Mother of the Bride Letdown Weight Gain

10 days ago we had my daughter's beautiful wedding. I didn't quite reach my ultimate goal of 145, but was 4lbs away (149). I looked fantastic in my beautiful dress and somebody said I looked like a Greek Goddess. But starting at the rehearsal dinner I started eating and haven't stopped since. I got on the scale this morning and it said 155lbs. I don't know what to do to get back on track. All I want to do is eat. This morning I went back and read my profile about why I wanted to lose weight to begin with. That helped. I need to get back to exercising and get my brain to reboot

I know it's never too too late, but I've worked so hard I can't start over. Does anybody have any suggestions from letdown stress eating and how to stop before it's too late? Why is this weight going on so fast when I couldn't lose a lb without starving mysel?.

It's helps me just to write this.



  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    first of all, you gained 6 lbs, but I seriously doubt that you packed on 6 lbs of fat in 10 days. MAYBE 2-3 lbs unless you just seriously lost all control and ate non-stop... So, don't stress, take a day or two and drink lots of water and cut out the sodium and you'll lose quite a bit back I bet.

    After that, just set up your goals again and go for it. You'll probably lose a few more lbs quickly after 10 days of eating.

    No biggy - it was your daughter's wedding, now its over, so back to business.
  • olgamarie_t
    olgamarie_t Posts: 58 Member
    Mary, 6 pounds! wow,
    well ur goal was to look good for the wedding, u acomplished it!
    now back on track for urself. I know it happened to me too, i took a month off logging in ,in the summer, but i was fortunate to not gain i did keep eating healthy though,im not an health expert and ive only been here like 4 months ,i wish i could give u better advice. dont lose focus! were here to support u
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I HIGHLY doubt you put on 6lbs of fat in 10 days. You'd have to eat 21,000 calories ON TOP OF what you already need. Some of it's probably just normal fluctuations in your body.

    As far as letdown stress goes, here are my suggestions:
    -allow yourself one free day, then get back to logging
    -log even if you're going to overeat so you can compensate later
    -don't deprive yourself from unhealthy food, just remember to log it
    -slowly ease yourself back on track
  • Penelope2Plyr
    Penelope2Plyr Posts: 166 Member
    Rob a bank if you have too, rotfl, and get back to working out with trainer quickly! I do agree you need to relax a bit, then just do it! as Nike ads say. You did it before and you can do it again if you really want to. So the wedding is over, but you still have the same desire to look good and to get compliments like you did at the wedding. The only way for them to keep coming, is to buckle down and do what you know will take you back down and maintain. You are so worth the effort, and it will give you untold blessings my friend. Confidence, self-esteem, love of self, pride for your accomplishment, feeling great when you put something on and it fits loose and looks very nice! The list is endless if you really think about it.

    Besides all that, your daughter is now married, which means sometime in the future you will probably be getting some grandkids, and you sure want to remain active and healthy for when that time arrives. My own dear Mom always said, "I don't know why they call it babysitting, they should have called it babyrunning!" At your thin weight, you will be much more able to play and keep up. Come on you think of more reasons, and tell me one or two.

  • preaser
    preaser Posts: 85 Member
    You've focused on this wedding for so long, I'm sure it is a let down. Plan a vacation, weekend away, etc. Don't be so hard on yourself. Set some new, fun goals!
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    I HIGHLY doubt you put on 6lbs of fat in 10 days. You'd have to eat 21,000 calories ON TOP OF what you already need. Some of it's probably just normal fluctuations in your body.

    As far as letdown stress goes, here are my suggestions:
    -allow yourself one free day, then get back to logging
    -log even if you're going to overeat so you can compensate later
    -don't deprive yourself from unhealthy food, just remember to log it
    -slowly ease yourself back on track

    well said, i agree.
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    I agree with a lot of these posters that you need to give yourself a break - don't beat yourself up about the decompression binge. But now STOP! You know you don't want to continue eating like a crazy person. And more than anything else, get some exercise --- you're time & attention have been on others for a good while - now it's time to focus on YOU. Go walk. Ride a bike. Get back to the gym, if that's your thing. Go dancing. Go MOVE your body and get out of your head and off your duff and STEP AWAY FROM THE BUFFET!

