30 Day Shred!!!!



  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    i am just using little 1lb weights doing it. I have 5lb weights and i've tried once or twice to do it with 5lbs but that is just too much for me! (even though i'd prefer 2 or 3 but I only have 5 (i borrowed the 1lbs from a co-worker!)). Even though the 1lbers seem SO light, i've seen a difference and i still feel a difference in my muscles while using them during the workout! (esp. in level 2 doing the military press and the V raise!).

    and yes, everyone should measure! it is much more rewarding than just the scale because there's a definite difference in inches (if not the scale - i think some of my weight loss has been just because my TOM has finished :D)
  • PisceanDream224
    I'm so glad to see so many others doing 30 Day Shred! I am going to start Day one of level 3 today (EEEKK!). I just did day 9 of level 2... but i'm ready to move onto level 3 now (and i can always do that 'missing' day of level 2 at the end too :D).

    I'm just ready to move onto the next level. I loved level 1 because it was such a great workout (i HATED the kick backs and...skip rope together was it? that always killed me! lol) and i loved level 2 even MORE!

    Here's my stats so far:

    I did my before weight and measurements on August 26th (i started the 30DS on August 27th)

    Start Weight: 158
    Current Weight: 152
    -5 lbs down so far!

    Start Waist: 36.5 in
    Current Waist: 32
    -4.5 inches down so far

    Start Hips: 38.5
    Current Hips: 37
    - 1.5 in down

    Start arms: 13.5
    Current arms: 12.5
    - 1 in down

    Start legs: 23.5
    Current legs: 21.5
    - 2 in down

    - this is the first of me actually comparing weight and measurements and since August 26th...and i'm just amazed!! LOL

    Awesome results!!! Make me excited to complete the Shred and see mine! :)
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    I disagree regarding weights. Yes, you should use what's doable for you, but I've found as I've worked through several of Jillian's DVDs that increasing the weight increases my results. I used 3lb weights for most of 30DS, switched up to 5lbs at the end of level 2. I used 5lbs all the way through Ripped in 30. Kickbox FastFix only uses weights for like 3 moves on one level, but I used 8lbs there. And I'm currently doing 6 Week 6 Pack and am using 8lbs. Use what you can use, and if you start with 1 or 2 lbs, that's fine, but when you can, I'm a firm believer that you should move up. Jillian even says that, if it gets easy, add resistance (as she hands the girl her weight in a non-weighted move).

    ETA: Look at my ticker. First two pics are start & finish of 30DS, 3rd is the last day of Ripped, the last two are start and finish of Kickbox FastFix. I don't think I would have had the results I did had I not been eating much better, getting a lot of protein and using weights that made me work for it. Yes, you need to maintain proper form & there was a move in level 2 that I could never do using my 5lb weights. Listen to your body, but YES push yourself. You SHOULD feel sore because your muscles are being used in new & different ways. No, don't INJURE yourself, but a little muscle soreness isn't going to kill you.
  • LeslieC1970
    Good for you! It will get easier.
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I can't wait to start! I'm getting my weights either today or tomorrow so I can start!
  • discoqueen73
    OK - you have all convinced me - I'm going onto ebay to buy 30 Day Shred!!!! :happy:
  • wcrathbun
    wcrathbun Posts: 85 Member
    Hi there! I am also doing 30DS. I just completed Level 2 day 5 today. I'm doing pretty well now but when I first started I felt about how you seem to now... I had to scale it down to 3 days a week on level one for a few weeks and then started with consecutive days and am doing great now!! Good luck to you and your shredding! (any of you are welcome to add me :))
  • jamacattack
    jamacattack Posts: 94 Member
    Day 3 was rough for me. Day 4 was sooo much easier. You just gotta push through! I'm on level two now and I see a huge difference in my strength!
  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    I just ordered it off Amazon. Can't wait to start my shred.
  • miserywaterfall
    I am starting tomorrow, any tips? Hoping i don't pass out or vomit ;D
  • lyblood1
    lyblood1 Posts: 34 Member
    Also...the 30 day shred is available on youtube for free. Just do a search for it and all 3 levels are there.....
  • littlenoms
    Day 3 was always the worst for me in any of the levels. I'm now on day 29!

    I started off with 3 pound weights, and have worked my way up to completing all of level 3 with my 5 pounds.

    My advice is pace yourself, but muscle through the moves. You'll be amazed how much more you can do by day 5 & 6 of each level.

    I'm going to do my official measurements tomorrow, but I've lost about 5 pounds and my clothes fit me much better.

    Good luck to you :)
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    To all the newbies....be careful! I was on day 6 and hurt my knee.....I've had to take 3-4 weeks off...docs orders! Now I am ready to get back at it...but must wear a knee brace! I love the shred!! Especially the sit ups...I know...weird!
  • cbevan1229
    cbevan1229 Posts: 326 Member
    Yup - I just started round 2 of 30ds - I'll be doing day 3 tonight. I'll only be doing it 4 days/week though, alternating with c25k. I got great results the first go round. I could see, and feel, the changes in my own body as I progressed.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    So I did Day 1 of Level 3 tonight and it just FLEW BY! I also didn't like it as much as level 2. I found i had to modify a couple of the moves (like the rock star kicks!!!) just because i didn't want to hurt my knees....

    maybe i'll like it better tomorrow. and OH MY GOD those scissor leg ab moves...KILLER!! holy crap that was tough! (but in a good way! :D)
  • altarimage
    altarimage Posts: 95 Member
    I just started Monday and only doing it 3 days a week, and on the other 3 days doing extra cardio at the gym, Sunday's off. I wasn't able to do L1D3 today due to being sick, but if I feel better tomorrow I'm going to Shred and the gym. :) I love it and I have some of her other DVDs (6W6P and BFBM), which I want to try after I'm done :) Feel free to add me! I log my exercise everyday and love to help motivate!
  • MommyToCutie
    MommyToCutie Posts: 31 Member
    I'm starting 30 Day Shred tomorrow. I'm excited! (And scared! lol)
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    Just FYI- There is a group of us doing the 30DS right now... if you want to join, just search the groups for "30 Day Shred September" and it should pop up! Everyone is in different places with it, but most people are still on Level One from what I can tell :)
  • Gemmax0902
    Gemmax0902 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey all,

    Thank you all for your replies!!!!

    I just thought I'd check in and say thats me just finished day 5 and am finding it easier, my strength is definatly building and when I woke up this morning the aches were gone!!!

    I am also finding my energy levels are increased if I do the work out early in the day I'm looking to do it again in the evening and was wondering if you did it twice in one day would you knock the extra workout off the final 30 days??.

    I have taken all my measurements and before photo's (not very atractive) on day one and am excited to see the difference on day 30.

    Happy Shredding everyone xx
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I second being careful: I damaged both knees with all the jumping. In hindsight I think that was because my leg muscles were so tired 9 days in that they didn't properly absorbed the shocks, hence the damage to my knee caps. Doctors orders in my case said no more jumping.

    I will however do the Shred again. Next time I will replace some of the jumping excercises for lower impact varieties. Also, rest days in between are a good idea!