Just don't want to go through the effort anymore



  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    This is horrible!! I joined MFP begining of August and have lost 6 pounds by now, I think that's actually ok weight loss, but somehow I feel totally deflated and discouraged and annoyed with this whole process. I know it took time to gain, so will take time to lose, but I can't convince my appetite of that.

    I stopped loggig in about two weeks ago, and even though I started logging in two days ago, I haven't finished my diary each day or I have gone over goal. I haven't exercised at all in three weeks, and no matter how much I LOATH my body, I just can't find any excitment or committement to get going again...

    Any ideas or support out there?? I hate setting goals that I never reach, so I don't even have the energy to look at the calandar and dream of a skinny Christmas or bikini's next summer

    Add me Deanna.........we can support and uplift one another. I kinda feel like you do right now. Ive lost 50 + pounds in 60 days so I cant claim no loss as an excuse. Deflated is a good term. I hurt my back a lil last week working out and lifting weights and its been hard to get back to it. I KNOW I Have to......I have the proverbial cushy desk job and dont get out much. I also suffer extreme chronic pain daily which makes it paramount that I DO workout and DO lose this excess weight....and there's a lot of it to lose.

    Sometimes the last few days I have this feeling that I just dont wanna. I seem to have this bullsh!t idea that the weight will magically what..............just drop off or something. >>>here's me wacking myself side the head<<

    I dont claim to know everything or anything really. I do seem to have found the niche that works for me here and that's all I have to go by. But I can promise to be supportive and give ya kick in the butt when ya need an uplifting, and a shoulder to lean on with an ear to listen when ya need that.

    COMEON NOW!!!! We CAN do this
  • nation001
    Two things, don't look at it as a diet instead think of your change as a new lifetime change. Create small reachable goals for yourself. Weight in only once a week but exercise everyday even if it's only taking a walk. Find a friend or a family member to take walks with you. If you don't have anyone to take walks with, use an IPOD and listen to your favorite music. You are not the first to have bad days or weeks, the important thing is you are Back!!! Please stay with it. Each day you stay with your program is another day you add to your life.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    SideSteel's right. you have to want to change as much as you want to live. it's a learning process & you need to make small chages slowly over time. make a plan and stick to it. don't think about it, just do it. get in the habit of searching through the threads on here. some are very imformative. build up your friends list with quality friends. if you're mentallyready to change your life, nothing cwill prevent you.
  • Ichristini
    Ichristini Posts: 66 Member
    I know how you feel. There are several days I skip logging because I know I won't like what I see. There are a lot of days where I do NOT want to get up and exercise. Many times I am on my treadmill repeating to myself, "I don't want to dothis" on those days I tend to only get in 25-30 minutes instead of my goal of 45-60 minutes.

    All that being said, there is NOTHING I want more than to lose all of this weight I have gained. On the days I skip logging, I've still totaled it up in my head and know the number I don't want to see in Black and White on MFP.

    I have tried a few times in the last few years to start and be successful on my journey to weight loss. It didn't click for me before. This time it has clicked. There is NOTHING more important to me than losing weight and getting down to the weight I was when I got married.

    You have to make it happen for yourself. Think about what your motivation is. Why do you want to lose weight, what is it worth to you.

    I hope you are able to find your motivation. It isn't easy, but its worth it! Good Luck!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • TimeFourMe
    TimeFourMe Posts: 104 Member
    Also, make sure you are not falling into a trap of some of the diets out there "good food" vs "bad food". That mentality is exactly why diets fail. You drive yourself insane by denying yourself things you love. Eat what you like but try to remain within your calorie budget. We all know what healthy food is, we don't need the good food bad food mantra. It's like a financial budget. It's okay to just pay your bills and not put anything into savings, but try not to get deeper into debt. When you are overweight you simply have a mortgage to pay. Someday when the debt is paid you will have more calories to spend, but the calories even then are only maintenance calories because you don't want to go into debt again. So just pay your bills for awhile and relax.

    Excellent illustration!
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I know how you feel :( And Lyssa - that sounds awesome! I've been looking for a support and motivational system/group...don't have one out here where I'm at :(

    feel free to add me ..and we'll be starting our Manic Monday challenge tomorrow :)
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    get busy losing fat, or get busy being fat!

    yes, we all know it's tough but it does get easier. exercising is the way to go, but if you're finding it tough just keep eating at a deficit. even if it's only a 200 calories deficit. as you lose more weight, exercise will become easier and you may even start to enjoy it.

    exercise doesn't have to be an intense gym session, either. i started out just listening to the radio whilst taking a walk.
  • dargriff60
    dargriff60 Posts: 8 Member
    Like anything in life, if it takes effort it usually is worth it. You get back what you put in. Don't just talk about the problem, find a solution that works for you. If you don't you will be so sorry later on.
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    The beginning is hard, with the exercise and keeping track of your calories. But stick it out, it is worth it. Before you know it exercies will get easier and you will be able to burn more calories than before. Also, if you stick with the logging it will just become a habit. Dont give up you will be glad you stuck with it.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Try doing a little mindfulness--non-judgmental awareness of your thoughts and feelings, observing and describing but not assigning good or bad. Spend a little time reflecting on how you are doing and give yourself compassion--not indulgence.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Also, great advice I got from a friend here when I was in a "Don't give a darn" phase: What are all the things you did do right today? All of a sudden, it doesn't seem so overwhelming to just do a little better.
  • AlotOfSweatAndPain
    This is horrible!! I joined MFP begining of August and have lost 6 pounds by now, I think that's actually ok weight loss, but somehow I feel totally deflated and discouraged and annoyed with this whole process. I know it took time to gain, so will take time to lose, but I can't convince my appetite of that.

    I stopped loggig in about two weeks ago, and even though I started logging in two days ago, I haven't finished my diary each day or I have gone over goal. I haven't exercised at all in three weeks, and no matter how much I LOATH my body, I just can't find any excitment or committement to get going again...

    Any ideas or support out there?? I hate setting goals that I never reach, so I don't even have the energy to look at the calandar and dream of a skinny Christmas or bikini's next summer

    I'm not even going to join your pity party. You simply don't want it bad enough. Either you want to do this or you dont. I hope you find that AHA moment or that spark soon because looking for others to push you will only get you but so far. YOU need to push yourself above all else. Good luck.
  • hopsywopsy
    Firstly, well done on your weight loss so far! Keep remembering you are already 6lbs lighter than when you started - that is almost the weight of an average sized baby.

    Motivation can be so hard to find, not to mention the time and energy when you have (4) children. I only have 1 and some days I just feel relieved to have survived! As a mum it can also feel focusing on our own needs for a change (or maybe that's just me!).

    Have you written a list of things that motivated you when you first started?

    You say you hate this, and are finding it hard. It will take some effort, but I wonder if you could find ways of making it more enjoyable? To make this work for me, I have had to find ways of ensuring I don't feel hungry, DO still love my meals (if anything, I enjoy them more now), don't have to spend a lot of extra time on it (i.e. the family still all have the same meals), and found exercise I both enjoy and can fit around an unpredictable schedule. Oh, and I am almost never under goal (1,220 cals) but have given myself a "calorie banding" so anything up to about 1,600 is OK.

    Now I am motivated by mini-goals (for me 7lb increments, which in the UK has a significance as we work in "stones" = 14lbs), by seeing the scales moving and my measurements decreasing and my clothes getting baggier.

