Yo guys, how do you deal with the loose skin?

I've lost 25k so far and looking at my body now feels more depressing than before when i was fatter, i have 25 more to lose but it's so disappointing, did you went through this same process?? i 've been so close at giving up cause i can't even look at myself naked in the mirror anymore :(


  • rubix08
    rubix08 Posts: 33 Member
    It's a pain and you're right, it is depressing to see that even with all this weight lost there is a sign that it was once there (or something like that). I haven't reached a point of really considering anything super drastic like surgery mainly because I still have a long way to go but also because I would rather try to get rid of it as much as I can by working out and stuff.

    For the most part right now I just remind myself that I have lost so much and have come so far, and that I'm wearing a clothing size I'm not sure I could have even pulled off in high school. Just in general on an everyday basis I feel great. I feel like I have more energy all the time, I feel for confident, I look forward to my nightly run instead of dreading it and I can run a little fit further or get my mile time a little faster each time. There are still a lot of body areas I have loose skin and I wish they would go away because I always seem to notice them the most when at home and getting out of the shower or just changing clothes, but I tend to forget about them completely throughout the day because the clothes I get to wear fit great and I even get co-workers who mention how much weight I've lost which keeps my confidence up.

    You're halfway to your goal, it would be a shame to quit now and there will most likely be more times when you just want to throw up your hands and say "done!" (believe me, I've had my share of those moments) but if you stop now you may add a feeling of regret to your thoughts. Stick with it, write down the positives that have changed since loosing the weight and post it on the wall so you can walk by it and see it each day to remind yourself why you wanted to do this in the first place.
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    I try and make my way of dealing with it, and thoughts about it quite simple.

    I think almost everyday I get used to it a little more and realize I have to accept it until I do something about it -
    now I'm definitely not going under the knife - so I will do everything else I can and give it a good few years.

    The main things I do are;
    Drinking loads of water
    I moisturize the loose skin area twice a day with, bio oil, aloe vera, baby oil ect.
    I'm not losing weight TOO fast
    and lastly exercise is one of the main things, strength training the core and such.

    I know it's horrible and can really be disheartening .. but it's your body and you're only trying to improve it with weightloss :)
    Loose skin is just another thing you're gunna have to try and improve x