Birth control is another cause of weight gain?

What do you guys think? Because ever since I stop taking the Depo shot I have been losing weight easily and faster!


  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Read the information about side-effects.
    Yes, many hormonal birth control medications have weight gain as a potential side effect.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member
    Yes, birth control is very notorious for making you pack some pounds on. I've heard Depo is the devil when it comes to making you gain weight! I'm on the mini pill, (Norethindrone) and no side effects whatsoever. I even stopped having a period at all on it, which I think is really nice! :)
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    I have mirena and after I got it I gained an extra 30 lbs... I have since lost the extra 30 now working on the rest.
  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member
    it depends on long you wee on it I don't gain weight from it b/c i have been on it for so long and my body is used to it now but people who are new to it some do gain weight but that is true with most birth control
  • Anybody have any opinions on the copper iud, Paragard I think it is?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    A fluctuation in any type of hormone can throw the whole system off and create insulin resistance.
    Heavy lifting and fasting both are known to help with this.

    Ive helped 100s lose weight...except my wife.
    Shes on Lybrel and it creates insulin resistance.
    She refuses to lift weights or even think of fasting.
    She runs on the treadmill and dances and doesnt lose any weight.
    Oh well.
    I can lead her to water.....
  • Good read on this subject!

    I personally haven't had issues losing weight on the pill in the past. There are some women who do. I think mostly, though, it just screws with our hormones enough that we eat more (because we're hungrier, craving, etcetera) without realizing it and then boom, weight gain, rather than it being a direct cause of the pill itself.

    Edited to add: this only applies to the pill, not the shot or any other method.
  • xdoublerainbow
    xdoublerainbow Posts: 51 Member
    I was on the pill {Levlen ED} for ten months and it made me gain 22lb over that time but the second I went off it the weight dropped off within a month. Birth control is DEFINITELY a cause of weight gain. My friends have gone on all different kinds of birth control and all of them have complained about weight gain >.<
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    It's so hard to give opinions on stuff like this because what works for one person, might suck for the other. I can say that I gained a crap load on depo but I loved the convenience of it. It took 11 months to conceive after that though. I'm 3 weeks into the Implanon b.c. and I can't complain. I've lost 10lbs in 3 weeks, along w/ a good diet and exercise. Like weight has literally been falling off (5lbs the first week and last week, 3lbs). I'm not sure if that is why, but I am pretty relieved. I'm one of the lucky ones I guess. Now, let's just hope I don't gain any kids on it....I'm always skeptical w/ B.C.!!
  • Thats exactly what happen to me! I was going to the gym doing lots of cardio and didn't lose nothing! It was so depressing! Now, that I finally have my period back I'm losing weight faster! Never going to take birth control ever!
  • I've also read a lot of stuff about how most hormonal birth control is not tested on women who are overweight. Consequently, there may be an increased risk of getting pregnant. Personally, knowing that the effectiveness might not be as good as it should be is a little scary. I've really been considering a non-hormonal iud because of this among other things.
  • Thanks! I'm going to check out the mini pill! :)
  • I also gained over 20 pounds!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    As soon as I read the topic, i knew it had to do with Depo.
    Depo was an absolutely nightmare for me.. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

    Needless to say along with every other possible side effect and just everything going terribly wrong - I also gained 50lbs in 9 months of being on depo.

    Worst Birth Control EVER.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    What do you guys think? Because ever since I stop taking the Depo shot I have been losing weight easily and faster!

    depo is known to increase your appetite. It doesn't make you gain weight itself. This is what I was told when I was on it and I gained no weight from it. (Long time ago back when I was skinny).
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member

    depo is known to increase your appetite. It doesn't make you gain weight itself.

    I agree with that^^

    I've done a lot of research and I believe depo, as well as other b.c.'s increase your appetite and aid in water retention.
  • MrsPixelbark
    MrsPixelbark Posts: 175 Member
    Although I didn't gain weight on depo, all birth control hormones will have some effect on the body. I gained a lot of weight on an estrogen-based pill as a teenager, and all progesterone based birth control wind up in me having a stupidly long period. I was put on the progesterone daily pill as a test to see how I'd do before going with depo injections (the pill is neigh on identical to the injections/implant)- a month later I was diagnosed with anemia after having a month long period which carried on despite not even taking the pills after the second week.

    Since then I have swore blind not to use any hormone based birth control and I went with the copper coil (non-hormone). Whilst some women may not be effected by changes in hormone levels, for anyone that is I'd strongly suggest looking into the coil. It's not the most pleasant thing to fit but once it's in you don't have to worry about contraception for half a decade.
  • Will you give me some more details? I just got my Mirena! Now kind of freaking out. Were you just more hungry?
  • Anybody have any opinions on the copper iud, Paragard I think it is?

    I just lost my Paraguard; it was spontaneously expelled after 5 years. I just replaced it with Mirena.

    I LOVED my Paraguard, EXCEPT for the long, heavy periods and HORRIFIC cramping pain every month.
  • I have mirena and after I got it I gained an extra 30 lbs... I have since lost the extra 30 now working on the rest.

    Please, more info. I just got Mirena. Is it because of your appetite?