
Hey guys, I'm new to this site so thought I would introduce myself! I'm CJ from Brisbane, Australia. I've tried to lose weight in the past with fad diets, which I've succeeded at doing, but as it was pointed out to me by my dietician I'm not good at maintaining the weight. This has found me back at the start with 45 kg to lose. I started at the end of May 2012 and have lost 9 kg so far with the help of my dietician and exercise.

Would love for you all to stop by and say hello and add any tips you think might help me along :-) If there are people living locally, would love to start a walking/group exercise type thing.

Best of luck to everyone with their fitness/weight loss goals!!


  • alexandrajane84
    alexandrajane84 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi CJ,
    Welcome from another fellow Australian! Im from NSW so probably not close enough to group exercise!
    Just keep at it is my only tip thus far - quite new at it myself! But have found that even with little slip ups, if you just dust yourself off and get back up you'll feel better for it - ohh and lots of water! Drink lots and lots of water!

    And add some friends - they keep you motivated and honest! Did this for a little while with no friends and its so much better with them!!

  • 12lucky12
    12lucky12 Posts: 31 Member
    welcome feel free to add me as a friend
  • westie007
    westie007 Posts: 27 Member
    Good day CJ, I'd be happy to be onlie friend. (I'm from Perth Scotland)