A Little NSV

Elif84 Posts: 287 Member
I'm a little shy about posting forum topics, but I had such a great morning, I had to share. Since I was 12 years old, my doctors have been on me about my weight. I would dread every single one of my appointments and at each of those appointments the number on that doctor's scale went up a little higher and a little higher. At one point, my doctor yelled at me (I mean got very angry; he was concerned since I'm Type 1 diabetic), but I didn't care, I still ate anything I wanted. Finally, I'm in my late 20's and finally took control of my life and my health. I saw my endocronologist today and he was impressed with my weight loss. He even said that I was in my ideal weight range and I didn't have to lose any more weight. I COULD NOT believe it!! All these years of struggling and I did it! 42 pounds gone baby!


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