Small slice of cake??

so I'm quite new to the weight loss thing and (being someone who would eat cake all day if she could) i can't really live with the idea that diet = no cake ever. I understand that once a week is ok? But how about twice a week.... I'm at school and we generally have "cake days" in our English and in our Latin classes (which occur on Mondays and Fridays) so would it kill my diet if i ate some cake on those days BUT REMAINED UNDER 1200 CALORIES the rest of the day, and also ate healthily while exercising, for the rest of the week? Because cake is so good and fruit, as yum as it is, is just not the same D:
I guess I'm just a bit confused as to what is ok for healthy living, and what isn't...
Any advice or anything would be much appreciated thank you so much. :smile:


  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    As long as you stay within your calories, you could eat 1200 calories worth of cake if you wanted, technically. However,you wouldn't be very satisfied/full or hitting any of your macros at the end of the day :-)
  • YoshiZelda
    YoshiZelda Posts: 340 Member
    Not at all, it's all about portion control. Me myself, I don't keep myself away from any food I like. I just make sure I stay within my calorie goal/ other nutritional goals ( At least try my best too). I've been doing this since I started and it works, You don't have to eat 100% clean to lose weight. In my mind you shouldn't have to, since this is going to be a life style change, that would be pointless to keep yourself away from anything you know you are going to eat in the future.
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 159 Member
    as long as you are within your calories you can have cake every day, sometimes i do and ive lost 49 pounds ! dont give up the things u enjoy or u will crave and binge when u do eat cake, portion size and knowing the calories is the key
  • There is no reason at all you can't have a small slice of cake IF you allow for it in your calorie planning over the course of the day, and you make it a small slice. Almost anything can be worked in in some form, and it makes living on the diet for several years (which I will have to do to lose the weight I carry) much easier.
  • eat it but in moderation! no diet that excludes everything yummy is ever successful. this is a lifestyle change you have to make, and cutting out all cakes/sweets/whatever isn't practical. just make sure you're under your calories and you'll still lose weight! and even if you have a slip up, don't let it derail you and continue on your way :)
  • EHuntRN
    EHuntRN Posts: 320 Member
    First off...look at this as a new healthy way of eating...NOT a diet...and if you want two pieces of cake/wk then go for it...this is your life, your weightloss journey...I would suggest going one week without it and see if it makes a difference in your diary/weightloss/inches loss...if not...jus make sure your carbs are within range because yeah, your calories might be within range for the day...but you are taking a chance at a higher carb intake for the day with the cake...but by all a little and have the cake...but really think about if its workth haveing it on Mondays...thats the begging of the Mondays are called Motivational Mondays...meaning Im motivated and Friday...its my Fun Friday....meaning Im living a little that to reward myself of another week of making health choices...Its not a change if it doesnt challenge you!!!!
  • tmm01
    tmm01 Posts: 137
    Your diet has to be realistic other wise you are not going to stick with it. If you have cake (roughly 350cals per slice) will you be able to survive the day on less than 1000cals? Could you use those cals on something more filling?
    If you still desire cake then have it, it's a lifestyle change not just a diet for a couple of months. everything in moderation. Just don't let those treats become too often. :wink:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is why lots of people subscribe to the idea of "IIFYM: If It Fits Your Macros."

    Your macros are carbs, fat and protein. If you're otherwise eating healthy and your staying close to your macro goals, you can allow some less than healthy foods in your daily menu. Many people also adjust their macro ratios in the custom goals area, because MFP defaults to pretty low protein and pretty high carbohydrates.

