Want to lose 157, weigh 337

See a lot of people on here that want to lose less than 100lbs. Feeling a little lonely.... F, FL, 31, married.


  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    There are many people here with over 100lbs to lose. You can find them on the same forum. I am also on my over 100lbs journey and to date have lost 35lbs. Feel free to add me and hope we can see your progress.
  • Well, I have almost attained that goal. I started out at 300lbs and now weigh 204.... It can be done! Eating lean healthy meals and YES counting calories is the only way that I have found that works. It's a pretty simple formula. Consume less than you use every day and you will lose weight. THe biggest trick for me was to find HIGH volume LOW calorie foods to help me feel content longer. Eat salads twice a day and skip the oil. I actually started on Medifast and stuck with it for a few months to get myself going but now just eat real healthy consistently... Hope that helps some~
  • zanarkand99
    zanarkand99 Posts: 2 Member
    Am on the same boat. I want to loose more than a 100. It's my first time using a freind system like this. And decide to commit 100% to it. Right now it feels like do or die for me. Still young and obsessed and I want to get my weight under control before any health issues arise. So please anyone one looking to make friends add me :). And good luck.
  • Snail313
    Snail313 Posts: 214 Member
    I would like to lose a total of 100lbs, you can add me!
  • Hey, add me if you would like when i first joint the site i wanted to loose 110lbs and i felt like the only person in the world who wanted to loose that much... We are here for you and if you can stick it through the first few week you'll find an amazing support network they have helped me lose 21lbs so far. YOU CAN DO THIS!!
  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    This is an awesome site, with awesome people...You got this.
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    There are some really great people here. You can add me.
  • Although I only have about 40-50 pounds to lose, there are always people here to offer you encouragement! Good luck on your journey...we'll be here for you!
  • LindaVas
    LindaVas Posts: 127 Member
    I too am going to lose 100+.
    Anyone can add me. :smile:
  • I have about 100 pounds to lose. I am currently doing green smoothies for 2 meals (snacks in between) and eating dinner with lean protein added. Its a little strict but I am only doing it for 90 days (doctor recommended) in hopes that it will jump start my weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    I know lots of people who need to lose that much, and also I know a lot of people who HAVE lost that much. It can be done. Just stick with it. It's okay to take breaks and "just maintain" for awhile. It's better than pushing to hard or getting burned out and backsliding.

    Think of it like a calorie mortgage. Your just have a bigger debt than I did. You are paying off a debt when you are losing weight and you are on a calorie deficit payment plan. It's okay to just pay the interest for awhile and not go further into debt, then get right back to paying on the principle when you can. It's a good strategy to take breaks when you need them.

    The slow and steady turtle wins the race in this game.
  • I am looking to lose 145 lbs at minimum 165 maximum and I am 40 lbs and 5 months into my journey. Feel free to friend me, you are going to do great!
  • LeanNTrim
    LeanNTrim Posts: 15 Member
    You are not alone! In need to lose 135 lbs. So far, I lost 7 lbs and have been on the program for 1 week. I lost another 3 lbs, but won't check that in until tomorrow morning. You hang in there, we're all here to help each other. Feel free to "friend" if you will.
  • TasTam
    TasTam Posts: 84 Member
    I'm trying to lose 100 lbs and am almost half way there. There are lots of people in the same boat as us and the encouragement on this website is amazing. Friend me if you like and good luck on your journey!!!
  • your not alone, i need to lose that too, add me if you like, groups can help
  • Rodamort
    Rodamort Posts: 171 Member
    I'm right there with ya!!! Started at 330... want to get down to 180! Already down almost 35 lbs! Add me as a friend.
  • I too want to lose 100 pounds and with 29 down in the past 11 months I am well on my way. Please add me and be encouraged. I will help you if you need it! YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • You're not alone - I started out needing to lose 149, I am down 127. I only signed up on this sight recently, I have been working on the weight lose since last Feburary. The important thing is to take it one day at a time - I focused are removing starchy and sugary carbs - I got up and still do get up everyday and say "Today I will live without carbs, I don't know what will happen tomorrow, but I can do this today." This is the first time I have ever lost more than 50 pounds in my life and I have been over 200 since I ws 13. Please feel free to add me.
  • rainlover711
    rainlover711 Posts: 74 Member
    we are here!! I have at least 100 to lose.
    there are groups you can find on here too.

    Good luck, you can find support here.
    Feel free to add me if you want
  • I am 31 years old and weigh 298 lbs. Last week when i first started this i weighed 305 lbs! it's been about 6 months since i've been under the 300 mark! i am changing my life, not just dieting! i exercise in the gym now. i walk in the park. i jog down the street. i'm loving this!!! i need to lose about 155 more lbs! We CAN do this!!!! anyone can add me as a friend! thanks!! :)