies! and eat a whole bunch every day - eat way more veggies than fruit. :)
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    I like them ok. I wish I liked them more--then I would eat them more. It's a process....:ohwell:

    I agree, if you were never a veggie lover growing up it does take some getting used to. When i first started really eating veggies i would always have to eat them w something like dip or hummus. I always ate veggies, but just the basic and more bad food then the veggies lol it definitely got more enjoyable when i learned to cook. I like some raw but i cook w them alot more. I get burnt out on salads lol