one of my biggest pet peeves on this site.

feeny Posts: 110 Member
edited September 20 in Chit-Chat
Don't mean to offend anyone but this just drives me nuts!

loose and lose are 2 different words. you want to LOSE weight not loose it.

loose  /lus/ , loos⋅er, loos⋅est, adverb, verb loosed, loos⋅ing.
–adjective 1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.

lose  /luz/ verb, lost, los⋅ing
5. to fail to keep, preserve, or maintain: to lose one's balance; to lose one's figure.


  • I hate incorrect grammar too!!

    Drives me nuts!! :explode:

    LOL :tongue:
  • DaveyGravy
    DaveyGravy Posts: 283 Member
    Am sure you'll be ok mate :-)
  • Brenna
    Brenna Posts: 126 Member
    Oh, Mr. Feeny.... You would say something like that! :laugh:

    On a side note, I was in love with Shawn Hunter. Wonder what he is doing these days!
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    HAHA I totally used to make that mistake! My sister would get SOOOO mad at me lol

    ~Leash :heart:
  • samseed101
    samseed101 Posts: 97 Member
    Your right, that common grammatical mistake does get annoying.

    ...... and yes that was intentional ;)
  • Wow!! You can say that again.

  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Don't mean to offend anyone but this just drives me nuts!

    loose and lose are 2 different words. you want to LOSE weight not loose it.

    loose  /lus/ , loos⋅er, loos⋅est, adverb, verb loosed, loos⋅ing.
    –adjective 1. free or released from fastening or attachment: a loose end.

    Ummmm, I dunno, maybe we have some people out here who want to be released from the attachment of a few extra pounds?

    :bigsmile: Yes, a bit of mischief there :tongue: :wink:

    Spelling drives me nuts too...... however, if people here focus on health instead of spelling, I can cope with my own (mental) health and just let go of the spelling...... I'm proud of people being here, supporting and getting support, even if they can't type, spell, are too tired to see straight, have had such a long day that they aren't concerned with the delivery as much as the message..... etc.... it's all good. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    I've wanted to post that before too! lol
    I make my fair share of spelling mistakes (typing fast or with a 9 month old on my lap) but LOOSE and LOSE and sooo different...

    Let's use them in a sentence shall we??

    "I want to lose 50 lbs!"

    "Wow, I lost 50 lbs and now my skin is all loose!"

  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    Your right, that common grammatical mistake does get annoying.

    ...... and yes that was intentional ;)

    ohh man don't get me started on your and you're lmao
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Nice one samseed!! I almost jumped on your use of "your" instead of "you're". :laugh:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    How about there, their, and they're? Or to and too? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, dear people, if and when you find a "My Spelling Pals" site, feel free to correct ad nauseum-- until then, lighten up.

    We've had threads like this before, and personally I've always found them in bad form.

    Some people are spelling and grammar buffs (I happen to be one of them) and others aren't-- but this isn't the site for such trivial complaints-- in my humble opinion.

    People have enough on their plate (pun intended) trying to get their eating and health under control, they shouldn't have to be worried about being mocked for their spelling, too.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member



    Some people clearly didn't pay attention in first grade.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I certainly didn't mean to offend anyone. I just thought this was all in good fun as this is a peeve of mine as well. Of course, the main objective of this site is to get healthy and I would never single anyone out personally for the mispelling or misuse of a word. We all make mistakes. :smile:
  • feeny
    feeny Posts: 110 Member
    Well, dear people, if and when you find a "My Spelling Pals" site, feel free to correct ad nauseum-- until then, lighten up.

    We've had threads like this before, and personally I've always found them in bad form.

    Some people are spelling and grammar buffs (I happen to be one of them) and others aren't-- but this isn't the site for such trivial complaints-- in my humble opinion.

    People have enough on their plate (pun intended) trying to get their eating and health under control, they shouldn't have to be worried about being mocked for their spelling, too.

    This is the internet, spelling and grammar come into play everywhere, no matter what site you're on. My intention was not to "mock" anyone.

    If i wanted to do that I would go through each thread with spelling errors and point them out to the poster.
  • laotte
    laotte Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the laugh.:bigsmile:
  • OMG! ok I'll try to clean up my SECOND LANGUAGE grammar and spelling lol
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I don't think a thread like this hurts anyone. It's not like the OP is annoyed over misuse of the word 'whom' (which, by the way, still confuses me to this day).

    We're all adults here. We should know the difference between loose and lose, their and they're, your and you're. These are basic, elementary-school spelling rules. Occassionally I get typing too fast and realize I've put an extra 'o' in 'lose'- I think it happens to everyone. But if you're someone who genuinely doesn't know the difference between these words, threads like this only serve to educate. I HOPE people read this and think, 'Woops! I've been doing it wrong. I'll correct that.' Hopefully it may even spare them professional embarrassment in the future (could you imagine mis-spelling one of these words on a resume?).
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Well, dear people, if and when you find a "My Spelling Pals" site, feel free to correct ad nauseum-- until then, lighten up.

    We've had threads like this before, and personally I've always found them in bad form.

    Some people are spelling and grammar buffs (I happen to be one of them) and others aren't-- but this isn't the site for such trivial complaints-- in my humble opinion.

    People have enough on their plate (pun intended) trying to get their eating and health under control, they shouldn't have to be worried about being mocked for their spelling, too.

    This is the internet, spelling and grammar come into play everywhere, no matter what site you're on. My intention was not to "mock" anyone.

    If i wanted to do that I would go through each thread with spelling errors and point them out to the poster.

    Why do that when it's so much more time efficient to do it with one simple thread?

    The glory of America is that we can disagree openly-- and we do. I find this in bad form, and figure I'd pop in to share my opinion.

    I've known people who were quite embarrassed with a thread like this, making them so self-conscious, they were intimidated to post. Super-sensitive? Maybe-- but, again, given the forum here and the purpose which is health and fitness....ah, nevermind-- I already said my piece.

    'Nuff said--

    Carry on--
  • Elfie1
    Elfie1 Posts: 30
    BY FAR....the most annoying is..." I AXED him if I could go along"...GAWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!
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