Hello everyone i need some help AGAIN. so we are in our 5th week of the biggest loser here at my work. I was going to the gym with 2 of my co workers. One of them stopped going when there was an illness in the family but she continued to diet like always. Well today she came in and told me that she lost 4 lbs since last Friday. How does that make any sense? i go to the gym and bust my butt! i go 5 days a week and do a constant 60 min. or more. I am eating healthy and my recommended amount of Calories. So i jump on the scale today and boom i gained a pound. what in the world is going on? i just don't understand and i need some real answers. How is she loosing more weight than me by just eating healthy? I am losing a pound a week if i am lucky. I am thinking about switching it up and doing my P90X videos at the gym instead of my reg. routines. Please help me anybody!


  • scarecrow41
    Its probably mostly water weight (for her). Also, if you are losing 1-2 pounds per week and eating enough protein most if not all of your weight loss will be body fat. If someone is losing 4 pounds per week and its not water they are losing muscle/bone mass along with the fat. I wouldn't worry so much about the difference. In the long run you will benefit much more.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    well, without doing some far more in depth evaluations, all we can do is speculate, but I imagine what happened was something like:

    When she stopped working out her body released all of that extra "water weight" or in more abstract terms more of the glycogen in her body. The body will do it's best to prepare for the future, when you work out a lot, your body will store an appropriate amount of energy for that work, when you stop working out, one of the first things to happen is a release of excess glycogen store. Course it could also just be daily fluctuation, you can swing up to 5 lbs up or down (although most people don't swing more than 2 or 3) through out the course of a single day.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    OMG! the scale does not matter! I will post a link about the stupid scale, there is a GREAT blog about it! I just posted this concern this morning and the blog changed my whole mood! (along with my MFP BFFS!) I feel so much better now! Yes, I completely understand the scale addiction but please, please, please do not let it hinder you!

    Also, weighing more isnt a bad thing if you gained muscle and not fat!
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Here is the link I mentioned previously:

    Hope it helps like it helped me!
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Yes, yes, and yes. Another issue is that when you work out hard, you do mircoscopic damage to your muscles and the repair of that damage is when you get stronger. However, your body also rushes fluid to the site of any damage (think swelling in a sprained ankle) so you may weight a little more. However, just don't stop working out because you'll lose more "weight" by just dieting alone. Look at the big picture and your overall health and a diet and exercise plan is much better and more sustainable. Good job working hard and don't get discouraged. Best plan is weigh yourslef once a week at the same time of the day, right after you get out of bed. Don't let the weigh every day obsession rule you. If you feel better, look better, and your clothes feel better then you are doing it correctly...:)
  • laralou
    well, without doing some far more in depth evaluations, all we can do is speculate, but I imagine what happened was something like:

    When she stopped working out her body released all of that extra "water weight" or in more abstract terms more of the glycogen in her body. The body will do it's best to prepare for the future, when you work out a lot, your body will store an appropriate amount of energy for that work, when you stop working out, one of the first things to happen is a release of excess glycogen store. Course it could also just be daily fluctuation, you can swing up to 5 lbs up or down (although most people don't swing more than 2 or 3) through out the course of a single day.

    you sound like you know what you are talking about! i know my weight can fluctuate within the week usually 1 to 2 lbs. up or down. It just depends on a few different things. My weight is just so obnoxious sometimes. I know it took a year to put it on so i wouldnt expect it to come off in a month. I just feel like i am getting nowhere and when i went to talk to a personal trainer at my gym he said i should not be sweating a lot when i work out. Isn't that the point though? i need to sweat to lose the weight? i am all new at this so correct me if i am wrong but i don't know what i am doing wrong. Or maybe i'm not.
  • laralou
    Yes, yes, and yes. Another issue is that when you work out hard, you do mircoscopic damage to your muscles and the repair of that damage is when you get stronger. However, your body also rushes fluid to the site of any damage (think swelling in a sprained ankle) so you may weight a little more. However, just don't stop working out because you'll lose more "weight" by just dieting alone. Look at the big picture and your overall health and a diet and exercise plan is much better and more sustainable. Good job working hard and don't get discouraged. Best plan is weigh yourslef once a week at the same time of the day, right after you get out of bed. Don't let the weigh every day obsession rule you. If you feel better, look better, and your clothes feel better then you are doing it correctly...:)

    thank you :) that was really nice of you. ill take your word for it!
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    When I started with just diet I lost a lot more on the scale. Since I started working out with my personal trainer I hardly ever weigh myself. The first time I weighed myself after starting to workout I was so upset because I didn't lose anything. My trainer and husband kept telling me that I couldn't go by the scale that I needed to go my measurements, I thought "yeah right"!!!! Needless to say they were both right. The first time my trainer weighed and measured me (after 3 months) I had lost 23 inches, 0 pounds, and 10% body fat. That proved to me they were right. I haven't measured or weighed since October, I just go by the way I feel and my clothes feel. I'm still working out with my trainer, I have been since July. I want to get as much knowledge as I can before I workout on my own.

    Maybe instead of going by pounds for the challenge yall could do inches.

    Hope this helped a lil bit.
  • angelaspring
    Here is the link I mentioned previously:

    Hope it helps like it helped me!

    this is the BEST article i have read!! thanks for sharing!
  • ambee0803
    ambee0803 Posts: 89 Member
    Well she could be loos ing water weight or even muscle and since you're working out so much you're probably gaining muscle which weighs more than fat. I'd go more by how you look and how your clothes are fitting and measurements. Have your pants gotten baggy? Do you feel any better? Have your lost any inces? Thats all more important and accurate.
  • trifitness
    trifitness Posts: 17 Member
    go by your body type. some will lose faster than others. sounds like you are going about your weight lose in the correct way. your co worker may be losing the wrong type of weight. keep in mind that muscle is a much more dense tissue. therefore, it requires more calories to sustain itself. a pound of muscle can burn up to 35 cal/hr. keep doing what you are doing. things to keep in mind: body type, muscle weighs more than fat, slow loss is more likey to stay a loss, inches lost are better than pounds lost, and try not to compare yourself to others. be as healthy and fit as your body will allow you to.
  • karmasBFF
    karmasBFF Posts: 699 Member
    Here is the link I mentioned previously:

    Hope it helps like it helped me!

    this is the BEST article i have read!! thanks for sharing!

    I KNOW RIGHT???? I felt soooo relieved after reading it!