
So one of my co-workers is on this / selling it. From what I can tell it looks like a "diet" wrapped around a pyramid. Am I wrong?


  • Shays0518
    Shays0518 Posts: 51 Member
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Sent you a is not a "diet"
  • aggiesrar05
    aggiesrar05 Posts: 335 Member
    not a "diet" purely pyramid.
  • Shays0518
    Shays0518 Posts: 51 Member
    Nothing personal tnrunningnurs, but I got the same speil in email from you as I did from the woman at work that is selling it. It's almost like a script.....really.
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I seriously considered it too.
    My reasons for passing is I am looking for a weight loss with no short cuts, something of a life change. I need sustainability and don't see spending the pure amount of money they want to be truly sustainable.

    To me, I use why protein because I am lifting and working out alot, so that should help with muscle production (15 per month) and it saves me money because to make up for it in chicken/fish or egg would cost more than a shake a day. A multivitamin has anything I could want to help fill in gaps.

    I know a LOT of people who have done this and sadly the ones who have needed it most have gained all and extra when they stopped or ran out. I decided that I would stop asking yo yo dieters for advice and focus on the large number that have lost weight naturally and forever! Yes, there are sucess stories, however, there are a lot of sucess stories with simple diet changes and activities. Most are addicted too. They can't wait for their drink and it may be healthy, but they seem to go through withdrawels without it.

    My husband still has pushed to try that or the beachbody one. The "cost more than eating at mcd's" or justifying the cost doesn't work well for me because with 3 kids that amount of money can make a difference. Also, we don't eat out. We eat a lot of fruits and vegies and almost every meal is made at home? More than a latte? Well, we don't buy coffee house drinks either. We do work out butts off for every pound lost. By doing it the way that changes our habits, I really think it will stay off for good and give us a healthy relationship with food :) Good luck deciding though, it looks enticing.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Before anyone judges they should do there OWN research.. I have know reason to hide the businsess have to maintain a certain personal volume so....NOT a pyramid. True pyramids mean that after a while if you sign up enough people then you can quit working your own business. The 24 day challenge don't want to try it that's your business. I personally love their rehydrate product. I am a runner and it is the best thing I have ever tried...been a runner for 16 years so I don't say that lightly.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I seriously considered it too.
    My reasons for passing is I am looking for a weight loss with no short cuts, something of a life change. I need sustainability and don't see spending the pure amount of money they want to be truly sustainable.

    To me, I use why protein because I am lifting and working out alot, so that should help with muscle production (15 per month) and it saves me money because to make up for it in chicken/fish or egg would cost more than a shake a day. A multivitamin has anything I could want to help fill in gaps.

    I know a LOT of people who have done this and sadly the ones who have needed it most have gained all and extra when they stopped or ran out. I decided that I would stop asking yo yo dieters for advice and focus on the large number that have lost weight naturally and forever! Yes, there are sucess stories, however, there are a lot of sucess stories with simple diet changes and activities. Most are addicted too. They can't wait for their drink and it may be healthy, but they seem to go through withdrawels without it.

    My husband still has pushed to try that or the beachbody one. The "cost more than eating at mcd's" or justifying the cost doesn't work well for me because with 3 kids that amount of money can make a difference. Also, we don't eat out. We eat a lot of fruits and vegies and almost every meal is made at home? More than a latte? Well, we don't buy coffee house drinks either. We do work out butts off for every pound lost. By doing it the way that changes our habits, I really think it will stay off for good and give us a healthy relationship with food :) Good luck deciding though, it looks enticing.
    Advocare sells more than just the 24 day challenge. The have protein supplements etc....many famous athletes use advocare. Drew Brees, Sam Bradford...hmmm
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I had a friend that did it. She also gained it all back when she stopped.

    C'mon people, diet and exercise is all it takes. No need to waste money when you can do it for free.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    tried the 24 day challenge, had a net loss of like 1.6lbs for the 24 days :(

    Cut carbs down to 100g net per day. Lost 4.8lbs the first week, ate real food and didn't take a single pill.
  • Ellegirl22
    Ellegirl22 Posts: 10 Member
    I love Advocare. Really only use the Spark and Rehydrate but have tried a lot of their products. Not a pyramid. I only buy for myself and have never gotten any pressure to do otherwise.
  • Shays0518
    Shays0518 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't really get why she approached me in the first place about it. I'm 24 lbs down from just diet and exercise on my own. I'm guessing she's trying to build her downline.....
  • One of my friends started selling it a few months back--& relies on a ton of fad diets to keep her size 4 frame. She's done the 24 day cleanse program twice now in just 3 months. Not sure how much weight she gained in her month "off" from the cleanse but I find it a little laughable that she was already needing to do the 24 day cleanse again just a month later.

    I looked into it since she's such a huge fan. I have a problem with amount of caffeine in the Spark drinks....waaaaay too much. One of her reasons behind using it was that a med/sci board oversaw it (very few on the board have medical degrees or experience with nutrition & most of the board members are on the med/sci boards of their competitors as well. It appears that they'll be on any board as long as they get paid, not that they are actually fans of one product over another. One member of the board has produced a lot of nutrition research but interestingly enough, none of it includes anything to do with Advocare & in his research article summaries, he never suggests any products such as advocare be used to assist with weight loss.

