First 5K tomorrow. Any advice?



  • Colli78
    Colli78 Posts: 135
    I am seriously overwhelmed with the amount of responses, advice and support to this thread. I honestly cannot thank all of you enough! I must admit I got a little misty eyed!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    If you're misty eyed now, just wait for the emotion you feel when you cross the finish line!

    I got a little teary when I finished my last half and shaved almost 4 minutes off my previous personal record. Not sure if the tears were relief at finishing or the new record ;)

    Good for you for doing this!! It really is a great accomplishment!
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I have my first 5K tomorrow too and I'm getting more and more nervous as the day goes on. My sister is suppose to walk while I run the course, but she is getting over a cold and not sure she is going to go. So, I may be on my own, which is making me more nervous! Thank you all for the advice, it is much appreciated by this newbie.
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    My 5K results! It was a 2nd Annual "Setting the Pace" 5K/10K to benefit a Center in our community that caters to special needs adults and children. There were 48 running total in the 5K. I finished 24th Overall. I received a medal for finishing 1st in my age group. :o))) I'm so excited and I got my pic made with Miss South Carolina, Ali Rogers. I'm so excited that my 1st 5K went well! I was nervous!
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Carb loading for a 5k is stupid and really unnecessary. Just eat well and go have fun.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Pat yourself on the back....way to matter your time your already a winner just for registering. So many of us don't get that far. In the past I used to be a runner. Going to start entering 5K runs as you motivated me.
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    First off, HUZZAH TO YOU!!! Here's hoping you rock your race!

    Second off, it's not "just a 5K". 5K's are great. They're fun. They're wonderful. They're amazing. There's nothing - let me repeat NOTHING - "just" about a 5K.

    Third off, you don't need to carbo load, but who's kidding whom? It sure is fun. If it makes you feel good, have fun at Spaghetti Factory. But you certainly don't need to.

    Fourth off, the best advice has already been said often - have fun. Lots and lots of fun. Race days are great. They're exciting, and energetic, and strong, and positive, and powerful. They're amazing events, filled with amazing people doing amazing things. And you're going to be a part of that amazingness!

    I hope you have great fun. You're amazing!!!
  • Colli78
    Colli78 Posts: 135
    I seriously could not have asked for better support than what I got from all of you. Thank you!!

    I did it. Not only did I do it, I finished it. Not only did I finish it, but my official time was 44:45!!!

    The emotion hit me in the end at what I had accomplished. 100 pounds ago, I would never have even considered walking a 5K, much less run/walking one. I am. Once I crossed the line, the tears just fell.

    And now, I've signed up to do 2 more in October! hahaha
  • msprouse8
    msprouse8 Posts: 85 Member
    Great job Girl!!! I know what you mean...there is an emotion about accomplishing something you set out to do! Kudos to ya! And more kudos for signing up for 2 more! WOW!! GREAT JOB!!! :o))
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    get lots of rest tonight, go at a comfy pace, don't try to use your energy all at once at the beginning, and have fun, it actually goes pretty fast!
  • have fun. That's the whole ball of advice I have -- take it in and just have a REALLY REALLY fun time!!! Finish on both of your feet and don't put so much pressure on yourself to finish in a certain time that you forget to have a blast ;)
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am running my 4th 5K this coming Saturday (and then another one on the 30th), and just have a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and grats on the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trust me, race day is when you feel everything, but let it empower you, not psych you out. Also, great job on signing up for two more!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    I seriously could not have asked for better support than what I got from all of you. Thank you!!

    I did it. Not only did I do it, I finished it. Not only did I finish it, but my official time was 44:45!!!

    The emotion hit me in the end at what I had accomplished. 100 pounds ago, I would never have even considered walking a 5K, much less run/walking one. I am. Once I crossed the line, the tears just fell.

    And now, I've signed up to do 2 more in October! hahaha

  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member actually goes pretty fast!

    So fast, in fact, that she is already done! :laugh:
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I seriously could not have asked for better support than what I got from all of you. Thank you!!

    I did it. Not only did I do it, I finished it. Not only did I finish it, but my official time was 44:45!!!

    The emotion hit me in the end at what I had accomplished. 100 pounds ago, I would never have even considered walking a 5K, much less run/walking one. I am. Once I crossed the line, the tears just fell.

    And now, I've signed up to do 2 more in October! hahaha

    I warned ya about the misty eyes ;)

    We probably should've warned you that races are addicting LOL
  • LvLite
    LvLite Posts: 102 Member
    I seriously could not have asked for better support than what I got from all of you. Thank you!!

    I did it. Not only did I do it, I finished it. Not only did I finish it, but my official time was 44:45!!!

    The emotion hit me in the end at what I had accomplished. 100 pounds ago, I would never have even considered walking a 5K, much less run/walking one. I am. Once I crossed the line, the tears just fell.

    And now, I've signed up to do 2 more in October! hahaha

    So encouraged by you & everyone's support. I have been freaking out about mine this Sat and want to just bale (scared to make a fool of myself) but you have spurred me on. Thanks & GREAT JOB!!!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I only had coffee the morning of. I get cramps if I eat before running. I made a good music list for my iPod, and just relaxed and let yourself feel it.

    Edited: AWESOME JOB! That's a great time for a first time runner.
  • GramDebbie
    GramDebbie Posts: 5 Member
    Wonderful!! I did my second 5K recently. It had been 10 years since the first one!!! It was also on my bucket list, so I worked up to it gradually with lots of walking in the weeks prior with a little bit of jogging (my version, anyway). Best advice would be to keep your own pace. Start in the back and follow for a while. Walk & run combo as you feel like it. Our run had music blasting at the halfway mark & it really fired me up!! My friend came with me & we did mostly walking & jogged occasionally & still made it in under 1 hr.! That was the goal. We're old & out of shape! LOL Definitely run in something you're worn before & go early to get the lay of the land if it's a course you haven't run before. Pay attention so you don't hit the speed bumps if it's in the street like ours was. RELAX and have fun & congratulate yourself when you finish! And get ready to do another, because I guarantee you'll want to after this!!

    WOW! I just took time out for dinner & saw your post!! Congrats & it was true about wanting to do another and another!! Good luck & keep racing!
  • GoalByFifty
    GoalByFifty Posts: 97 Member
    This is a great thread – I'm running my first 5K on this Sunday. I am understandably nervous and really think that the advice here has been good for me to read. I am working on pacing myself – and just want to be able to run the entire thing. No matter what happens, I am in much better shape than I have been in years and never really thought I could follow through with running. I am doing this alone – and am looking forward to improving over time. Thanks again for the great advice.
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Get your partner to stand in for you? LOL