First Half Marathon tomorrow!!



  • Goosiesnougs
    Never done one........Good luck!
  • _JR_
    _JR_ Posts: 830 Member
    Free of charge, my top three tips:

    1) don't go out too fast!
    2) don't go out too fast!
    3) don't go out too fast!

    The wise one has spoken! Of all the little things that will make your first Half miserable, this is the one you want to pay heed to.

    Good luck!
  • joakool
    joakool Posts: 434 Member
    No advice just good luck! I am hoping to do my first half next year. A friend of mine is doing a full Air Force Marathon in Dayton, OH, tomorrow. Is that where you are?
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    take a deep breath...focus on the training that got you this point...dont try to do too ur race @ ur pace...get a good nights sleep...other than that...good luck to you.
  • DOElston
    I did my very first Half Marathon this May. That was the first time I did any kind of race since my senior year in high school!!! (My second one will be this February.)

    For your first long distance run, your goal is simply to finish. DO NOT worry about a finish time for this one, seriously!!

    Start a bit on the slow side to save your energy for the end of the race. Each mile marker is a victory on the way to the finish line!!!

    A banana and a bagel are an excellent pre-run breakfast along with 8 oz of water.

    Have fun and celebrate each step!!!!!
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    I'm running a half tomorrow too. It will be my second half race.

    If you've already run that length in a training run, it will be exactly like that except a whole lot more people.

    Watch your pace. Have fun.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    Awesome, enjoy yourself. Im retired AF!
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    Have a great run..
  • runnermama81
    runnermama81 Posts: 388 Member
    Congratulations!! You'll do great. The best thing I can tell you is hydrate hydrate hydrate!!! Don't be afraid of the Gatorade,'re gonna need it at that distance even if you're usually a water drinker. Good luck!

    Oh and most importantly....HAVE FUN!!! :)
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
    No advice, because I am also running my very first half-marathon tomorrow- the exact same one! :drinker:

    Good luck! Did you sign up for a pace team? I'm planning to run with the 2:20:00 pace team.

    p.s.- I sent you a FR on Endomondo. I will be using that app for the run, too.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Good luck! My first half is next sunday
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    My first half is in 2 months, so love all the tips! Good luck on your race tomorrow! Enjoy it! :)
  • ncsjodi
    ncsjodi Posts: 102 Member
    I'm doing my first 10K tomorrow and my first half in February. All the advice is very helpful, as I'm finding myself very nervous tonight. :)
  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    Good luck and have fun!! I am doing my first half in a few weeks!
  • G_Wiz87
    Thank you all for the great advice!! :happy:
  • G_Wiz87
    No advice just good luck! I am hoping to do my first half next year. A friend of mine is doing a full Air Force Marathon in Dayton, OH, tomorrow. Is that where you are?

    Yup, I'm doing the same event. :)
  • G_Wiz87
    No advice, because I am also running my very first half-marathon tomorrow- the exact same one! :drinker:

    Good luck! Did you sign up for a pace team? I'm planning to run with the 2:20:00 pace team.

    p.s.- I sent you a FR on Endomondo. I will be using that app for the run, too.

    Awesome! I didn't sign up for a pace team; but my goal is to finish it is under 2:45:00. I'm not a very fast runner...yet :wink: Good luck to you!
  • G_Wiz87
    I'm doing my first 10K tomorrow and my first half in February. All the advice is very helpful, as I'm finding myself very nervous tonight. :)

    I was originally signed up for the 10K, but my friend didn't make it before they sold out, so I changed races. I'm nervous too, but I'm way more excited! Good luck tomorrow!
  • meagsdionne
    meagsdionne Posts: 47 Member
    I've never done one but I wanted to wish you luck!!! Let us know how you do, after you come down off your high for completing something amazing!!!!
  • kfesta52
    kfesta52 Posts: 98 Member
    Free of charge, my top three tips:

    1) don't go out too fast!
    2) don't go out too fast!
    3) don't go out too fast!

    The wise one has spoken! Of all the little things that will make your first Half miserable, this is the one you want to pay heed to.

    Good luck!