Which Holiday treat is YOUR kryptonite?



  • djhannah02
    Sugar. Anything containing it!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    A good friend makes her own Chocolate-covered Cherries.. .the cherries are marinated in either rum, amaretto or vodka..

  • djhannah02
    Oh! And the salted caramel mocha frappachinos from Starbucks!! *drools*
  • MrsLeyva11
    I love all the little treats that we make.. like cookies, peanut butter balls, oreo balls. I don't know if it's more because of all the time I got to spend with my sister and mom making them, or actually eating them. But they get me every dang time.

    That and mashed potatoes. I know most people don't consider mashed potatoes a treat but I usually only ever eat them on my birthday, or at Thanksgiving. Those are the two times each year I allow myself to have them lol.
  • thephysiquemechanic
    Family member makes brownies with hersheys symphony bars layered between the brownies....Have one and well you need to run away from the plate of them....they draw u back for more lol.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    My mom makes this pie/cake called Chocolate Lush Cake (some people call it Better Than Sex cake.) It's like cream cheese and chocolate pudding on a graham cracker crust (sort of.) I could eat the whole pan if left to my own devices. So. GOOD.

    I also love the cranberry bliss bar from Starbucks. Glad they only serve it seasonally.

    So basically anything with cream cheese, then. Lol...
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    I want candy corn. , anything dark chocolate, peeps, cranberry sauce, . .list goes on and on but my all time I'm gonna miss you because i won't make it this year is Spoon Bread. Soft, hot, melt in your mouth 305 calorie, 114 fats in a cup heaven at Thanksgiving and Christmas. sigh :sad:
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    caramel apples covered in peanuts! OMG!! I can eat one after another all day long!! Keep those things away from me!!! :noway:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    every damn holiday and birthdays, weddings, baby showers, graduations, etc. it never ends w/ the booze and endless buffet style meals. every day it feels like theres a good reason to celebrate. how do people diet in our society?!


    Just say "no, thanks !" :laugh:
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    The one holiday treat (although I do see them occasionally throughout the year at bakeries (but how often do I actually walk into a bakery? :laugh: ) are those Christmas cookies that are cutouts with the frosting and sprinkles. Know what I'm talking about? They're not sugar cookies exactly, and the frosting is kinda hard set and they are cut into cute shapes and decorated.

    My mom made them once for Christmas when I was 3 years old and firmly decided they were too much trouble and never made them again, leaving me to feel deprived the rest of my life. :happy:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    awwww ...... that's a running joke in our family ...... my daughter dislikes them ..... so of course, everyone sends them to her, in all different colors :laugh:

    My own "kryptonite" is probably lemon bars, or anything like SweetTarts ..... yummm ..... sugar ......
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Not a Halloween candy, but much easier to find during the Halloween season (which really is the most wonderful time of the year)... Take 5 bars. Chocolate, peanut butter, pretzel, peanut and caramel... it should be sold in the feminine hygiene aisle next to Midol. It's the most perfect candy bar ever.
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    Wrong holiday, but Cadbury eggs! I only had one or two this whole Easter season though!

    Every other holiday treat pales, but Reese's are decent
    they have screambury eggs now! same thing just halloween themed..
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    i love almost all the candy, but mostly it's the chocolate.
    Thanksgiving is my weakness though, all of it... i have some plans on making sure this year is a little healthier than the ones past though. =)
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    for me, its thanksgiving. my sister is a great baker and she makes these tiny apple crisp pies in cupcake tins and it usually leads to me picking at the whole tray :C and my grandma has award winning blueberry pie and she makes her own crust for it using a cuban recipe. its glazed with her own special syrup that hardens and caramelizes on the dough

  • Cobby1
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Depends on the holiday- anything sweet ............but since you asked..................

    Not the candy corn although I love it but the pumpkins that taste like candy corn; they are so cute.
    Then at Thanksgiving- nothing much just pie and all the goodies that start piling into the office
    and onto tables everywhere. I love sweets- cookies , candies, homemade everything.
    Then at Christmas, I love those nougat candies with christmas trees on them-they taste minty; fruit cake, mince meat pie

    Easter, malted milk balls/pastel colored. Birthday; chocolate / chocolate cake with icecrem.
    Other people 's birthdays and office celebrations cake cake cake

    The list is endless. I am a sweets junkie.
  • StudioMaid
    StudioMaid Posts: 84 Member
    It really isn't a holiday treat but I love, love, love, potato chips and dip. There is a store a few blocks from my house that sells the best chip dip (in my opinion), and I can't seem to get enough of them. So I just steer clear of them all together.
  • cheliebean911
    Thanksgiving dinner gets me every year! I love everything! Stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole..... etc, etc, etc!