Weight loss pills

so i just have a general question for anyone thats ever taken a weight loss pill.

i see all these commercials for them and i wont lie i tried some a while back that helped a little until i went off of it. but im just curious if any of them work along with diet or if its just a big waste of money?!?

My goal is so big sometimes i just wonder if cutting calories and such is going to work alone :cry:


  • Amanda4825
    Amanda4825 Posts: 113 Member
    so i just have a general question for anyone thats ever taken a weight loss pill.

    i see all these commercials for them and i wont lie i tried some a while back that helped a little until i went off of it. but im just curious if any of them work along with diet or if its just a big waste of money?!?

    My goal is so big sometimes i just wonder if cutting calories and such is going to work alone :cry:
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    Yes it will work if you change your life style. The first thing is to start moving and little changes in your diet will make a big difference.
    Trust me when I say, diet pills are only a temp fix. Plus the more weight you have to loose and the longer you stay on diet pills you will open the door to a whole new group of problems for yourself. :frown:
    Yes they are a waste of money. The money you will spend on those you could use to join support groups such as weight watchers. WW is great and the support you receive from the staff and members is awesome!
    Best of luck to you on your journey to a new you :flowerforyou:
  • chiefiron
    chiefiron Posts: 305 Member
    I hate to tell people not to try the little extras, I myself take a wide range of supplements. However for long term weight loss cutting cal and exercise is the best way. loosing more than 1 to 2 lbs a week will come back to haunt you as you probably already know.

    The people in those infomercials are genetic freaks and or airbrushed. Go to body building.com and look at some of the transformations. As far as i can tell that site (like this one) has no agenda they sell everything. The people there lay out what they did and how long it took.

    Stay strong, by coming here you have taken the first steps. slow and steady wins the race.
  • Amanda4825
    Amanda4825 Posts: 113 Member
    thanks for the advice... im going to try my hardest but my biggest problem is emotional eating and its so hard to controll.. when im angry i dont eat but when im upset alone or depressed it hits me and i over eat so i am trying to change that and buy nothing but healthy food and do other things when i feel down like that and my husband is gone for the next month and when he comes home i want him to be able to notice a diffrence but im not to sure you can notice anything in just a month.. but since yous say the pills not good i wont even bother and just keep trying to do this the right way. And my mom is in WW and lost some weight but i have my daughter all the time and i never get a break at all so it makes things very hard.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I am a total emotional eater and when I'm alone it's bad!!! Everything could be going great in my life, but if the house is empty for some reason I feel it is time to "graze". Maybe that has something to do with being an emotional eater. The fact that nobody is around to see me eat??? I don't know!!! But this is something I have came along way with.
    My husband and I have talks about food ruling my life and it's not necessarily bad food. I'm just constantly thinking about my next meal.
    At one point it was so bad that if I knew someone brought goodies to work. I won't be able to get it off my mind until I was able to get down to the break room to get a bite or two or three :ohwell:
    Trust me it's not easy. Educating yourself on food and exercise will help. The internet is the greatest tool ever. I have spent years researching foods.
    I have the exercise down. I'm seriously addicted to exercise. I just need to get the over eating bad things under control. Like I said, I've come along way with that :happy:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Ok, I will have to admit that I was sooooooo desperate that I ordered a few things and have been trying them. The one I like the best that I think works the best is Nuphedrine. I've tried taking it, and not taking it. It really does work to curb the appetite. It is all natural and is a combination of good hoodia, bitter orange and a few other things. If I take it, I do not have the hunger cravings after I eat and if I do not take it, I have the hunger cravings.

    I am hoping that when I'm finished with the bottle, that my new habits will be definitely in place, and I won't need it as much. I bought it on Ebay, and it was less than half price.
  • Amanda4825
    Amanda4825 Posts: 113 Member
    well i sure could use something like that and if its all natural what can it hurt right? ha
  • REB89
    REB89 Posts: 493 Member
    well i sure could use something like that and if its all natural what can it hurt right? ha

    wrong!!! There are many things that are natural which can hurt you. Just because something is natural does not mean that it cannot cause damge!
  • AlbertSchwartz
    wrong!!! There are many things that are natural which can hurt you. Just because something is natural does not mean that it cannot cause damge!

    Yeah well said. Very true
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Hey Amanda,

    I have tried every so called "quick fix" there is. And the result?? I was heavier than ever when I started this past September.

    I know losing weight can seem like a daunting task. Trust me, I know this! I would put it off, thinking "It's just going to take so long".....ok, so losing weight healthy will take a little longer but the way I see it is that as the days, weeks and months pass I could be losing weight with them or I could just stay the same. Either way, time will pass and wouldn't it be great to lose weight as they pass? I can guarantee that the weeks add up much quicker than you think they will.

    I am down 83 lbs now since September 6. I watch my calories, keep my portions under control and exercise. There is a little more to it than that, but basically, you need to do the exact opposite of what you did to put it on in the first place. That is what will work for long term and I think the reason for this is that you are educating yourself in the process so you have the tools to continue on your healthy lifestyle once you do reach your goal.

    Also, remember that as far as the calories you need, there is not one number that will work for everyone. The number changes for ever person, based on their heigh, weight, activity level, etc. Based on those numbers and your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate), you can figure out the number you should be focusing on to lose weight. And, you will be surprised at how much you can eat and still lose weight.

    I kind of rambled on here! Hope this helps!!

  • Amanda4825
    Amanda4825 Posts: 113 Member
    thanks that does help me alot.. so much to think about with all of this.:indifferent:
  • Helenlhayward
    That sounds like excellent advice Amanda. I was going to put something similar but you nailed it. I can say for certain (experience) that taking pills and crazy fad diets to quickly shed pounds really does a lot of damage in that as soon as you stop taking them or doing the diet not only does the weight you just lost come back but an extra 1 to 3 pounds with it. This will repeat itself everytime you try something different to shed quicker.

    Just keep at making sure your energy in (calorie intake) is less that your energy out (calories expended) and it will happen for you. If we can all remember that the extra pounds didn't come on over night so obvioulsy they are not going to come off overnight. But they will come off!! Steady steady.

    Keep up the committment and you will get there. Good luck.
    Helen :wink: