Has anyone quit smoking? Withdrawal help?



  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    Your withdraw symptoms should have left within 3 days. Even though it may take a while until your body adjusts to it. I would suggest exercising. Like running, kickboxing.. Zumba.. anything that is going to make you sweat! I quit for almost 11 months now. I still have hard days but if you smoked that long its going to be really hard for the first 90 days.. it does get easier everyday though!
  • truxtonny
    I quit in Feb.. used an electronic cigarette, for urges now not using anything, never gained wt. lost 5 lbs. I just take deep breaths and exhale slowly stops the jitters.
  • TakeMeDrunkImHome
    I quit smoking a little over a week ago after ten years of pack a day smoking, I felt fine at first although a bit jittery but the last two nights I've barely slept , I fall asleep for maybe a half hour and wake up feeling like I'm falling off of something. I"m also burning up at night and having crazy night sweats which makes me wake up majorly weak and it's just making for a not so great day. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make it end sooner or make the symptoms less severe? Or is this something I'm just gonna have to ride out?
    they say that quiting smoking can cause abnormal sleeping patterns... I quit 3 weeks ago and not used any substitute... I found that when you usually have a cigarette try to think of something positive or beneficial for not smoking and usually the craving goes away.... Hope this helps :-) keep it up your doing great!!!
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    I've been 12 years without. I know it sounds bad to replace and addiction with another addiction. But, I had to. Mine was gum. If i wanted a smoke, I had a HUGE bag of gum and would chew and chew and chew....I also made sure to have a hobby and keep my mind occupied. After I got my addiction switched to gum, gum was a whole lot easier to quit over time. :-) Everyone is different. Obviously, it won't be as easy as this for everyone.

    EDIT: I forgot to add the gum is what helped with my symptoms of the "jitteryness." But, it took about 2 months before I finally had a good nights sleep.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    I actually have no cravings, no desire to smoke, I'm around my husband while he smokes his E-cig and I don't even think about it, it only hits me at night while I'm trying to sleep, my body just goes nuts.

    If there's any nicotine in the water vapor from his vaporizer then it's likely that your body is still getting a bit of nicotine from it, causing your problems at night.

    What's more likely is this is your body's reaction to cleaning yourself out. It takes about a month or more to clean it out of your system completely. Getting plenty of exercise, citrus, LOADS of water, and other products that can help cleanse. Here's a random list of foods that may help: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/top-15-cleansing-foods.html
  • rocky_88
    rocky_88 Posts: 1 Member
    I suggest lots of water too, I found that if I drank a bunch of water it helped curb the wacky body issues AND stabilized my moods. Also it gave my oral fixation a healthier thing to focus on; when I get stressed I still play with my water bottle and start unscrewing and rescrewing on the lid! Hope you stick with it, it is SO worth it and I suggest what others have if you at any time find you are starting to want to regress: do some deep, DEEP breathing meditations or just breathe really deeply and realize how much easier it is already and how awesome that feels. Stay strong and carry on! :)
  • cornfritter22
    cornfritter22 Posts: 230 Member
    I'm almost at week 2 of trying to quit, but I'm using the Nicoderm CQ patch. I'm experiencing things similar to you. I can't sleep through the night and I'm getting the night sweats too. When I do sleep, I wake up from crazy dreams/nightmares. I'm hot almost all the time now, like super hot like I can't breathe. It sucks. And I'm not even smoke free yet! I've smoked two cigarettes almost every day since my "quit date". And I'm craving all kinds of junk food and typically giving in every night. I anticipate gaining a couple pounds. I'll be ok with that though because I know I can lose them again.
    Good luck to you! Just remember there are others out there going through the same thing, if that helps. WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • ahsongbird
    ahsongbird Posts: 712 Member
    I quit regular cigarettes and cloves (though I seriously still have a love/hate relationship with cloves). I started using an electronic cigarette, better known in the community as vaping. It's great for me, I don't feel like smoking regular cigarettes or cloves anymore. Sure, it has its own risks, but I feel it has reduced risks in comparison with regular cigarettes. I know the risks and consequences of my actions, so I feel no regret or remorse towards switching.
    I have the Ecig, I actually got it last week and after I used it for two days I was just done. I don't need or want anything to do with nicotine, I'm perfectly fine with the symptoms of withdrawal happening it's just a little worrying that I feel like I'm not sleeping at all when I have to be up in the morning with three kids, but I'm fine with it as long as the symptoms don't stick around too long .
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    I quit when I got pregnant about 3.5 years ago. Hang in there. If it is really bad at night can you take something to help you sleep? Meletonin, Tylenol pm or benadryl