Binged, now what?

I had two bingeing episodes today, 1000 calories+ each and the day's total was over 3000 calories. My first instinct is to restrict tomorrow or even fast to even out the calories. But, I don't want to ruin my metabolism. At the same time, I wouldn't want to trigger another binge. Should I avoid certain food? Maybe just eat veggies for a day?
What do YOU do after a binge?
Also, how many calories was your biggest bingeing episode?
Thank you in advance!


  • purpleyellowperiwinkle
    Well, I definitely understand how you feel in this one! When I binge, I usually feel sooo guilty, but then I think about and realize that I deserve a treat once in a while and eating 1200 calories everyday isn't entirely realistic. Tomorrow, I say eat your normal caloric intake but with healthy foods. Also, if you treat yourself once in a while a little bit, you won't feel the urge to go hardcore binging nearly as often. I'm not a nutritionist or anything but this is how I feel from my experiences. Good luck with your weight loss journey, don't give up! :)
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I would definitely avoid whatever food triggered your binge today. Avoid it like the plague!
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I would eat my normal amount and stay really clean for the rest of the week. I would also try to get some extra exercise in. It will all even out in the long run.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    How much do you burn per week or per day?
    Do you know your TDEE?

    Chalk it up as a cheat day and eat normal for the rest of the week.
    Enjoy the leptin rush and ride it out.
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    One way to help avoid trigger foods is have a day of lean proteins and vegetables. add in 2 servings of dairy, a serving of nuts for good fats, and a serving of legumes for starchy carbs. This can be a LOT of food when spaced out over the day. I do this sometimes to get control over my eating when I find myself eating breads and stuff and I'm chipping away at my goals eating too much.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    You log it all and you move on.

    Things to consider ----
    Have you used the road map to check your calorie targets. You should be eating above your BMR and about 20% less than your TDEE.

    How large is your deficit currently - if you are extremely calorie restricted you set your self up for binges. If you are too low on a daily basis your "refeed" will probably average out for the week.
    If you are eating at a normal level and the binge is on top of that then you need to look at what your triggers are and see if you can plan out your responses in advance so you know how to try to limit the damage.
  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I would definitely avoid whatever food triggered your binge today. Avoid it like the plague!

    ^^^this, assuming it was a food trigger. but either way, just let it go, you can't undo it. start over new with your next meal. keep an eye on your sodium & sugar intake & drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. i remember a 2300 calorie binge a few months ago. it doesn't take much once you head down that road. it used to bother me but now it doesn't even phase me. my binges have changed in the fat & sugar levels so i have improved but i've come to accept it. it's life. we're not perfect. we can't undo a lifetime of habits just like that. it's a process of retraining our brains. best of luck to you.
  • luv2hate
    luv2hate Posts: 38 Member
    I binged this whole weekend. My initial workout day is set for Thurs, so instead Im switching it to Sun, and i will work my *kitten* off this week!

    I had two bingeing episodes today, 1000 calories+ each and the day's total was over 3000 calories. My first instinct is to restrict tomorrow or even fast to even out the calories. But, I don't want to ruin my metabolism. At the same time, I wouldn't want to trigger another binge. Should I avoid certain food? Maybe just eat veggies for a day?
    What do YOU do after a binge?
    Also, how many calories was your biggest bingeing episode?
    Thank you in advance!
  • skinnyitaliannn
    whenever i binge, and like you, seriously binge (over 1,000 cals) even though it's not all gonna get burned off at once, i wait about an hour or so depending on how much i ate, put on my running shoes and go for a jog. even if it's not long, it's uplifting!
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Log it, move on. Eat healthy tomorrow and for the rest of the week and exercise. Binges happen to us all, but you shouldn't in any way deprive yourself the next day to make up for it. Also everything in moderation the foods you binged on you've probably been depriving yourself of for so long you couldn't stop. Add them into your diet in moderation. As long as they fit in your daily calorie allowance of course!
  • joy5877
    joy5877 Posts: 166 Member
    I would eat my normal amount and stay really clean for the rest of the week. I would also try to get some extra exercise in. It will all even out in the long run.
  • HeikkiLaukkanen
    HeikkiLaukkanen Posts: 123 Member
    It's going to happen here and there. As others said log it, own it, figure out what set it off. Then forgive yourself and move on.

    The biggest change from my current success and past attempts is getting right back on that horse every time I get bucked off. Consistency is more important than perfection.
  • addaline22
    i focused on finding it why I binged, and avoiding or confronting those situations as was called for. the simple answer is dont do it again. something I found helps is ocupying my hands. (knitting is good for that.) the next day is the next day. drink those extra glasses of water, walk a little more than normal and eat sensibly and balanced. before you eat like that again, ask your self why. Good luck.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    1000 calorie binge lol...thats a snack, ive had close to 7000 calorie binges
  • sundrine
    Whenever I binge, I tell myself to calm down. Then the day after, I continue with my daily plan as if yesterday didn't happen. No restricting after a binge. That just leads to an unhealthy cycle. One binge will not hurt you or your body, nor will it hurt your self-esteem if you don't allow it to. I haven't binged in a long time because I eat enough during my meals to keep me full.. so maybe that's your problem, you don't eat enough in general? I don't know, just an idea. :P
    My biggest binges were when my eating disorder had recurred this year, and I would eat 3 candy bars, a bag of chips, popcorn, ice cream, whatever, in one sitting. I would eat until I was stuffed and more.. :S. I have no idea how many calories that was, and I don't want to know. Why should I? That was a long time ago.
  • MelissaRMyers
    3000 calories is hardly a binge, 8000 calories would be a binge. Apply the math, 3000 - MBR = way less than a pound. Foggetaboutit and get back on track.
    If anything a single day of decent calories amongst lighter days will shake the metabolism into less efficiency and possibly increase overall weigh loss for an equivalent number of calories if all days had been even.
  • BrewerFan2
    log everything you ate today and start fresh tomorrow. Remember what triggered this binge and try to avoid it in the future. Remember it's okay to treat yourself in small doses though. You need to indulge once and a while or this is what happens to us we go crazy and can't control our urges and we binge. Don't beat yourself up over this, just move on and try to control it in the future.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Personally my question to you would be do you seek professional help for these binge episodes..I feel they may only get worse..its very unfortunate ..but very common. your not alone ..good luck..just try to pre plan your day and seek out help
  • TheRealMrsMetro
    TheRealMrsMetro Posts: 25 Member
    I would eat my normal amount and stay really clean for the rest of the week. I would also try to get some extra exercise in. It will all even out in the long run.
    Agreed! You should also evaluate if you are really eating enough to compensate for your exercising. If you do not eat enough on a regular basis, you will end up feeling like you are starving which causes more problems than it solves. Look at your diary and look for patterns.