How many pounds a week?

I set my goal on MFP to lose one pound a week. At that point I only wanted to lose 30 pounds. So far it has been working, I am losing one pound a week. My wife pointed out that at one pound a week it would take her two years to achieve her ideal weight. I would like to know how many pounds a week most member feel is a reasonable goal. Not being an experienced dieter I deliberately set what I considered to be an easy target. I would appreciate some feedback. Thanks.


  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I try the 1 pound per week approach and it's surprising u loose more....
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Tell your wife that there is no quick fix. She didn't gain all that weight in a few months. She can't expect to lose it in a few months.
  • Sprmc47
    Sprmc47 Posts: 82 Member
    Generally accepted is a max of 2 per week, but your results will very, so weeks more some less. Just stick with it!
  • juli_jones
    juli_jones Posts: 101 Member
    I have my goal set for 1 lb per week and after 5 months I have lost an averge of 1.5 lbs per week. Some weeks up to 4 lbs lost and some weeks gaining. It is the easiest "diet" I have ever done - it is becoming a way of life. Good Luck on your journey and just keep encouraging your wife...I keep encouraging my husband.....
  • gdrake64506
    gdrake64506 Posts: 9 Member
    You are so right. I started on MFP 5 weeks ago and have lost an average of two pounds a week. However, last week I just lost one pound.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,362 Member
    Generally accepted is a max of 2 per week, but your results will very, so weeks more some less. Just stick with it!
    I agree with this statement.

    Also note MFP is just giving an estimate. these numbers are not the same for everyone because everyone's body is different.

    For 2 to 3 weeks I had mines set at losing 1 pounds and I lost 2 to 4 pounds consistently. Then I set mines to 1.5 and I still was losing 2 pounds per week. Now for the next 2 to 3 weeks I am going to set it to 2 pounds.

    It is much easier to do the 1 pound per week. I believe I lost more because I do exercise. After I come back from a trip in the 1st week of Oct, I will be going back to 1.5 pounds per week. I am just setting at 2 to see if I can lose a few more pounds before trip.
  • headqrtrs
    headqrtrs Posts: 17 Member
    I set mine to lose 1-2 lbs per week. I've always been told that is a good number. Some weeks you lose more, some less. But in the end you have a new happier smaller you!
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    In general, the further you are from your weight loss goal, the easier it is to lose more weight. Thus if you are fairly thin, it would be very difficult to lose more than 1 pound a week. But someone with a 100 pounds might be able to lose 2.

    That said, the previous poster is absolutely right. It is much better to try for a pound a week and hit it consistently than to try for something too ambitious and fail. The important thing isn't when you finish. The important thing is starting and sticking to it.
  • lilbrownboy
    well 1 pound a week is a great wieght loose goal. but you can speed up the prosses by using "IF"(intermittent fasting). this basically means you consume your macros within an 8hr period or less. i woudnt go down more than 4hrs. the rest of the day you DONT consume anything with calories(crystal light and gum or fine), but you really just drink water. gook luck :)
  • alzaman5925
    alzaman5925 Posts: 64 Member
    I tend to lose between 1 - 1.5 pounds a week. I feel it's a good rate for me with a goal to lose about 2 stones. Not too fast, but then not too slow. :)
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    In the early stages for those of us with plenty (50+) of pounds to lose, I suppose more than a pound a week is easily doable. However, when the calorie counts get lowered and the BMR is lowered, a pound a week is a really nice goal.

    I have 22 pounds to lose to get to my goal. I actually think I have 60+ pounds to lose to get to my ideal weight, so I think I can continue to lose multiple pounds every week.