    Tough Love? Maybe - but maybe something no one else will say?

    You've got this - so go get it. :happy:
  • DaughterOfTheMostHighKing
    yes. find a long term personal goal, like being able to run a certain distance or walk for that matter! :) Be healthier, .. a certain measurment of waist line is okay, but sometime we set unattainable goals for ourselves. :) My goal is to lose 15 more pounds by December. If I do it Great! If not, at least I know I will have gotten close! and I will keep going! :)

    I have a goal dress... It's not too small, but I know when I reach my goal, I will look fantastic in it! :)
  • jwhitch
    jwhitch Posts: 51 Member
    Oh Mary, been there, done that. I gained 20 lbs in 4 months after my daughter's wedding last September. Like you, I had a beautiful dress that I had dieted for, and then, after the wedding, found myself eating anything & everything. I had a wake up call when I went to the doctor in February of this year and found out I had high blood pressure & high cholesterol. I started dieting, was doing ok, then went on vacation in May & gained everything back. I then joined MFP and have been slowly but steadily losing weight. I have days that I overeat, but every new day is a do-over. I'm not perfect lots of days but I've come to accept that I never will be. Try setting a new goal now that the wedding is behind you. As someone else suggested, maybe plan a vacation or trip that you want to look fabulous for. Most importantly, believe that you can do this for YOU. Good luck!
  • TeslaJoule
    TeslaJoule Posts: 62 Member
    Ugh. You work so hard on so many things for a wedding and then BAM! it's over. It's SUCH a let down. FOR EVERYONE. You clearly were doing this to look good for the wedding and now that it's over, you have no purpose for it. No weight loss direction. It's like when a your pet dies, or you have a break up, you can sit and dwell and be upset OR you can REPLACE THEM. :) Give yourself a new goal, a new reason to feel and look your best. The let down is because you don't have anything to look forward to the same as the find something! Maybe a vacation, a reunion, sign up for a big race, just give yourself a reason NOT to fail and you'll get it back to it. Break up with the wedding and find a new thing to look forward to!
  • cheryl5115
    cheryl5115 Posts: 154 Member
    I agree with the others you didn't put on 6 lbs of fat.
    So what you put some weight back on, you fell off the wagon. Now is the time to get back on and go again. This is called life. In the long scheme this will not matter. It is what you do from here that counts. You can do it.

    If you want something to eat and are not hungry go for a walk . Do what a friend of mine did the other day. She didn't feel like walking but she did it anyway. She gave herself a pep talk while she was walking before she knew it she had walked her 45 minutes & felt better about herself when finished.

  • gazelleintraining
    It's all about conditioning in the brain. Years of overeating condition the brain for large amounts of food = feel good chemicals.

    You're on the right track: 1. Stop yourself now right where you are 2. Set a calorie goal and start tracking immediately 3. Use exercise as a tool to get your brain's satiety and feel-good chemicals back in stasis (exercise is a great appetite suppressant!) 4. Get more sleep. 5. Understand that the first week or two back on track might make you feel icky. It's your old conditioned habits protesting. Don't listen ;)

    You can do it!

    [Edit]: Take it from me: I made it to goal, didn't stop when I started overeating again, and gained it all back. Now I'm starting all over again, though this time with an extra 10 pounds to lose on top of that. This time, though, I''ve got MFP, and it's a fantastic tool, so I have no doubts that I'll get there. :) Best of luck--
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Dear MFP Friend -- up that water intake. My guess is some of that weight is just water from eating poorly and not focusing on healthy eating. Next, don't beat up on yourself. I know how hard you've worked to get to this point. You can do it again -- just keep being active and eating well. I do find that when I log everything I eat, it helps keep me on track even during those bad days.

    Ease up on yoruself, drink your water, eat well and you'll get right back into it.

    We are here to support you.
  • doodles80
    You need a new goal girlfriend!

    Why not start setting mini goals and then treating yourself to nice theings when you reach your mini day, massage, nice lunch out, get the idea!