Challenge: Fridge Raiders Unite!



  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Kayt-oh my, you have some funny stuff going on there. God in the form of your loony boss giving you diet ideas. LOL. Sorry for the rude awakening though. How odd.
    I LOVE Robert Downey, Jr. too and Sherlock Holmes was an awesome movie. Did not expect the whole satanic ritual theme to it, but so good. Can't wait for the new Iron Man movie to come out. I wish that I felt like indulging in a movie would take care of my hunger cravings. So far not so good there. Darn challenge! But maybe I'm doing myself some good giving in to the cravings a LITTLE because I finally dropped 2 pounds this week. WOO HOO!
    As far as the late night eating, I've heard that your metabolism is slower at night and therefore those calories don't get put to use like they would during the day and therefore stick on you more. But on the other hand, a slower metabolism is rarely to blame for slow weight loss, it's really a matter of the amount of calories you put in. I do notice that if I eat later at night before a weigh-in I'm unlikely to show a weight loss. But this just makes sense to me-I normally eat dinner around 6 and don't eat anything later than 7 pm. I go to bed around 9 (now understand that I have kids so our schedules probably very different than yours). I weigh myself in the mornings, in the buff, after a bathroom break. So if I eat around nine, then weigh myself around 7am, I'm still gonna have partially undigested food in my tummy and that could account for a couple ounces to a couple pounds even. Another thing is that if that dinner is loaded with sodium, that could cause some serious bloating overnight, and not drinking any water during the night to flush all of it out, you could easily wake up a couple pounds heavier. I think you're doing okay with the eating late as long as you're not going to bed right after you eat, and making sure that it is a healthy balanced meal like you've been doing.

    To all of the nut lovers, I just had to share this article about nuts I read. Awesome stuff! I think I'm going to start allowing myself a serving of unsalted nuts a day, see how it works. (BTW, I don't have thyroid probs that I know of, was looking up info for my mom who's put on about 40 pounds after her thyroidectomy.)

    Hope ya'll are having a good Friday.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member

    thanks for that Peanuts article! Awesome news. I knew nuts were good fat but it's great to know that eating them isn't going to sabatoge weight loss. I notice the article said "a handful". I hope it's a huge hand. Like Jude Law's . . . .he has to have big hands, right? He keeps getting all these women to sleep with him. Oh, he's gorgeous too. There is that. perv.gif
  • kaytbognar
    Cheryl, Jude Law also has that CHARMING English accent. I am quite fond of that moustache he dons for Sherlock Holmes, too. I love that smiley, too.

    jrbowers, I've actually got a book of complete Sherlock holmes (4 novels, 56 shorts) coming so I'll find out if that's a true-blue storyline or something compeltely made up :P My girlfriend that I've been having an ongoing RDJ festival of love with says she's got the same problem--in order to feel like she's multitasking, she'll eat while watching the movie. I'm SUPER JAZZED to see Iron Man 2 also--incidentally, I'm going to California to visit this particular RDJ-loving gal RIGHT when IM2 comes out. We're gonna have a pizza party and hit up the midnight showing opening night :P I'm SO looking forward to my little Cali vacay. /ramble.

    Way to go on the deuce, dunno if I congratulated you on our other thread, but way to go! Blap blap. Etc.

    LAST CHALLENGE DAY FOLKS, I'm proud of all of us for giving it a good go.

    Personally, I feel pretty pleased with my two weeks. I broke my 9:30 cutoff a bunch of times, BUT I think I only stood in front of the fridge with the spoon, eating from containers maybe one or two times, both of which I was able to step back, put down the spoon and lock the fridge.

    I'll be starting up a month-long February challenge tomorrow, look for it titled "The Meaning Of Life is Not In The Fridge..." or something similar if you wanna get on the train (please get on the train, I don't wanna be the crazy gal talking to herself all month LMAO!)
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,114 Member
    Kayt, when you start the new thread, please come back here and post the link, so I can find you!

    I haven't decided what to do about the sugar thread. . . . I can't walk away from it. . . but I don't know if I'll let it continue under its name till it rolls or change it to a new thread.

    I'd kinda like a Coke. :drinker: So maybe a new month/thread is in order.
  • sissy56
    sissy56 Posts: 108 Member
    I've been lurking, but I'd like to join the meaning of life ... thread. My personal challenges this week: no sugar, no alcohol, no eating after 8:00, (except for a port and chocolate tasting Fri. we've already RSVP'd for). Mon. thru Thurs., back on Sat. - Tues., weigh-in day.
  • kaytbognar

    WORK IT FOR 28. With Hallmark's war against our waistlines that is VD (erm....Valentine's Day, that is) situation SMACK DAB in the middle of Febuary, I'll champion our cause, tell you to follow me and to ALWAYS REMEBMER:

    THE MEANING OF LIFE IS NOT IN THAT BOX OF DRUGSTORE CHOCOLATES!!!! (Nope, not in the box of Godiva's or other high-end truffles of your choice----remind your partners and suggest the meaning of life might be in a CALORIE FREE bouquet of roses!)

    Work it. WHUD UP. And such (yeah, I'm feeling silly.)
  • MyFamilyRox15
    MyFamilyRox15 Posts: 25 Member
    fridge raider
    :wink: How clever!
    I'm on board.
    Just coming off of a 3 day binge :sad:
    But now I think I'm sliding back into the "Zone".
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    :tongue: bump