New but have been here before!

Hi everyone,

I tried myfitnesspal last year and managed to lose 16lbs but then gave up as became rather unwell with my FM and so concentrated more on getting better from a bad flare then eating healthy and had no energy to exercise.

Since then I started going to SW group a couple of months ago but felt the diet plan didnt suit me that well as wasnt much different to my own but managed to lose 6.5 lbs although it came off very slowly before deciding to go at it on my own again.

Then I decided to return here and try again. My aim at the moment is to lose 2.5 stones by April 2013 as myself and my hubby have been invited to a wedding in Brighton for one of my friends who has FM too and although I haven't met her in person we chat on facebook and used to also on a fm forum. We have also spoken on the phone. So I am really looking forward to attending the wedding and want to look better and feel healthier and wear a DRESS!! So the challenge is on for me to meet my goal of 2.5 st loss by then.

In my first week on here I have managed to lose 4 lbs so I am well on my way to reaching the goal I have set.

My long term aim is to lose 6 stones in total as my lovely niece Laura is getting married in May 2014 and also I want to lose the weight to help ease the daily constant pains of FM especially around my hips and lower back. Also would love to conceive and haven't been lucky in this at all and I know losing the weight will really help me.

So that's me, anything else you want to know you are welcome to ask away. And the more friends I have on here to motivate me will help immensely in the long run and also I will try and help motivate others too whilst attempting to reach my goals.

June xx


  • lisha7997
    lisha7997 Posts: 185 Member
    Hi June,

    I signed up for MFP last year as well but never really used it because at the time I wasn't as committed to my weightloss as I am now. I restarted last week and I can say the encouragement from others really helps to keep you coming back.

  • levstein
    Hi June fellow scot here and loving this site. I am motivated dedicated and would like more friends with the same attitude. I will keep you on track and you can keep me on track too.
    Forgive my ignorance but what is FM ?
    I will add you as a friend....let's get rid of these excess pounds together!


    ps my weigh-in day today and wanted to see my ticker lol
  • cjd1029
    Hi June, I have been on here a couple of years but never really used it properly, dont think I was ready to loose the weight but now at my all time heaviest i am ready and determined to do it this time. I will add you too. xx
  • tbetts23
    tbetts23 Posts: 303 Member
    Welcome back! We are all in this for the long haul! I hope to reach goal by February. That will be my one year anniversary!
  • kitwhel
    I signed up last year but have been sparadic in using it. I was also trying to do it alone, which really is impossible. So, I hope that between the MyFitness community and some coworkers I hope to have success this time. Humm......instead of saying "I Hope" let me say "I will succeed.
  • kathrynloreili
    Any of you can feel free to add me :D
  • sjlms
    sjlms Posts: 11 Member
    hello June, this is my first time on this site and i found it quite by accident and i'm amazed that its free.Ive been over weight from the age of 1 and i'm 61 so its a long time, i was put on slimming tablets when i was 8 in hospital when i was 10 for three months but only 7lb off, jaw wired, then silhouette, weight watchers, rosemary conley slimming world, back to Weight Watcher,then i was thinking of going back to basic myself and counting calories then i came across this. I have no reason to lose weight only for health reasons, i have had too knee replacements and really bad back pain so that's the reason but i must say Ive actually lost 10 stone and never gone back to what i was but i still have a long way to go. i'm still learning the site and would appreciate any help. Shelagh x
  • spooney36
    spooney36 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone for your kind replies. I already feel more motivated knowing you are all trying to lose weight too and want to help me with my weight loss journey and vice versa.

    Have had a pretty good day today and wasnt that hungry by teatime so only ate half of what I had cooked and still feel full and hour later. Haven't done much exercise today but will make up for that at the weekend as I am doing a big clear out of my spare room and sorting things ready for a car boot sale next Sunday and also stuff going to the local dump. So that will give me exercise and make me feel better knowing I am decluttering .

    Hope you all have a fab weekend and good luck with all your weight loss journeys. xx