any college students out there?



  • I'm in college! Best of luck to you all trying to stay in shape. Anyone have any good advice on how to eat healthy at a poor college students price?
  • agleckle
    agleckle Posts: 235 Member
    Yup! I am a first year law student living on a strict budget and trying to make time to progress in the Powerlifting club... I would definitely be willing to help give/receive tips and tricks about balancing school/exercise/social life. :)
  • SolarLibra
    SolarLibra Posts: 19 Member
    Yup yup!!! Back in's hard, especially with a tiny-*kitten* fridge, but my university revamped their food stuff and has vegetarian and vegan options for every dorm and every meal, and a calorie list for every food sold on campus (except vending machines, etc). Feel free to add me, and start asking your student government to do what my school. It might help :D

    Learning time management helped a lot...I went to a seminar as a joke, but actually learned a lot.
  • Second year of graduate school. I ended up quitting my job in order to finish my weight loss. I lost 80 pounds then went on hiatus when I started grad school. Found that I had to make some important life choices and it's now or never.
  • Second year here! I don't find it as hard to find time to exercise because it takes away the stress of school work, but rather, eating right, not only because I don't want to spend money on food, but also, because I love junk food! But I tried to get cans of veggies and grain bread. If I have a lot of junky food around, I will eat it for sure
  • Humbugsftw
    Humbugsftw Posts: 202 Member
    I'm in my last year of a Philosophy and Psychology degree! 20 years old :) Feel free to add me!
  • feel free to add me :) second yr in college :)
  • CeeJourney
    CeeJourney Posts: 149 Member
    I'm in my last year as a Marketing major! I definitely know the struggle of balancing things especially when I have to drive 30mins away from campus a decent gym! :(
  • 0MissErin0
    0MissErin0 Posts: 92 Member
    University student from Sydney here, feel free to add me :)
  • cncrafton
    cncrafton Posts: 82 Member
    I'm in my 4th year of undergrad – still a junior thanks to two years of community college where not all my courses transferred. It's fine for me, though. I'm feeling pretty comfortable being a 5th year senior, because I started college when I was 17. It all evens out. :)

    I am pretty busy but I'm finding that during the week, I am not having too much trouble sticking to my calories and my exercise goals. I am a planner so I just map out my entire week of meals at once and try not to stray, and I make time to exercise even if it's at 10 PM. Weekends are a lot harder for me, though! My university has a pretty strong drinking culture, and as we all know, alcohol is just FULL of empty calories. Booooo. I also end up eating out with friends a lot on the weekend, which can be tough on the calories as well. I just try to make sure I have an overall calorie deficit for the week and let the weekend happen as it's going to happen. :)

    As for eating healthy on a budget, see if you are near any farmer's markets to get your basics (eggs, meat, produce, nuts, seasonings, etc). The prices are almost always better than a grocery store and it's better for you, too!

    I'm happy to friend anybody! I just joined MFP and don't have many buddies yet.
  • TooTatToTrot
    TooTatToTrot Posts: 81 Member
    Second year at Ohio State but came in with lots of college credit so technically i'm a junior. I 'm a productions and operations management (aka business) and Spanish major with a minor in fashion. Last year I had like zero hours of free time after class and work, so this semester I decided to add in dance and boxing to my routine of classes. I get a grade for them, so that mean their fun GPA boosters. And trust me, both of my teachers are professional and train us like we are too. In dance we do 10 minutes of pure ab workouts, and if someone stops a minute is added. Pure hell but helping me drop the pounds. And keeps me from going crazy from my "real" classes.

    Add me as a friend!
  • I really understand. I'm a single mother of two crazy kids, work full time and take classes part time. I've ignored exercise and diet for the last several months and really need to get back on the wagon. Its just hard to get up so early to make time for exercise!! And don't even start with me about budgets! It gets ridiculous to balance it all... add me if you like! I could use more support :)
  • I'm entering my final quarter of having to choose between sleep and exercise, salad and my friends' penchant for fast food. How do you motivate yourself to schedule working out in every day?

    I feel you, it is so hard some days. I just joined this last week and I've been more motivated than ever, just by diligently logging every little thing I eat and seeing what exercise I have done. Having a fitness goal in mind is really helping me
  • Currently working on my second year at Lincoln Memorial Univ in Tennessee!
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    In my 2nd year of my masters at UNC in north Carolina! Would love more student friends because a lot of mine don't understand
  • shannana
    shannana Posts: 10 Member
    I'm entering my final quarter of having to choose between sleep and exercise, salad and my friends' penchant for fast food. How do you motivate yourself to schedule working out in every day?

    I feel you, it is so hard some days. I just joined this last week and I've been more motivated than ever, just by diligently logging every little thing I eat and seeing what exercise I have done. Having a fitness goal in mind is really helping me

    hey, that's great! this place is pretty good at showing where you're at. it helped me find the extra calories in my diet for sure!

    how did you choose a good goal? it seems like numbers of pounds is the typical goal, but i'm not fighting the scale as much as the mirror!
  • I'm not in school right now (Hoping to go back sometime soon) But I also work (between 8 - 12 hours a day) and live on a budget... anyone can feel free to add me!
  • shannana
    shannana Posts: 10 Member
    Yup yup!!! Back in's hard, especially with a tiny-*kitten* fridge, but my university revamped their food stuff and has vegetarian and vegan options for every dorm and every meal, and a calorie list for every food sold on campus (except vending machines, etc). Feel free to add me, and start asking your student government to do what my school. It might help :D

    Learning time management helped a lot...I went to a seminar as a joke, but actually learned a lot.

    omg, please tell us what you learned about time management! that's the number one enemy to working out!
  • mcaffreyg
    mcaffreyg Posts: 69 Member
    feel free to add me fellow college students I know the pain!! and sturggle it can be :(
    I'm pre-vet maintaing a 3.9 GPA, Work part time and try to exercise and eat right on that budget... :(
  • matthej28
    matthej28 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a junior in college and it's HAAAAARD. It was way easier to lose weight in the summer. I don't have to worry about budgeting but I still live on campus w/ the dining courts and the temptation is HORRIBLE. It's so easy to overeat. And I'm taking 18 credit hours and working on top of that so most of the time I'm too exhausted to go to the gym. Add me! Other people on this thread can add me too!! Always looking for people in my situation!