    I have no idea if this is helpful, but thought I'd share a bit about what I am doing. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck!
  • lisam191
    I know exactly how you feel. I have lost 11lbs in 2 months, and last week for the first time ever, i actually GAINED weight. This week, i've been eating so badly, i've had 2 takeaways aswell. I have been drinking no water and done absolutely no exercise. I feel disgusting. I know i need to turn it around, but it's so difficult. I was doing so well with my weight loss and it's really annoyed me that i gained weight. I dread to even look at the scales this week, i cant stop eating. :(
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    Here are a couple suggestions that help me. I will sleep in my workout clothes so I'm ready first thing in the morning. Work out first thing, before the day gets in the way. Do 5 minutes. If that's all you squeeze in, it's a start. Many times, I'll do the 5 and want to continue. Make it less painful. If you're running on a treadmill or elliptical, watch a new movie you've been wanting to see. Only watch it while working out, or listen to a book on tape, only while working out. I've run many an extra mile to hear the end of the chapter. As to eating better, go to the store and pick some things you've always wanted to try, or already prepared so there are no hassles or excuses. There are a lot of really tasty options in the health freezer section that will work calorie wise. It takes the pressure off, gets a week of premade meals, is quick and convenient. No, you probably won't always be able to do this, but it will get you started. Make a list of all the reasons you want to lose. Great vaca pics, health, kids, sexy clothes, high school reunion, whatever works for you. Put it on the fridge next to a fat and a skinny picture of yourself. Stay connected. There are going to be highs and lows. Good days and bad. Friends make it so much easier. You're not alone in this. I haven't lost a pound in months, but I am stronger, I can run longer and faster, my legs are more toned, my arms wiggle less, there's muscle definition... the scale is only one indicator of your progress. Good luck! :smile:
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    I just posted the same thing pretty much. I feel your pain. I really do.
  • Starbuck2020
    Starbuck2020 Posts: 173 Member
    This is horrible!! I joined MFP begining of August and have lost 6 pounds by now, I think that's actually ok weight loss, but somehow I feel totally deflated and discouraged and annoyed with this whole process. I know it took time to gain, so will take time to lose, but I can't convince my appetite of that.

    I stopped loggig in about two weeks ago, and even though I started logging in two days ago, I haven't finished my diary each day or I have gone over goal. I haven't exercised at all in three weeks, and no matter how much I LOATH my body, I just can't find any excitment or committement to get going again...

    Any ideas or support out there?? I hate setting goals that I never reach, so I don't even have the energy to look at the calandar and dream of a skinny Christmas or bikini's next summer

    I'm not even going to join your pity party. You simply don't want it bad enough. Either you want to do this or you dont. I hope you find that AHA moment or that spark soon because looking for others to push you will only get you but so far. YOU need to push yourself above all else. Good luck.

    There are people that kill themselves because they can't manage to lose. You think they didn't want it badly enough? Kind of a jerk thing to say. Everyone is different.
  • doodles80
    So don't go through the effort and put weight back on.

    I know how you feel - believe me. I lost 3 stones last year and put it all back on when I found out I had a heart defect and can't exercise til its operated on. Last year I just had to power though even though I did not feel like it and honestly - it did get better with time and I learned to like exercise (I wouldn't say I loved it!)

    I think you need to give it some more time.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    This is horrible!! I joined MFP begining of August and have lost 6 pounds by now, I think that's actually ok weight loss, but somehow I feel totally deflated and discouraged and annoyed with this whole process. I know it took time to gain, so will take time to lose, but I can't convince my appetite of that.

    I stopped loggig in about two weeks ago, and even though I started logging in two days ago, I haven't finished my diary each day or I have gone over goal. I haven't exercised at all in three weeks, and no matter how much I LOATH my body, I just can't find any excitment or committement to get going again...

    Any ideas or support out there?? I hate setting goals that I never reach, so I don't even have the energy to look at the calandar and dream of a skinny Christmas or bikini's next summer

    Well, let's break it all down logically. You're goal is to lose a total of 50 pounds. You've already lost more than 10% of that in about a month. If you continue to lose 6 pounds a month, you'd reach your goal in less than 8 months. Where do you want to be in May? At your goal weight, or in the same place you are now?

    As it sits now, you have 44 pounds to lose. That's not THAT much. Make sure your activity level is accurate (I really don't believe people are as "sedentary" as they think they are), set your goal to lose one pound a week, and eat back most of your exercise calories. Alternately, check with one of the groups like "In Place of a Road Map" ( http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/8017-in-place-of-a-road-map ) and find out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and eat 20% less than that. You shouldn't feel deprived, hungry or miserable. If you are, something's wrong... either your calorie goal is too low, or you're not getting the right nutrients.

    Set some goals that have nothing to do with the scale, but will improve your overall health and fitness. For me, when I started here, I wanted to be able to run a 5k. So I started the Couch to 5k running plan, and after a few weeks, I was able to run one mile. I'd NEVER been able to run a mile before! So even when my clothes still fit the same and I wasn't seeing major drops on the scale, I knew I was doing good things for my body. That kept me excited.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I became motivated to exercise when I found it improved my mental health. I didn't want to put in the effort for weight loss, but feeling sane was worth a run!