Insanity Challenge

I am starting my first round of Insanity on Monday, September 17. I am looking for anyone who wants to join me and for support, motivation and to keep up with :) Send me a message or please add me, join my group, etc. :) I am soooo excited to be doing this. I know its going to be harder than P90X but I'm looking forward to the challenge.


  • projectcosplay
    projectcosplay Posts: 25 Member
    I just started Insanity (I started on an off day, a Tuesday...tried on Monday and even the fit test kicked my butt, but I wasn't going to quit yet) and it is very hard. I am pretty muscular for a 119 lb girl but my cardio endurance is lacking. Don't be afraid to take short breaks but keep moving the whole time. My advice is not to go as hard as you can just starting out but pace yourself or the exercise will seem overwhelming if you aren't expecting it. There are so many days to improve---don't waste all your energy on the first few circuits or it will seem endless to complete the workout.

    Just a bit of advice from a beginning Insanity trainee. :) I would be willing to keep track with you on it if you want though!
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Sounds good. I know what to expect and I know I'm probably going to swear a lot. LOL I am looking forward to the challenge. I was going to start this weekend but I really like starting on Mondays. It helps with the off day being on Sunday so I can spend the whole day with my girls and even though I end up doing something other than the program, its a day I dont have to worry about something kicking my butt. LOL

    You can add me if you like. :) It would be great having someone ahead of me too so I can see how you are doing. :)
  • tracylynnhare
    I started it on Tuesday, but I think my daughter and I will finish up the week, then "start" again on Monday. We didn't record results, etc., so we will call this week the "prep phase", lol. I would love to have another "insane" person to keep me motivated!!
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Sweet! That's awesome that your daughter is doing that with you too. Mine are 7 and 1 so I dont think they will participate. My 1 year old loves P90X yoga though and she "helps" and does downward dog. Its cute. :)
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    Only 2 more days until I start Insanity. Spending some time on Sunday to prep and plan meals for the week. I'm still VERY excited!
  • HealthyDee913
    HealthyDee913 Posts: 10 Member
    Looking forward to the start of something new... Let's get it! Insanity begins Monday for me... Sent friend request! Have a blessed evening...
  • lappyd425
    lappyd425 Posts: 112 Member
    I started Insanity today!!!! The fit test kicked my butt lol....Anyone else doing it can add me!!!
  • projectcosplay
    projectcosplay Posts: 25 Member
    About to finish our my first week of insanity tonight (tomorrow is the rest day since I started on a Tuesday). I am so proud I've kept with it so far! It will be awesome to take 30 day and 60 day pictures---I can already tell in one week I'm more toned and my leg quads and hamstrings feel much stronger!
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    I "tested out" Insanity last week, did the fit test and2 other work outs and decided I'd start for real this week.
    I'm not sure if I'll do the fit test again on monday but I would love to have some support through it all!!
  • atenin10
    atenin10 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm starting tomorrow! Sent a friend request.
  • kimmay22
    just started a few days ago.. i never knew my thighs could ache so bad
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    So glad you all could join me. :)
  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    Today is the day!! Let's hear how it went. This is my second day of week 2 and I'm addicted!
  • Beckii330
    I'm on round 2 as unfortunately the school holidays completely disrupted my schedule so I didn't complete the last 2 weeks.

    I started last week but I surprisingly had a very social week so didn't do too well so am starting again this week lol!

    Good luck, I love Insanity.
  • tdrusk
    tdrusk Posts: 21 Member
    I am doing a modified version of insanity.

    I will run at least 3 miles every day and do a 40 minute insanity workout Sunday through Friday. Saturday is my long run(10+ miles) where I will not do insanity.

    I am really liking Insanity over P90X.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    My first day take on Insanity: good. I am gonna have to get used to this guy over Tony AND stretch prior to starting the DVD. I thought that it would be like P90X and have the warmup, stretching but the fit test did not. I may watch the DVD for tomorrow to see what I'm in for or just surprise myself. I pulled a muscle in my back first thing this morning but pushed the rest of the way through and now I'm just hoping that it gets better throughout the day.

    I can definitely say its going to be different. I'm so used to Tony and his pace and was so ready for something faster and well, I think I got that when I got Insanity. I'm still psyched about it just bummed my back hurts. :( Gonna try some stretches all day today and see if that helps. And the hubby agreed to a massage later so that will hopefully help out too.

    :) I'm still gonna push play tomorrow!
  • hiitrocks
    Hi there! I just started today with the fit test. Having done Jillian Michael's body revolution, I knew a fair amount of the moves in the fit test already. I didn't find it too bad but I did take breaks as needed. I think the main reason for me doing this is to learn to push myself. I am afraid to push myself to my limits and don't know why so I hope over the next 60 days, I will learn to do this!
  • tdrusk
    tdrusk Posts: 21 Member
    My first day take on Insanity: good. I am gonna have to get used to this guy over Tony AND stretch prior to starting the DVD. I thought that it would be like P90X and have the warmup, stretching but the fit test did not. I may watch the DVD for tomorrow to see what I'm in for or just surprise myself. I pulled a muscle in my back first thing this morning but pushed the rest of the way through and now I'm just hoping that it gets better throughout the day.

    I can definitely say its going to be different. I'm so used to Tony and his pace and was so ready for something faster and well, I think I got that when I got Insanity. I'm still psyched about it just bummed my back hurts. :( Gonna try some stretches all day today and see if that helps. And the hubby agreed to a massage later so that will hopefully help out too.

    :) I'm still gonna push play tomorrow!

    There is stretching after a warmup on the normal vides(at least the ones I have done)
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    My first day take on Insanity: good. I am gonna have to get used to this guy over Tony AND stretch prior to starting the DVD. I thought that it would be like P90X and have the warmup, stretching but the fit test did not. I may watch the DVD for tomorrow to see what I'm in for or just surprise myself. I pulled a muscle in my back first thing this morning but pushed the rest of the way through and now I'm just hoping that it gets better throughout the day.

    I can definitely say its going to be different. I'm so used to Tony and his pace and was so ready for something faster and well, I think I got that when I got Insanity. I'm still psyched about it just bummed my back hurts. :( Gonna try some stretches all day today and see if that helps. And the hubby agreed to a massage later so that will hopefully help out too.

    :) I'm still gonna push play tomorrow!

    Shaun T is definitely different than Tony, the workouts are quicker and the comments are really kept to a minimum since he really can't talk when he is going full speed to. There is a warm up, then a stretch, then the actual exercise in all of the videos (except fit test) so you will have that.
    You gotta be careful on the jumping exercises (power jump, and the one where you lift your legs and jump) these are the dangerous ones where you can really pull a muscle if your at the wrong angle so be careful with the moves and look to see how they are doing it.
    I did P90X before Insanity as well (about 2 weeks off between them) if you can do plyo in p90x without stopping and the last set of exercises there is a run squat 180 jump sequence, if you can do that full speed and not be really tired, Insanity should be an equal challenge..
    Lastly make sure you get a HRM for Insanity, you will be checking your heart rate alot.
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I could do Plyo pretty well. I love P90X but wanted a new challenge and something that would keep me excited. So far, I'm good. I'll let you know if that changes by Sunday. LOL I was thinking this morning that I should not have taken the two weeks in between P90X and Insanity. I wont do that again with any workout if I can help it. I am really hoping that I dont pull anything else and I am pretty sure I can do it, just gotta keep pushing play. :)

    I have a HRM now and its working pretty good for me. I like it a lot.