Please remind me fruit is not the enemy



  • DenyseMarieL
    DenyseMarieL Posts: 673 Member
    My opinion is if you are eating whole, natural, unprocessed foods, you are eating healthy. It's the way nature intended it. I agree that white breat, white rice, white pasta......they aren't something you should eat alot of.
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    Yuck.... I don't like fruit. I don't eat it because I don't like it. I am going to be the only American with skurvy. :noway:
    TIMCOTE80 Posts: 2 Member
    Fruits are nutrient pack, but also loaded with sugar. Although natural, its process the same way as any other sugar. Moderation is the key.
  • joannaorgovan
    joannaorgovan Posts: 71 Member
    I eat 2 bananas, 2 peaches and 2 apples everyday at work. I started 200 lbs and am at 145. You need those complex carbs for energy and to workout hard. You need the fiber too. Go to Jillian Micheal's FB page. She was talking how you need the carbs to workout hard for energy. I don't pay any attention to my sugar intake on MFP.
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    Hey Erin - don't you remember? Fruit is not the enemy.

    That pretty much what you were looking for?

    I'm not personally a big fan of fruit, but as long as you are eating healthy otherwise, it would be really hard for you to eat so much fruit that it makes you chubby. The sugar in fruit is usually accompanied by a good amount of fiber (so don't do juices, cuz that essentially turns your fruit into a thin syrup) and that will slow your body's digestion enough that you probably won't have negative consequences.

    There isn't one magic formula that works for everybody. Self-experiment and eat what works for you.
  • You really wanna freak out?? Add the "sugars" column in there too. Fruit has a load of sugar. I'm doing the "sugar detox" program right now.... no fruit allowed. pout, it was my 3:00 snacky-snack at work. Today I had to have cucumber slices instead. So I guess, it depends...... but according to this program I'm on, it's the enemy. and i really miss the enemy. especially a mashed up banana with a tablespoon of cashew butter mixed in.......... or sliced strawberries with dark chocolate cocoa nibs sprinkled on top. sigh........................................ :ohwell:
  • You really wanna freak out?? Add the "sugars" column in there too. Fruit has a load of sugar. I'm doing the "sugar detox" program right now.... no fruit allowed. pout, it was my 3:00 snacky-snack at work. Today I had to have cucumber slices instead. So I guess, it depends...... but according to this program I'm on, it's the enemy. and i really miss the enemy. especially a mashed up banana with a tablespoon of cashew butter mixed in.......... or sliced strawberries with dark chocolate cocoa nibs sprinkled on top. sigh........................................ :ohwell:
  • You really wanna freak out?? Add the "sugars" column in there too. Fruit has a load of sugar. I'm doing the "sugar detox" program right now.... no fruit allowed. pout, it was my 3:00 snacky-snack at work. Today I had to have cucumber slices instead. So I guess, it depends...... but according to this program I'm on, it's the enemy. and i really miss the enemy. especially a mashed up banana with a tablespoon of cashew butter mixed in.......... or sliced strawberries with dark chocolate cocoa nibs sprinkled on top. sigh........................................ :ohwell:
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    My opinion is if you are eating whole, natural, unprocessed foods, you are eating healthy. It's the way nature intended it. I agree that white breat, white rice, white pasta......they aren't something you should eat alot of.

    I think it's good to be a little bit careful about eating those whole natural unprocessed foods. The fruits we have available to us now are the product of an incredible amount of cherry picking among the the world's tastiest (sweetest(most sugary)) fruits that have been bred over a period of hundreds if not thousands of years to be even tastier (sweeter(more sugary)).

    I would never tell anybody NOT to eat fruit, but I think it's a little inaccurate to say that whole/natural/unprocessed = universally healthy.
  • Drussander
    Drussander Posts: 266 Member
    Fruit is your friend! Chimps, our closest genetic animal friends, are primarily fruit eaters. And there is lots of good theories out there that suggest that humans are frugivores. I used to avoid fruit too due to carbs, but I find I lose more weight when eating fruit. I had watermelon, and orange, figs and an apple today. Delicious, full of fiber and filling.

