Coffee before running?

Hi everyone!

I've found that when I drink coffee before running, I have a lot more energy during the run. I'm not talking about drinking it right before running either - I mean drinking a cup and then waiting an hour or so before going on a run. Does anyone know if this is healthy to do? I don't want to do something unhealthy, and so it would help to know if this is in fact ok to do. Anyone have any insight on this?



  • seximami79
    seximami79 Posts: 156 Member
    I've read it helps give your metabolism a nice little pick me up. I don't run much, but I do walk while drinking coffee. Sometimes it gets my bowels moving, and I have to run home in the middle of my walk though, lol!
  • The only reason people shun coffee before running is because some people think caffeine is linked to side-stitches.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I have caffeine every morning, whether I run or not. I would imagine it's only a problem if it raises your heart rate TOO much.
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I never drink coffee, but since I started paying more attention to my breathing when I run I never get side stitches anymore.
  • ixap
    ixap Posts: 675 Member,7120,s6-242-301--13105-0,00.html

    I definitely find it helps me. If you're drinking it black, there's no nutritional downside (unless caffeine interferes with your sleep).
    If you are adding a ton of sugar, not so great.
  • Great to hear! Thanks everyone! And thanks ixap for the link to that great Runners World article!