Anyone try Sensa??

Just wondering if anyone had ever tried Sensa? Did it work? Did it help?


  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Megz0405
    Hi, I actually have & I think it works!! Im horrible though because I would have a cheesesteak & not want to sprinkle the Sensa on it because I wanted to eat the whole thing!!!!! Now thats defeating the purpose. This is probably why I have half of my month1 left over, all of my month 2,3 & 4 not used!!!!
  • taramc1970
    taramc1970 Posts: 23 Member
    So when you sprinkle it on the food - does it make the food taste bad?
    I am so frustrated been doing this for a month seriously and nothing! I am working out a lot but not seeing it yet - not 1 pound!!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    There's a bottle of Sensa on my supervisor's table where she eats lunch and it's been there for weeks. She uses it every single day and has not lost a pound. She complains about her weight, but won't even consider modifying her diet or working out she just keeps shaking that Sensa on her food and hoping for the best.

    Edited because the last bit was snarky and unnecessary. :)
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Please don't waste your money on that stuff. My friend still has the box sitting on her dresser and is mad at herself for buying it.

    All you need to do is eat at a moderate deficit and exercise. I promise you it works.
  • taramc1970
    taramc1970 Posts: 23 Member

    that is great!! just getting a little sad about all the work I am putting in without the results.
  • taramc1970
    taramc1970 Posts: 23 Member
    my food diary is wide open - would appreciate the comments
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    it's a scam.............think about it, just sprinkle some magic dust on your food and yo will lose weight. C'monnn
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    are you noticing any changes in your body ie: clothes fitting looser, easier to move, moving up a notch on your belt? The scale is evil and is not the be all end all in weight loss and fitness. Look for bodily improvements instead of numbers on a scale.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    Just wondering if anyone had ever tried Sensa? Did it work? Did it help?

    It's IRRELEVANT if you're using MFP properly.

    The concept behind it is "It makes you feel satisfied, so you eat less"..

    The reality is if you're on MFP, you should already be conscious of the amount you eat...
    The average person usually doesnt see a diff (like the boss above) because they will eat the same packaged portion anyway.
  • LNZimmer
    don't waste your money. It's like onion powder (salty) and crushed up smarties (sweet).

    If you want to try it, use that stuff (onion powder and smarties) rather than the 40-60 bucks a month or however much it is.
  • melissafaith24
    melissafaith24 Posts: 251 Member
    maybe try backing off the wine a little and see if theres a difference?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Back off the wine, drink more water, and eat as close to your calorie goal as possible - some days you are way over, other days you are way under. Eat your exercise calories, too!
  • 1fitchic
    1fitchic Posts: 19 Member
    I tried it a couple of times and it did nothing for me. Not saying it may not work for some but it wasn't for me. The things I have found that work for me are 1) Medifast and 2) eating more fresh, less processed foods.

    I'm also a vegetarian and working on transitioning into veganism. I just feel better. I don't knock anyone who eats meat because I used to be a major meat eater. It's a personal choice for me but I continue to find that other people have an issue with my diet and they try to make it seem like I am judging them for their diet. Weird, huh?!
  • OhKelsey1
    It's most DEFINITELY a scam. I can't remember where the article is and have no time to find it now (which I know is like, one of the 7 deadly sins of MFP), but apparently the person who started Sensa did it before with another very similar product (read: the same), which didn't work. Google around a bit if you have the time! Really interesting stuff.
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member

    I definitely would also back off the wine. This one is a toughie for me too.... I will drink it on the weekends but I have had to say no entirely on weeknights. I think this has made a big difference.

    Also, I would try to eat more of your calories at breakfast, rather than at dinner. I don't think you go overboard at dinner, but I do think you're probably not eating enough in the morning.

    Are you exercising as well? I would try some weight training and a bit of cardio to help things move along.

    Best of luck!
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I think your cals are too low. 1200 is a ridiculous number to aim for. google scoobys calculator and go by your TDEE and not some ridiculously unobtainable low cal number
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Shaking some dust on your food to lose weight....
    Sounds legit.
  • CourtneyDanger
    it works like a placebo
    if you truely believe there is something in that magic powder that will cause your appetite to be decreased.
    you will trick your body into not eating as much
    but the thing about placebos.. is you cant know its a placebo.
    and then youre paying out of the wahoo for some dust that you think will control how much you eat, so you are automatically going to eat less and be more aware of what you are eating.
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    I grabbed the free trial, to do nothing more than get my head in line when it comes to over eating.

    I think it just made me more aware, about how MUCH I'd eat at once, and I was able to use it as a crutch to start eating smaller meals.

    As far as will Sensa make me loose weight? I never had that expectation, so I was not surprised that it didn't. :) It says to use with exercise, so if you exercising, chances are, THAT'S why you loose weight...