    Also, you're young and only have 30 pounds to lose, so 1200 calories is quite likely too low for you. Make sure your weekly goal is set to one pound a week for now, switching to a half pound a week as you get closer to your goal.
  • dgr93
    dgr93 Posts: 40 Member
    yeah, if you have an otherwise clean diet and are doing some exercise in the week I cant see why a couple of small slices would hurt. If you treat yourself a little every now and again you are less likely to 'fall off the wagon' because you allow yourself to have these things and are less likely to feel like you have 'failed' :) enjoy!
  • If you can eat the cake, fit it into your cals for the day, and stop at one peice, and continue on your with your journey, I say eat it. If you cant, then stay away!! We are gonna be faced with situations like this all the time. You have to be able to enjoy life!! Its eating half the cake and not getting back with the program that got us all in this predicament!!
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    ummmm look at my diary, i ate two pieces of cake yesterday and one today!!!! that is what i love as well, and i will sacrifice something else or workout extra long if i need to just to have it!!! i dont think its good to do everyday, but defin. you can once or twice a week, just make sure you dont go over!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    have the slice of cake..just be sure to log it. I'm in a bad spot because my son who lives at home is a BAKER! OMG! I just have to tell him I can "sample" what he bakes but he can't be offended when I don't take a great big huge piece of whatever. So when he cuts a slice of whatever...I cut it into about 1/3's. That's my "slice".
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    i also meant to say that the cake i made, was a healthy version of one of my favorites. if you like to bake, maybe you can find a healthy low cal recipe!
  • I also like cake! And I'm not willing to cut it out because this is hopefully a lifestyle change for me not a short term solution and to think I'll never be allowed cake again makes it not worth it!

    In essence, eat cake if you want but be sensible, today, for example, I ate a pizza but I know I'm going to work most of it off with a game of basketball tonight.

    On another note I don't know how you survive on 1200 a day, I would starve! I'm getting results at 1580 a day and it's something I can stick to more- and make room for a bit of cake. This is a marathon not a sprint be in in it for the long haul!
  • If I know that I'm planning on eating something with some extra calories, I try to ensure I have some exercise calories worked in there to help :) yesterday, I went to Marble Slab but I had frozen yogurt instead and it was delicious and within my calorie goal.
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    u should never, never tell yourself that you cant eat something that you love to eat....this is setting yourself up for failure...

    do not go on a crazy diet where you eat nothing but salads and lean meats and then beat yourself up if you eat that slice of cake, or even the whole cake cause feeling guilty about your food choices just sets you up to make more bad choices...

    a healthy lifestyle that enables you to lose weight is not about being perfect...its about being better, make small changes, learning about nutrition and getting active and how this fits into your lifestyle...

    everyone is different, everyone loses weight differently...there is no cookie cutter plan that will work for every person, every time...

    if you want to have a piece of cake, then have one...but its about self control!
  • Thank you so much everybody! It's so good to hear that I'm not, like, failing by eating a bit of victoria sponge cake :3 well done everybody on your weight loss by the way - you are all so inspirational! :D
  • Love_flowers
    Love_flowers Posts: 365 Member
    Enjoy your cake :bigsmile:

    And without guilt or any negative thoughts connected to the cake eating.

    Everything in moderation people always say. :D

    This is a lifestyle change and should be sensibly enjoyed :)
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member

    I was a 100% organic fanatic when I was obese and that was not healthy either. I mean I soaked my own grains and bean, fermented sauerkraut and kombucha, made my own whey and cheese, use all raw organic dairy, made my own bread, ate only free range organic meats, blah blah blah. Too much food is too much food, too many calories are too many calories, does not matter how clean the calories are.

    I still eat mostly all organic, especially meat and dairy because of the hormones, steroids, and antibiotics.

    I mostly use stevia instead of artificial sweeteners.

    However, if on occasion a low carb tortilla or some fat free cheese or yogurt, or a sugar free pudding snack will keep me in my calorie budget, keep me from going insane, and keep me moving forward, and move me from obese to fit that it's healthier than being a 100% clean obese person.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    You can have cake (and eat it too!). You just have to stay in your calorie goal. Like someone else said, you won't be full if you eat cake all day but technically you could as long as you are within your goal.

    Just keep in mind that everyone slices their cake differently and different types can have different calories. All cakes are not created equal!

    I have a huge sweet tooth and I have something sugary each night - cupcakes, skinny cow candy, ice cream, etc...I just keep it under 150 cal.

    If you're worried about calories than maybe exercise more that day then you would have a bit more to have for cake. Or see about having someone bring cupcakes instead of cakes? For the most part, those sizes are pretty standard.