
Hello there :)

I just started taking birth control pills, Yasminelle if I am exact and I've never taken birth control before. So I'm just wondering what are your experience with it? Did you gain/lose weight? I don't want it to ruin my weight loss plans :|

Thanks for your help :)


  • Hi, I don't remember if I took Yasminelle or Yasmine (it was a while ago), but I was also warned against weight gain. Turns out I didn't need to worry, I don't think I've experienced any after all. It's apparently all about increased accumulation of water anyway, so you shouldn't get extra fat unless it affects you in other ways (like increasing appetite).

    BTW is your username short for Aleksandra? :)
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I've heard it can cause weight gain but I say if you work hard it should be okay.
  • leksandra
    leksandra Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, Aleksandra is my name :) Thank you! I hope it also doesn't affect me.. I'm counting calories so hopefully I'll be able to control what I eat even if my appetite increases :|
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    Birth control might make you eat more which causes weight gain. The pill itself doesn't. Watch what you eat and you'll lose weight just like so many others on BC.
  • I didn't put on weight and I think mine was called Leona Hexal. :)
  • I was on the pill for years and have recently come off it. I didn't see any major weight loss when I did so i can only assume my weight gain was cake related rather than contraception related :-/
  • nahha I didn't put on weight, worked well for me =)
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    just to let u know..u can still get preggers on the pill.. thats how i was
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I had the 5 year IUD which has hormones (the 10 year doesn't have hormones with it) and I did gain weight but I have never tried the pill. I hope it works for you.
  • bunchesonothing
    bunchesonothing Posts: 1,015 Member
    I didn't gain weight because of it.
  • MrsBully4
    MrsBully4 Posts: 304 Member
    My cousin and I both took it, neither of us gained weight from it but my cousin did get a blood clot in her leg and wind up in the hospital.