I eat because im bored

any one else find that this is a big problem for them? what are some helpful ways to stop this terrible habit??!


  • cmadamso
    This is definitely one of my BIGGEST problems...and I tend to be bored quite often, given the fact I sit in an office all day. However, I try to drink a lot of water to full myself up and eat healthy snacks instead of some of the bad alternatives. I eat a lot of almonds, string cheese, fruit...
  • jesspi68
    I have a real problem with this, I have to force myself to stop doing it. You have to recognize when you are looking for food and you aren't hungry and find something else to do. A lot of times I replace my food searching with some chest flys or other dumb bell moves. I also have read that if you find yourself looking for food when you aren't hungry that you might be thirsty?? So try a big glass of water instead!

    If all else fails, Pinterest, and the MFP forums fill the void!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    If you are able to do this, I find if I'm bored and am going to be picking at food I do a workout or at least move a bit..anything to stop eating. You cant eat while exercising ? :wink:

    Edited for typos
  • Odinalove
    sadly i also eat out boredom, but i have developed some tricks, i go window shopping alot and walk back home, i have carrots, celery,tomatoes, shrimps and low fat yogurt when i must eat , i watch you tube videos that make me laugh, i drink green tea when im bored, lol and make ice lollies out of diluted juice. eating out of boredom is a real problem because i also eat to curb depression, now i enter the kitchen and do the dishes and walk away.
    the key is to find another hobby to replace the eating.
  • pooleekylie
    Sigh..at least you don't smoke when you're bored :cry:

    And if you don't have an aversion to caffeine, a nice cup of black coffee will both give you something to do and kick out any hunger pains you might have. Plus, you will then have energy to do something other than be bored!!
  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    My job is so boring that all I do is eat. When I am off at weekends i hardly eat anything or even think about food, but at work it is on my mind permanently. I dont get a lunch hour and the office is only big enough for 2 desks so I cant even walk around the office. Not without getting dizzy anyway!!

    I am trying to make sure that i have no money on me to go to the shop and get food and bring healthy food from home in. I also allow myself more calories at work than i need and have a very small evening meal.

    I smoke as well which i would love to give up too
  • Odinalove
    i also found out that caffeine kills appetite, nice
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I was doing this yesterday. Wanted to eat everything in sight and I wasn't even hungry. I had to stop myself several times. Instead of giving in and eating junk I cut up a cucumber and sprinkled some dried herbs on top. That helped quite a bit. Then I had a sugar free ice-pop. I still wanted to scarf down a big bowl of chocolate pudding but decided not to. Just went to bed before I gave in.
  • AlyssaNorth
    AlyssaNorth Posts: 57 Member
    i do too. i have mastered it tho. (i had to...im bored A LOT) I have 6 small meals a day at aprox the same time. i eat them REALLY slow...so when im finished...its almost time for the next one =]

    ADD: for example. i had my breakfast at 7 30 till about 8 15. at 9 30 i have yogurt and coffee. its now 10 06 and im still enjoying my yogurt and coffee =] in an hour and 25 min i get to eat lunch!
  • sudione
    Find something that you REALLY love to do. I don't care what it is....reading, writing, ANY kind of particular excersice, dance with your favorite music of the day on youtube while you are trying to mimic the moves.....shopping for fruits, gardening, painting, go walk in the park, rent a great movie that you always wanted to see...I can go on the whole day. But just DO THAT whenever you want to eat and you are not hungry. I hope it helps! :)
  • laurabini
    laurabini Posts: 257 Member
    I found out that reading helps. Or sometimes I chew a gum (be careful not to chew too many gums!)
    Water, black coffee, tea can be great too
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I exercise or play or work on projects when Im bored.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Sigh..at least you don't smoke when you're bored :cry:

    And if you don't have an aversion to caffeine, a nice cup of black coffee will both give you something to do and kick out any hunger pains you might have. Plus, you will then have energy to do something other than be bored!!

    For me, it's a choice between eating and smoking. It is hard for me, especially at work. It's easier at home because I can get up and look around the house. There is always something at home to keep me busy, but when I'm at work, or driving, it's hard.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You should work on a project or hobby that uses your hands! What are you into???
  • Impy84
    Impy84 Posts: 430
    What i do when im home and find this happening i strap on my workout clothes and hit the gym.
    If i'm at work I log on here and read success stories or motivations to stop myself
  • aevangelo
    My biggest issue is when im at work, like now hehe. I try and surf the internet but that gets boring after awhile, espically when im on a computer all day long. I try and bring healthy snacks but people from my office always bring in yummy treats, i guess its just will power.

    It doesnt happen that often at home cause i can always find something to do there, clean, reorganize, play with the dog, and plus we dont have very unhealthy snacks at our house.

    I have a huge problem when we go to my inlaws though! they always have ring dings, devil dogs, ice cream and my Mother in law is always trying to get me to eat them, and its hard when everyone around you is eating them. i told my husband that we cant go there as often anymore, and we havent been so its been helping, but its still hard.
  • mirandagod77
    mirandagod77 Posts: 132 Member
    this is soo me, i just came back to wrok after being home with my kids and am trying not too:drinker:
  • mirandagod77
    mirandagod77 Posts: 132 Member
    i've sucked on ice cubes too, just don't have any at work unfortunately....::yawn:
  • AuburnGal3333
    AuburnGal3333 Posts: 4 Member
    I definitely eat when bored, happy, sad....you name it. I am a big-time "emotional" eater! Lately what I've tried to do is every time I start thinking about "nibbling" I go walk the stairs at my office. By the time I finish I am so winded I'm not thinking of eating any more....just breathing!! Hope this helps and Good Luck!
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    This use to be my issue on why I was overweight, I had broken the habit, but I feel it creepy back in my life lately.
    Somethings that work for me:
    - have no addicting snacks in the house
    - have a diet pop
    - have gum or a sucky candy

    The ideas of going to do something or working out are great too.

    Good luck