Stopped it food

Hey everyone--
So I have been having a lot of problems lately having motions in my oceans, deposits in the throne, you know....pooping. It's a struggle and every morning I wake up so bloated I don't want to eat b-fast (big problem since trying to gain weight). I have been taking FiberCon and that was working, I was using prune juice and that worked like a charm, but now its like nothing works. I try and drink enough water and definitely get a lot of fiber, but I was wondering what more I can do nutritionally? Could it be too much fiber, too much dairy, a food allergy?
Anyone relate/know what to do?


  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Could it be the whey protein powder?
  • Are you getting enough fruit, vegetable and whole grain fiber, not just from processed foods?
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Hey Jess, wanted to check your diary, but it's empty, could you please post a typical day ?
  • Definitely need to be getting natural fibre from fruits and vegetable - preferably raw rather than cooked.
  • _Mimi_
    _Mimi_ Posts: 233
    Are you getting enough fat in your diet?
  • urfitnesspal2
    urfitnesspal2 Posts: 62 Member
    I have had the same problem. I can't tell you what is the magic bullet, but I have been doing a combination of things which seem to be helping. These are the suggestions my Dr. gave me and they seem to help

    A. drink water all day long

    B. drink metamucil 2-3 times daily for a discussion about the differences between metamucil and fibercon see the link below

    C. make sure i am getting fiber with each meal- not just at one meal

    D. use product like miralax (stool softener/ very gentle laxative) when needed

    E. try probiotics

    F. exercise regularly

    G. eat flax seed

    H. ingest healthy amount of oils/ fat

    feel free to send me a message if you have any questions :) good luck

  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Here is a typical day. Emberassed by how much I eat (am recovering from an ED) but I am on a weight-gain plan and under nutritionist supervision.I go based off exchanges with only one calorically driven snack.

    Either 1 cup high-fiber cereal w/milk or 1 cup grits w/ activia light yogurt
    1/2 fiber english muffin
    1 T PB Alternative
    5 almonds
    4 prunes

    Turkey sandwich on wheat with spinach and cucumbers (soon to add carrots per nutritionist advice)
    Non-fat yogurt
    Granola Bar
    1 cup honeydew melon
    5 almonds, 4 olives

    20 unsalted pretzels, fruit leather

    4 oz steamed fish
    1 T Skippy Reduced Fat PB
    1 banana
    1 cup steamed veggies
    1 sweet potato
    Either yogurt (if haven't had two) or 1/2 cup egg whites

    Snack: this is new but its around a 300 calorie snack that will soon be 370 (Whole wheat pita, 1/2 cup beans, 1 cup veggies)

    Snack: 2 scoops Whey protein, 1 slice low-sodium toast
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Are you getting enough fat in your diet?

    I have a huge fear of eating a lot of fat, but I think I get enough.....
  • poodlegoat
    poodlegoat Posts: 49 Member
    Make sure to drink enough water at night so you won't feel bloated on the morning
  • shannajojo
    shannajojo Posts: 192 Member
    You might be eating too much fiber in your diet and that could cause problems.