I've got an excuse for EVERYTHING!

Why is it that I can always come up with an excuse to fall off the wagon?
1. We went to a friends house for dinner Friday night and they ordered Papa Johns, do you think I could turn it down? HECK NO!
2. That night I ate cake because I had already messed up and ate Papa Johns.
3. Saturday I did alright consitering we went bowling. I deprived myself of anything deep fried. However, I did indulge in some diet Pepsi. I hadn't had pop in almost a full month!
4. Sunday, OH Sunday. I went to my parents house for the day. My mom had made a new kind of cookie. So of course I tried one. Then another and another and another until I had eaten at least 6!!! Well then I had eaten so many cookies that Why wouldn't I eat the fettucini alfredo my mom was cooking for dinner?
5. This is the biggest excuse of all. I'm so depressed about my pants size! I can't get over the fact that I have lost 31lbs over the last year and a half and I still wear the SAME SIZE 18! How is that even possible? I have asked so many people and no one has ever heard of such a thing. It's soooooo disheartning.

Anyway, I'm done wining now, I just had to get all of that off of my chest so that I could start today with a fresh slate YET AGAIN.


  • missyannb85
    And... I did not work out a single time in the last 4 days!!!! LAME!
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    If you are really serious about losing weight AND inches, you've got to change your mindset. You can't think oh well I had one cookie so I might as well keep going, I already blew it. What you should do is really look deep inside yourself and ask why you eat the way you do, why you want to lose the weight. You have to get to the root of the problem. I used to be just like that, making one excuse after another. I used to eat because of stress or emotions. That's not who I wanted to be anymore so I made the decision that I was going to take care of myself first and hold myself up to a higher standard. I have lost 42 lbs and 44 inches since OCTOBER. I go to the gym everyday and do my cardio everyday and my strength training every other day. No one is going to lose the weight for you, you have to be committed to yourself. I'm on a program called The Food Lovers Fat Loss system and it has saved my life. 42 lbs in four months by eating more, eating healthier, cooking healthier, eating every 2 to 3 hours, drinking all my water, and exercising. I'm not hungry, I get to eat all my favorite foods with a little tweaking. I eat out but take half off my plate before even starting to eat. I have set some tough rules for myself but in the end it's so worth it. My blood pressure is down, I can walk 2 miles at a time now (couldn't stand for more than 5 minutes before because of my back). I have taken back control and power that food used to have over me. You can do the same, you just have to figure out what you really want. Google Food Lovers Fat Loss system and check it out. Make sure you are documenting your food, water and exercise everyday. I started at 294 and I expect to be at 140 by the end of this year. It took me alot longer to put on all this weight but I am determined to be ME again not this person I have become. You CAN do this! Christine
  • samueleketorp
    samueleketorp Posts: 10 Member
    Best thing to keep in mind is that just because you messed up once one day, it doesn't ruin your previous effort. Just accept the fact that you gave in and keep on truckin.

    I find the "5 week" function after completion of each day very helpful. As long as I'm below my current weight, I'm happy, although my goal is always the set calorie goal. By just looking at that 5 week function, it allows me to realize that one slip in the diet, doesn't ruin the whole thing. Just don't get stuck in the thought that it was okay to do so.

  • ATXrunner
    I think we're all guilty of this, unfortunately. The best advice I've received about this is to accept the slip-up and get right back on track asap! Also, as counter-intuitive as it may be, perhaps little indulgences now and then are a good thing so that you don't succumb to those maddening cravings that sneak up when we deprive ourselves.

    As for the pant size, I am wondering if you are "pear-shaped" and tend to carry weight in your lower half? Just a thought...

    Good luck!
  • melissaovadare
    melissaovadare Posts: 191 Member
    I thought I was the ONLY person......I make an excuse for EVERYTHING...my excuse list:

    1. Me, my husband and baby had to move into my parent's house to help them with money......SO miserable, all I did was eat for the last year....THANK GOD we got a townhouse in Jan...
    2. I need better workout clothes to look better at the gym (so lame)
    3. When I get (insert new workout program/cookbook/book here) I will get serious
    4. My son is only (insert age here) and some women take years to get back in shape
    5. Holidays, birthdays, thank god it fridays, girls night, movie night,..........
    6. My husband loves me the way I am
    7. Bad news
    8. Good news
    9. The crisis in Haiti
    10. my period

    Honestly, the list can go on LOL......I need to separate my emotions from food.........I grew up that way, and I am almost 30 and need to change this habit.............

    Anytime you need a buddy, send me a message!

  • sallyah13
    sallyah13 Posts: 44 Member
    I wouldn't count having a diet pepsi as a slip. If you would have had a gallon of Coke or something then that would be a pretty bad slip, but there are far worse things you can consume than some diet pop unless of course there is a specific reason for not having it. I have a can of diet coke every day at lunch because I like it. I don't have a lot of junk food and eat pretty healthy all the time, but I am not going to give up something that I really like and call it a bad thing. Everything in moderation is the key.

    I know that pop in general isn't the best thing for me, but it is't going to keep me from reaching my goal if I consume it in moderation and make sure that I am getting plenty of other healthy liquids in me.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    Thank you for this thread! Thank you for being honest and sharing your slip up. Thank you respondents for the wonderful words. The excuses are a plenty for me and I need to change my mindset as well.
  • missyannb85
    As for the pant size, I am wondering if you are "pear-shaped" and tend to carry weight in your lower half? Just a thought...

    Good luck!

    I am totaly pear shaped. I have huge hips and thighs and a pudgy mid section.
  • missyannb85
    Thank you everyone for your wonderful words. I do need to sit down and think about what is truly important to me. And that is being the best mom I can for my 8 month old daughter. I want to hit the ground running everyday once she learns to walk and run. I want to keep up with her without having to tie her down! Once again, thank you so much everyone, you are all wonderful!