I'm new! Any advice for me?

borneidentity Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Still trying to lose my "baby weight" from my 4 and 2 year old! I feel like I've tried everything and I just can't "stick" to anything. Any advice?


  • Hello
    Im new too and the same here ! I do know the simple ups on loosing it faster which i just started trying myself! Stay within your calories, exercise and dont eat after 7pm! hope it helps and wish you the best!
  • hmwth
    hmwth Posts: 25
    be honest , add every nibble you eat, plan your day ahead, it works
    I have lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks.
  • hmwth
    hmwth Posts: 25
    Good Luck
  • Algrady
    Algrady Posts: 15 Member
    It usually takes a couple of weeks to start seeing results so try not to get frustrated or lose hope. After a couple of weeks when you see the pounds falling off, you'll be SO motivated. It'll be awesome!
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Patience is key....lots of water...healthier eating, no binge eating...and track your progres with everyting...you can do it
  • Hang in there. Really stick to your daily calorie plan. Take it one day at a time and you will start to see results in no time! It does take some time, but don't give up. I'm sticking t a 1300 calorie a day plan and at first I thought I would be starved, but in all actuality I'm very satisfied with my food intake. Try to eat fresh fruit, veggies, lean meats and whole wheat. You can do it!!!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I have been trying to lose weight for some time and there always seem to be an obstacle ot a stupid excuse.... So I am done with all the excuses and want to lose the weight.... I know i can do it i just have to stop being lazy.....:explode:
  • bbblue92
    bbblue92 Posts: 108 Member
    New here too, started a few weeks ago and have already lost five pounds! I'm trying to lose baby weight as well (except fom a much bigger baby . . . my 17 year-old daughter! Never lost it, and since then, I had another baby, my son who is 2 1/2 now going on 3!) ha ha! Good luck and welcome!
  • Wow! Thanks for all the support! Just went to lunch and watched my coworkers eat burgers and fries while I ate a salad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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