    Her other reason for using it is that so many athletes do. I don't really care what athletes do any more than I care about celebrity diets. I care more about medical degrees, understanding of nutrition, etc. Athletes do a lot of extreme things that I wouldn't do.

    I also watched a few of Advocare's training videos online, training their sales people. It was unsettling to say the least. Bottom line: I'd spend the money on a dietician visit before I'd go with Advocare.
  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    its horrible!! you can lose a lot of weight but they do not teach you how to maintain!! so you end up gaining back
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I had a friend that did it. She also gained it all back when she stopped.

    C'mon people, diet and exercise is all it takes. No need to waste money when you can do it for free.

    exactly, there is no simple fix. It takes change and work or we will gain it all back and usually with a little extra. Even if it is just a placebo reason, our body thinks it is the magic cure and when we stop it resorts back to keeping the calories.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    I don't really get why she approached me in the first place about it. I'm 24 lbs down from just diet and exercise on my own. I'm guessing she's trying to build her downline.....
    Did she approach you about the 24 day challenge or about their other products? I am curious do you take vitamins or minerals, Fish oil or anything along that line? Buying those kind of supplements from Advocare is no different that buying them at the healthfood store. Like I said I did my own research and believe in the company and their philosophy about research and testing. I am a nurse and am very careful about what supplments I use. Maybe her approach was wrong. Just tell her you don't want to hear anymore about it and when you are ready then you will tell her.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I tried to lose weight using their products. I had horrible migraines, was physically ill, felt terrible all the time. Yes, it's a pyramid in a sense, but you can "sign on" to just by for yourself, but you have to pay a fee to join to get the discounts. I've heard a lot of people really love "spark" but I found that the sweeteners in it made it bitter and there are a lot better products on the market. Not everything works for everyone. But I do know the couple of locals that used Advocare that I know gained back the weight the minute they quit using the products.

    I think it's better to work with your health care provider and someone to monitor your progress rather than a friend or neighbor if you really need the extra knowledge or assistance.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    To each their own it works for some and not for others.
  • BucsGirl4Life
    BucsGirl4Life Posts: 29 Member
    I love Advocare. Really only use the Spark and Rehydrate but have tried a lot of their products. Not a pyramid. I only buy for myself and have never gotten any pressure to do otherwise.

    Me too! I buy the Spark and Rehydrate from hubby's co-worker and have never felt pressured to buy.
  • Shays0518
    Shays0518 Posts: 51 Member
    I don't really get why she approached me in the first place about it. I'm 24 lbs down from just diet and exercise on my own. I'm guessing she's trying to build her downline.....
    Did she approach you about the 24 day challenge or about their other products? I am curious do you take vitamins or minerals, Fish oil or anything along that line? Buying those kind of supplements from Advocare is no different that buying them at the healthfood store. Like I said I did my own research and believe in the company and their philosophy about research and testing. I am a nurse and am very careful about what supplments I use. Maybe her approach was wrong. Just tell her you don't want to hear anymore about it and when you are ready then you will tell her.

    She approached me about the 24 day challenge. She said "you're doing great but with this you can do better". When I looked into it (yes I did some research), it really smacked of an Amway type setup. Yes they have products, but their main focus is building your downline. I'm not judging you or other that are into Advocare, just wanted to get some other opinons on it.

    I feel like I'm losing my weight the smart way, a half pound to a pound a week, and I'm doing it MY way. No drinks, diets, powders etc. Just modifying my lifestyle and exercise. I don't take anything other than a regular multi-vitamin.
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    Well I am a firm believer in Herbal cleanses as we hold onto excess waste in our GI system, and I am also a firm believer in Omega fatty acids, Probiotics, calcium supplements and multi vitamins high in other anti oxidants.So a simple multi doesn't do it for me. Your co-worker may promote the 24 day challenge as the be all end all, but I for one am impressed with their other product lines. And as far as the previous post saying the Medical Board of Directors aren't "real" doctors here are a few of them. Sidny Stohs, PH.D, FACN,CNS,ATS chair. Former professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences Pharamcology and Toxicology, Creighton University Medical Center, Published works, more than 370 research and educational pulications in the areas of nutrition,pharmacology and Toxicology.

    Stanley Durick MD- Chairman Emeritus Department of Surgery and Director EMeritus of Training Pgrogram of Surgery Saint Mary's hospital Yale affilate. This is the MD that pioneered research and development of intravenous (iv) Hyperalimentation , in laymans's terms he helped developed nutrition that goes directly into the vein, used for persons whom have had GI surgery and can have nothing throught there GI tract. , Pulbished works more than 700 scientific publictions in nutrition, critical care adn surgery.

    Carl Keen PH.D Proferssor of Nutrition and Internal Medicine University of Cal, Davis. Past president CA Nutrition council, american society for nutrition....

    I could list more, but I really am tired of typing. I guess I should tell these guys that they aren't "real" doctors.