Month 1: Lost 16 lbs

After 1 month, I lost 16 lbs. The month started with a vow: I would become fit in 2010. This vow came as a result of misinterpretting my scale, when I thought I topped 300 lbs for the first time. Fortunately instead of 301, I was only 281. On January 1st, I resolved to keep an eye on my portions. A facebook friend saw my weightloss resolution and pointed me to MFP.

I knew that with my weight, arthritis in my feet, bad knees, and bad shoulders I was going to be challenged to exercise. The week after New Years, I invested in a recumbant exercise bike. I was amazed at how little I could do on the bike. However, I stuck with it and I am now building my stamina, resistance, and calories burned.

Mid-month, my pastor challenged everyone to a 6 day fast; three days of nothing but fruits and vegetables and three days of a liquid fast. I was amazed when I hit the liquid fast. I made it 48 hours without even craving any food. I suspect I could have made it all 72 hours, but my wife and I took a weekend trip away. On the trip, I gained back a pound, but I attribute that to coming off the fast.

As the month progressed, I continued to lose weight. But, at the end of the month, I discovered that I have been overlooking a few things. First, I have frequently gone way over on my sodium, which is hamstringing my water weight loss. Second, I have thought if eating 5 calories less is good, then eating 50 calories less is better, and eating 500 calories less is great. However, I have learned the dangers of not eating enough calories. I am looking forward to seeing what happens this month.


  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Congratulations!! That is amazing!!!
  • romneks
    You're the best! I'm so proud of you, and thank you for motivating me. We're on this journey together. Can't wait to be riding our bikes this summer! Love you.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Great progress!! WTG! :drinker:
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