Changing to lose

I have been on a weight lose diet that counted points instead of calories and have been at a stand still for over a month and decided it's time to try something else and today I am going to start myfitnesspal full time. I really think i was consuming too many calories when just counting pts. and free food--I think maybe there is no such thing as free food and you really have to monitor everything that goes into your mouth. The cost of the other program was also using up money that could be used in more needed areas. Ok guys 'm all in and ready to go but as always a person who needs a strong support group so anyone out there that can help I would appreciate it.
Thanks Nancy


  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    I was on weight watchers for 4 months. I was pretty committed and I think I'd still recommend it. I lost a good amt. of weight on it, but their database is way too small. It was getting tiring trying to find the points to everything I put in my mouth. I also ate fruit and vegetables like crazy, not counting them when I did. I feel like that can get you into trouble, especially with all the sugar in fruit! I like counting calories better, it's easier and it doesn't cost a cent ;). Good luck to you and hope you find that calorie counting is easier!
  • bima80
    bima80 Posts: 46 Member
    You can do it.. I did the same program but free is better.. I think seeing the calories is better then the point. Its a eye opener.. Good luck you can do it.
  • Thanks for the input and nice to meet you. I agree totally about the fruit, i love bananas and was just eating too much thinking they were free but not thinking about the higher calories or sugar. You live and learn! I want to go on vacation in November and would just love to drop 8-10 pounds before then do you think it's too much and is it a possible goal--really want to get into 14's till then!
    Thanks Nancy
  • Hi nice to meet you and I agree with eating too much fruits and vegatables--went crazy over bananas--not a good thing.
    Take care and thanks
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I did weight watchers - it worked so well I ended up 14 lb heavier 6 months later lol This is working for me far better than ww. It seems more real and some of the people are great which is what is really keeping me going :-) Good luck and my advice is get involved :-)
  • chrlslove7
    chrlslove7 Posts: 136 Member
    Thanks for the input and nice to meet you. I agree totally about the fruit, i love bananas and was just eating too much thinking they were free but not thinking about the higher calories or sugar. You live and learn! I want to go on vacation in November and would just love to drop 8-10 pounds before then do you think it's too much and is it a possible goal--really want to get into 14's till then!
    Thanks Nancy

    I think 8lbs is reasonable. I'm currently on a 2lb a week loss so I know 1lb is definitely doable.
  • When I needing help/support to finish of my weight loss joruney .. I went to weight watchers! It did nothin for but,but gain a whole heap of weight.. I dont think I had ever had so much processed/crap/high cal food in my life! So now I am back to ..what I know best an thats calorie counting.. I agree theres no such thing as "free foods,we do have to be accountable for what we put into our mouths" Otherwise.. it does start to show on the scales, I gained 22lbs by going to weight watchers.. the leader .. didnt like me one bit, I told other people my story ,and my journey.. to weight loss sucess.. but many people that go there are stuck in the mindset.. of "takeaways,fat,sugar" which allowing free veg an fruit is a good thing cos they were more inclined to eat that. However they were all dieters not.. health freeks like myself. I guess at the end of the day.. it comes down to the indivdual!
  • I totally agree with you and I tryed 1 weight watchers meeting and it turned me off. We can do it better by counting calories and just thinking healthy.
  • How long have you been with myfitnesspal? Sounds like you been there, tryed that and learned the hard way--me too,but I'm glad I quite WW before I started gaining it all back and I was so sick of having a month were I just went back and forth gain a pound lose a pound. I am also going to try to socialize more seems like the people are pretty nice and they are doing this to lose weight, get healthy and be happy and not just a popularity contest as to whom has the most blogs, articles and followers. The last 2 week i was on WW I left numerous people know I was having a bad time and what did they do just write another blog instead of just trying to help directly. Glad to be with myfitnesspal.
    Take care