Non-supportive significant other?

I am trying to lose weight for health but my significant other (who is thin already) seems really unsupportive. I am doing this for me but it's hard when the person who claims to love you doens't want what's best for you...

Anyone else dealing with this?


  • Gabi2591
    Gabi2591 Posts: 9 Member
    *Raises hand*. My s/o and I have been together for 5 years. I know he loves me, but I don't think he can truly understand the struggle until he's been in shoes like ours. He's skinny, but wants to buff up, as opposed to me, I want to lose a hefty amount of weight. :( It sucks because it has takes an emotional toll on me, but I know that only I can fix this. You're not alone!!

    If you want to add one more person to your support group, I'd be happy to join :)
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    What do you mean by unsupportive? Does he buy or cook junk food? Does he discourage you from working out?
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    Keep positive and show him the positive effects exercise and good eating have on your energy, mood and confidence. Usualy they turn around as soon as they see it is not a passing fad, and that it makes you happy.
  • Jkc9059
    Jkc9059 Posts: 151 Member
    I wouldn't say unsupportive but my hubby has seen me start the process so many times just to get frustrated and give up after a month or 2 when things got hard. But he has noticed this time is different for me. I started my journey in January and joined MFP in June. I have lost 34 pounds and almost as many inches. I have started to learn to "run" with the C25K program. What is interesting is the man who used to say, " I don't want to go gfor a walk I am on my feet all day." Has started walking and at times jogging with me. When I asked him why he said that he is proud of my accomplishments and that he is afraid that if he does not try to get in shape I will run away and he won't be able to keep up. He is really starting to understand and has not tried to buy me things like gas station cappuchinos or pistachio muffins which were part of the old me. He instead brings me home my favorite apples and has even learned to can produce so that we have fresh produce when the snow is as high as the house this winter. I think once they know that you are commited to what you are doing they either change or if they don't need to move on.
  • Cat_from_Chicago
    Cat_from_Chicago Posts: 95 Member
    What do you mean by unsupportive? Does he buy or cook junk food? Does he discourage you from working out?

    He's actually said he doesn't want me to lose weight because he likes me how I am (which is great...) but I tell him it's for my health & he just doesn't seem to be understanding. When we go out if I eat “healthy" he's always makes comments or if I'm at his house he always cooks or orders "bad foods" & then says it won't hurt to "take a day off". We've kind of drifted because of it. It's hard enough to change without someone making you feel bad for wanting to do better.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Can't change people and what they like.
    My SO straight up said that if I lose weight, she won't find me attractive.
    In fact, she went so far as to say that she will find me unattractive. lol.

    So *shrugs*

    F it. Live for you.

    At first I let her affect me, but finally I had to put an end to it. If you want progress, you need dedication. Be stank about it and just tell him what's what. If he's not going to support you, fine, but he can keep his negative comments to himself. Remind him of how you support him and don't cut him down. Then just stick to it. Buy what you want to eat and cook it the way you want it cooked. It might be advantageous to cook all the meals yourself and make it both healthy and something he likes to eat too. That way if he likes eating the same stuff, there will be less junk around to tempt you.
  • Cat_from_Chicago
    Cat_from_Chicago Posts: 95 Member
    Can't change people and what they like.
    My SO straight up said that if I lose weight, she won't find me attractive.
    In fact, she went so far as to say that she will find me unattractive. lol.

    So *shrugs*

    F it. Live for you.

    At first I let her affect me, but finally I had to put an end to it. If you want progress, you need dedication. Be stank about it and just tell him what's what. If he's not going to support you, fine, but he can keep his negative comments to himself. Remind him of how you support him and don't cut him down. Then just stick to it. Buy what you want to eat and cook it the way you want it cooked. It might be advantageous to cook all the meals yourself and make it both healthy and something he likes to eat too. That way if he likes eating the same stuff, there will be less junk around to tempt you.

    "F it. Live for you." :flowerforyou:
  • queendeej
    queendeej Posts: 214 Member
    You're a pretty girl. He may feel threatened and be scared that if you lose weight you'll leave him. Let him know that this isn't about him, it's about you. Make sure you let him know that you understand that he appreciates some thickness but let him know that years of carrying extra weight takes a toll on your body. If he loves you he will want you to be healthy so you can live longer and have more time together. Can you invite him to workout with you--maybe he can see it as more time that you can spend together or maybe suggest planning and cooking new recipes together (healthy recipes of course). Good luck--whatever you do, don't let him turn you away from your path to being healthy.
    What do you mean by unsupportive? Does he buy or cook junk food? Does he discourage you from working out?

    He's actually said he doesn't want me to lose weight because he likes me how I am (which is great...) but I tell him it's for my health & he just doesn't seem to be understanding. When we go out if I eat “healthy" he's always makes comments or if I'm at his house he always cooks or orders "bad foods" & then says it won't hurt to "take a day off". We've kind of drifted because of it. It's hard enough to change without someone making you feel bad for wanting to do better.
  • adreal
    adreal Posts: 229 Member
    You can do this. Just make sure he understands what you are doing and why. I agree that he could feel threatened. But you have the strength to do this. Just make the choices as best you can. Does he cook or make the food choices?

    Feel free to add me!