Welcome BACK !

Im Wee,Its been 3 months since I last log in this website.Too busy with FInal examinations.Now,I've gained 7 pounds and Im 114kg (251.327 pounds ) . Now ,Im back in MFP website and I wishes to lose more then I gain ,I wish that I can drop below 100kg if possible.Hope you all help me to achieve my goals and I shall help you too ! =D


  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    You can do it buddy,

    Thinks happen and sometimes you just can't log on it's happened to me after getting to 95kg but I wasn't happy things going on I couldn't control.

    But like you I've got back on it. In 40 odd days lost 12lbs in a better place and starting to hit the weights to tone up and get where I wanna be!

    Good luck buddy, you can do it.

    add me if you like!
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    welcome Back!
    If you need friends please feel free to add me!