Oh Coffee, You Horrid B****.



  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    Make Room for what you Can Not or Will Not do without. Whether it is Coffee, Exercise or the occasional potato chip or soda; I learned looong ago that I would not give up My Mug of Coffee Daily. And I am glad I kept it, since then I have learned of the many benefits of Coffee. It COST Me 90-100 Calories per day, but it is worth the cost. I simply give up that extra slice of bread or tbls of salad dressing, and actually the Coffee is a better choice!
  • don't stress too much atm because you have only just started your journey to lifestyle change and that is not easy, it takes time to cut the crap out. I didn't think I would ever be able to cut out white bread, I have completely now and I actually don't even like it anymore....keep your starbucks temporarily, cut it down to a small, then reduce the sugar, then replace the sugar with sweetener and so on. I drink coffee only in the mornings with a little milk and sweetener. but I want to try a week withhout it next week, I am going to replace my coffee with green tea. I am nervous lol!!!!!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    . But again, my idea of a coffee is a cinnamon dolce latte from starbucks. Did I mention Venti?
    That's not really coffee, it's a dessert beverage and it's probably the creamy milk and the sweet flavourings that you crave rather than the coffee content.

    Perhaps you can make room for one a week as a treat?

    But if you like coffee... and I do, especially in the morning... then a little milk and a sweetener will take away the bitter taste.

    I like my coffee black with 2 sweeteners :drinker:

    BTW... coffee itself is no more of a diuretic than H₂O.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    i love pizza, but sometimes i'm satisfied with a pizza rollup made with egg roll wrappers. same toppings and same taste except for the thick crust and that suits me fine. when I want PIZZA though, I eat pizza, just not every time and I eat less of it than I used to. no more finishing a large pepperoni and sausage at one sitting. that's what I learned at mfp. never deprive yourself, but find a suitable substitute a lot of the time. good luck
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I have a restaurant grade coffee machine at home. It is set to have a perfectly hot pot every morning when I wake up at 4am.

    When I get to work, we have a large scale restaurant-grade coffee machine capable of perking up three pots of coffee to sit on their own happy burner to keep hot.

    Coming in to work at 6am and being the first person in gives me great pleasure in perking the first three pots of coffee..

    No one.. and I mean NO one, not even my doctor, MFP or some tea-nazi-radical is going to convert me and change my undying love for a big cup of coffee...

    It is your friend...lol

    ...in all seriousness though, I drink my coffee with light cream only... My doctors have no problem with it - it has never affected my cholesterol (I have awesome numbers)... if my only vice is going to be the real stuff in coffee, then so be it.... 8-)
  • y0mbo
    y0mbo Posts: 43 Member
    Darker roasted beans tend to be more bitter, so look for a lighter roast.

    Try Highlander Grogg (a flavor, not a brand). It's has a great buttery flavor to it.

    Otherwise Hazelnut flavored beans are really good as well.

    I also recommend the Torani SF syrups. Also switch to skim for the milk.
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Some milk in the coffee will be alot like a latte.
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I came out of the womb drinking my coffee black. I have fits when I see people putting crap in their coffee. :) I am a black 2 pot a day drinker.
  • raverhayley
    raverhayley Posts: 112 Member
    i think you should still have it but have low fat milk and sweetener instead of syrup or sugar. if you dont allow a couple of treats in your day to day life you will end up binging eventually!
  • Amy911Gray
    Amy911Gray Posts: 685 Member
    This is your new lifestyle. My new lifestyle has brownies, cake and ice cream.

    Fit your coffee in somehow, you could switch to sugar free syrup and get used to it--takes about 2 weeks. You could also make other little changes in your diet to compensate for the coffee.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Is it latte's or coffee? I gave up all drinks of that nature and now confine myself to a couple of cups of good coffee with coconut milk creamer and it's part of my calorie plan every day.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I freakin LOVE coffee, and like you, I refuse to drink it black.

    Here are a few ideas:

    Slowly wean the sugar out of your coffee. If I get 2% milk rather than skim, the coffee tastes smoother, and I need less sugar/syrup to enjoy the taste. So, if you're putting 3 sugars in now, start putting in only 2... and after a few weeks reduce it to 1, and see how you feel about it.

    You can also get smaller sized drinks.

    You can work out more so that the calories aren't such a big deal.

    You can skip it once or twice a week and substitute tea (not everyday... just a few days here and there.)
  • veggievixen79
    veggievixen79 Posts: 109 Member
    I also refuse to live without my latte...I tried going without but it just ruined my whole day.

    Someone on here suggested putting cinnamon in with your grounds when you brew it--I haven't tried but it might give you some of the flavour without the syrup?
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    Try making Bulletproof coffee, it's amazing. I cut back from 6-8 daily cups to 2-3, only making 1 of them bulletproof. But I didnt have the sugar addiction in coffe, I save that for donuts :)

  • I would try making your own lattes, using skim milk and for the flavor, try a Torani sugar-free syrup. They have loads of flavories, and are zero calories! If that's not sweet enough for you, add some stevia.
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    first and foremost you make the decision to give something up. no one can make that decision for you. Obviously you want to live a better lifestyle so yes you will probably have to give them up. But you can learn to make your own healthy choices at home, not Starbucks but healthier and way way cheaper.
    You can use less sugar, less cream or milk. Y
    You have to decide whats best for you. I used to think I would never in a million years drink black coffee., YUCK. But I gave it a try for a few weeks till I got used to it. now when I do have sugar and milk/cream in my coffee its just too much.
    I like black coffee now. I save on calories and sugar. Lets me also have a little piece of cake or something sweet if I wanted to every once in a while. When I look back I save so much calories and sugar its actually pretty awesome.
    Good luck
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    My calorie intake for breakfast is LARGE because I cannot, will not, go without 4 TBS of light cream in my cup of coffee! I started measuring so I don't go over-my kids laugh at me. But every calorie counts!

    Since I starting logging calories, I set my intake with the sedentary level, so in order to get my coffee in, I have to exercise AND eat a lot less snacks! (I used to eat so many snacks!!)

    Good luck, but I know what you mean!
  • 135OHK
    135OHK Posts: 33 Member
    I take about a 1/2 cup or so of 2%milk, put it in a shaker with a lid, shake it up until it's foamy. Nuke in the microwave until it's warm (without the lid so it doesn't explode). Add this to a cup of strong coffee along with a tablespoon or so of Torani sugarfree french vanilla or Hazelnut flavor syrup and it's GREAT. Feels like I just went to Starbucks ....costs very little and has A LOT less calories.
  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Try making Bulletproof coffee, it's amazing. I cut back from 6-8 daily cups to 2-3, only making 1 of them bulletproof. But I didnt have the sugar addiction in coffe, I save that for donuts :)


    One bulletproof coffee in the morning and good to go. Coconut oil and Butter works for me!
  • nattyb823
    nattyb823 Posts: 4 Member
    If you could see my diary you would know coffee is a huge calorie suck for me. I was using real sugar and flavored half and half. With two little babies I was drinking like 500 calories a day in coffee!! I only get 1200 if I don't exercise, which is completely unlivable for me to only eat 700 calories in real food. Anyways, I switched to splenda and 2%milk and I find I don't really love if as much, and don't drink as much. I think if you can't give it up, you will just have to give up a snack during the day to make up for it. You'll be a little bit hungrier but sometimes it is worth it. Also I think at the end of the day it is about long term changes to be healthier and it sounds like you're doing that anyways, keep up the good work!!