What inspires you to eat healthy and ignore the haters?

I don't like to eat out since it usually includes many unnecessary calories and WAY too much salt. But since i am not "OBESE" people always have some rude comment about how i need to live my life (by eating out). I want to hear your best quotes and/or inspiration to keep eating healthy and what you tell others who tell you its ridiculous.


  • Meganalva
    Meganalva Posts: 282 Member
    I also would like to know some creative responses! I'm vegetarian and mostly vegan but people always throw out annoying comments. :P I usually just laugh it off and move on :P
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    How's "Eff off"!
  • guapogringo
    I don't like to eat out since it usually includes many unnecessary calories and WAY too much salt. But since i am not "OBESE" people always have some rude comment about how i need to live my life (by eating out). I want to hear your best quotes and/or inspiration to keep eating healthy and what you tell others who tell you its ridiculous.

    Like i told someone this morning....... I hear that sometimes from friends that make a comment when the subject of eating comes up and I say, "that's not on my diet." They say "well look at you, you can eat whatever you want." I respond "Well if i did that I would look like you." And I wonder why I have so few friends! lol
  • AnisaMG
    AnisaMG Posts: 154 Member
    My family has a very strong history of heart disease. My grandmother died last month at the age of 66 as a direct reaction to a life time of not taking care of herself. I will eat healthy and excersise because I need to, and no one will ever say to me it's not necessary, without a major rant about heart health.
  • njgirl50
    njgirl50 Posts: 62 Member
    Unfortunately I am obese, but I agree that eating out is difficult - I went out last week to celebrate a birthday, got a salad thinking it would be a better choice & later found out that it had 960 calories! I just recently turned 50, have high blood pressure and am tired of being heavy so I have decided its time to do something - I want to get off of medication and live a long and better life. Right now I am not living, I am just getting by. That is my motivation, and I really don't care what anybody else thinks, I have a boyfriend who will tell my I should lose weight, but then makes snide comments that I will probably gain it back, but he is going to have to make a choice, either support me or leave - you have to do what is best for you and you alone. Good luck!
  • audreanna76
    I figure haters will always have something to say no matter what you do, so just do YOU. I focus on me and my family and disregard the haters. They haven't walked a mile in my shoes. This is MY journey...not theirs...so they can suck it. The only person and perspective that matters is the person taking the journey...and the family that backs you up while taking it. Nothing and no-one else matters.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    My *kitten* getting smaller.
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    I tell them that I want to be around to see my son grow up, be healthy and grow old with my husband, and be healthy for any other children we may have. I also tell them that my father has high cholesterol and high blood pressure and heart disease is prevalent on his side of the family. I have decided to be proactive, since I got the high cholesterol gene, instead of sitting around and complaining when something happens. I also feel better when I eat right and exercise.
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I figure haters will always have something to say no matter what you do, so just do YOU. I focus on me and my family and disregard the haters. They haven't walked a mile in my shoes. This is MY journey...not theirs...so they can suck it. The only person and perspective that matters is the person taking the journey...and the family that backs you up while taking it. Nothing and no-one else matters.

    I agree!
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    my family and my son. And i do not repsond to things like that. it's none of their business.
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    I am dealing with some serious health problems, including crohn's disease. I can't make that go away, and I can't change that. What I can do is live my life in as healthy a way as possible. My motivation to fight against my health issues is my wonderful husband and my two beautiful little girls. I do not want my children to grow up and struggle with weight the way I always have. I want to live to see them grow up and have their own children. I want to grow old with my husband, who is my rock in this world. That's my motivation to fight for my health, and to hell with the haters!
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    The fact that I am a sexy beast and they.... are not :wink:
  • tiffanympm
    McDonald's puts sugar in their hamburger meat. Sometimes eating out is equal to gorging on peanutbutter cups. Your body doesn't need it.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    How's "Eff off"!

    Ha..this. I have one friend in particular when I substitute fries for a salad or fruit she gets going with oh look at you trying to be all healthy..why don't you have fries? I just say if I wanted fries then I would order some. I ignore it most times and don't really say anything.
  • wildcelticrose
    wildcelticrose Posts: 40 Member
    when I decided to change my life (back to the way it used to be) I also had to change who I was spending my time with.

    I chose to spend as much time as I can with those who are supportive of my healthier eating, exercise and now highly restricted alcohol consumption.

    I also chose to step away from those who are big partiers, heavy drinkers (oddly enough, they were the ones that always seemed to create/be in the middle of drama in my life) and/or not supportive/not taking my need to be healthy seriously.

    It is said that you become the average of the five people you surround yourself/spend the most time with.

    Looking back on my life, I now believe this and am paying attention.

  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Nothin'. I just eat unhealthy a lot. :')
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    It has been harder since I've moved to a new town. The people here didn't know me at my heaviest and don't realize how far I've come. They think I'm being annoying/rude for turning down sweets. I usually point out that I've worked too hard to slip back into old habits.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't like to eat out since it usually includes many unnecessary calories and WAY too much salt. But since i am not "OBESE" people always have some rude comment about how i need to live my life (by eating out). I want to hear your best quotes and/or inspiration to keep eating healthy and what you tell others who tell you its ridiculous.

    If my body looked like yours, I'd say looking in the mirror every day. However, in my case, I'd have to say weightloss, improvements in physical fitness, and improvements in my overall health that result from making healthier choices (i.e. not eating out).
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    My hubby and kids inspire me, but as for the haters...dust'em off because haters are gonna hate no matter:glasses:
  • Lori_Henz
    Lori_Henz Posts: 16 Member
    I respond by saying thank you, I have worked really hard to get where I am today. I don't put myself in situations to be "bullied" to eat at places that I can't find a healthy choice. If I have to meet with business associates, friends or family at a restaurant that isn't friendly to my nutrition needs, I eat before I go and just order water with lemon. It is very hard for some to understand the dedication that we have, more often than not, I believe that they are jealous that they don't have that same dedication.