Foods you avoid and foods you try to incorporate more.

Just curious on what foods everyone tries to avoid and what foods they try to consume more of for the benefits it gives? I'm trying to exactly figure out what I want to cut out and what I want to include more of for my meal plans. I'm not trying to do anything temporary though, this is a permanent change in lifestyle I plan on staying with.

As of right now, I'm wanting to avoid pretty much soda, fruit juice, pretty much anything that isn't water or whole fruits and veggies juiced. I want to cut out red meat, as well as candy and the majority of sweets.
I'd like to incorporate more veggies, though not sure which ones provide the most benefits.

So, what about everyone else? :) if you have any recommendations for me for either things to avoid or include more of, please feel free to do so!


  • Sheilav330
    Well i eat red meat once a month or twice and i don't consume large amounts of it...but i try to stay away from white breads...pastas and stick to whole grain...i try to get more veggies in but i struggle with that because i am a picky eater lol but the main thing is to just keep moving and everything else will fall into place.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    Definitely eating more raw veggies and fruits... As for avoiding... I'm trying to avoid mostly carbs... hope this helps!
  • Gremlinz
    Gremlinz Posts: 3,259 Member
    I try to avoid most carbs, and don't eat breads, cereals, etc... I have a weak spot for red meat, so I try to cut down on that. I also try to avoid anything processed or out of a can, though I make an exception for canned tomatoes and beans. I make my own sauces, etc, from scratch, I really like knowing exactly what goes into everything I cook.

    Things I make an effort to eat more of: Fishes/seafoods and fresh veggies.
  • Brendajo510
    I try to eat more veggies and low cal foods. I'm also trying to pay more attention to sodium. I avoid high cal anything. Mostly, I just try to get more "bang for my buck" when it comes to the calories in food.
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    Trying to eat more spinach ... as I need iron.... and trying to avoid fried foods
  • jeme3
    jeme3 Posts: 355 Member
    Moderation is the key. You don't need to eliminate anything.

    I try to make better choices- whole grains vs. white, more fresh veggies (they are all good), two fruits a day, less added sugar/salt chemicals/lean proteins vs. fatty proteins, water as first choice for beverage. But if there is something I want to have, I work it in to my day. Once you get in to tracking what you are eating, it gets easier to see where the trade-offs are.

    I am working on a new lifestyle, so I want it to be sustainable and not leave me feeling like I'm missing out.
  • karrathachick
    karrathachick Posts: 34 Member
    Besides all the normal things, I'm trying hard to avoid lots of nuts. They are such a great healthy snack and easily portable but whoa the calories are craaazzzyyyy! Lots more filling options for way less cals! I'm trying to include lots more salads and veg and lots more healthy protein instead of simple carbs.
  • salubriousliving
    I try to get fruits/veggies in every meal. as for avoiding, chips! I'm a huge chips girl and i can't get enough of it!
  • gogoyubarino
    gogoyubarino Posts: 104 Member
    I avoid:

    -Sugar (as much as I can)
    -Full- fat dairy products
    -Refined, premade, processed foods.
    -Hydrogenated vegetable fat.
    -Fizzy drinks

    I make a point trying to eat good amounts of:

    -Green leafy vegetables
    -Whole-grain breads
    -Olive Oil
    -Bright/ dark colourful vegetables
  • xxbookwormbabexx
    xxbookwormbabexx Posts: 92 Member
    Avoid: Soda/carbonation, anything processed, alcohol, excessive dairy, *fast food*

    Incorporate: Fruits, veggies, whole grain, fish, healthy fats (nuts, oils, avocado, etc)

  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I actively try to incorporate more celery - I never liked it when I was younger, and so I never think to buy it, and then when I do buy it, I forget to eat it. I have negative associations with it, I guess - I still don't like it by itself, but I love it as part of a salad, so I try to remind myself to buy it and eat it!

    And sprouted pulses - I buy a lot of dried pulses with the intention of sprouting them, because I like sprouted pulses and they're very healthy. But I tend to forget, because of all the preparation involved, so I have to write reminders to myself to soak pulses overnight.

    I'm also trying to eat nuts and raisins - something I often just don't think to eat, but which are a great snack.

    I try to avoid Doritos and potato chips - not completely, but to reduce them. They used to be a standard part of my diet! And sour candy.