    Here is an interesting article that may convince you fruit is not bad:

    Be your own judge of course.
  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    My opinion is if you are eating whole, natural, unprocessed foods, you are eating healthy. It's the way nature intended it. I agree that white breat, white rice, white pasta......they aren't something you should eat alot of.

    I think it's good to be a little bit careful about eating those whole natural unprocessed foods. The fruits we have available to us now are the product of an incredible amount of cherry picking among the the world's tastiest (sweetest(most sugary)) fruits that have been bred over a period of hundreds if not thousands of years to be even tastier (sweeter(more sugary)).

    I would never tell anybody NOT to eat fruit, but I think it's a little inaccurate to say that whole/natural/unprocessed = universally healthy.

    ^^this. While fruit has seriously great benefits, you can find the same great things in vegetables for fewer carbs. Eat your fruit, but if you're counting carbs swap a few servings for lower carb vegetables.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    My opinion is if you are eating whole, natural, unprocessed foods, you are eating healthy. It's the way nature intended it. I agree that white breat, white rice, white pasta......they aren't something you should eat alot of.

    I think it's good to be a little bit careful about eating those whole natural unprocessed foods. The fruits we have available to us now are the product of an incredible amount of cherry picking among the the world's tastiest (sweetest(most sugary)) fruits that have been bred over a period of hundreds if not thousands of years to be even tastier (sweeter(more sugary)).

    I would never tell anybody NOT to eat fruit, but I think it's a little inaccurate to say that whole/natural/unprocessed = universally healthy.

    ^^this. While fruit has seriously great benefits, you can find the same great things in vegetables for fewer carbs. Eat your fruit, but if you're counting carbs swap a few servings for lower carb vegetables.

    No point.

    There is no reason to not eat fruit because you think carbs matter, because they dont. If you like fruit eat it carbs dont make you fat over filling your face does, anyone who says you should avoid fruit or count carbs doesnt know what they are talking about.

    Calories in/calories out

    Stop listeing to people who think its more difficult then that
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    Fruits are your friends, they are natures candy! Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member

    No point.

    There is no reason to not eat fruit because you think carbs matter, because they dont. If you like fruit eat it carbs dont make you fat over filling your face does, anyone who says you should avoid fruit or count carbs doesnt know what they are talking about.

    Calories in/calories out

    Stop listeing to people who think its more difficult then that

    You mean your weight is only dependent on the calories you consume? Hormones don't play a role? Inflammation? Geez...I guess that biology degree I have is pretty worthless.....
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member

    No point.

    There is no reason to not eat fruit because you think carbs matter, because they dont. If you like fruit eat it carbs dont make you fat over filling your face does, anyone who says you should avoid fruit or count carbs doesnt know what they are talking about.

    Calories in/calories out

    Stop listeing to people who think its more difficult then that

    You mean your weight is only dependent on the calories you consume? Hormones don't play a role? Inflammation? Geez...I guess that biology degree I have is pretty worthless.....
    If your saying fruit will stop you from weight loss yah id say take that degree back because thats total bs....Yes your weight isnt totally calorie dependent you will fluctuate due to may things..water, salt, stress but fat loss...FAT loss is calorie deficit plain and simple, telling someone to eat more veggies over fruit is plain what you want long as you hit your macros and come in on calorie target
  • Danied13
    Danied13 Posts: 117 Member
    If your saying fruit will stop you from weight loss yah id say take that degree back because thats total bs....Yes your weight isnt totally calorie dependent you will fluctuate due to may things..water, salt, stress but fat loss...FAT loss is calorie deficit plain and simple, telling someone to eat more veggies over fruit is plain what you want long as you hit your macros and come in on calorie target

    HAHAHA this is hilarious. I find that many young men like yourself often scoff at science for a more simple approach to fat loss. Ask a woman with hormonal issues if she can just maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    No, a piece a fruit isn't going to hinder weight loss, but a carb overload like the one the OP described could. All those carbs, whether simple or complex, are going to be broken down the same way in her body. To get rid of that sugar, insulin is needed. One weekend of carb overload...not that bad. Weekend after weekend of this behavior requiring huge amounts of insulin to remove all that sugar from her bloodstream? That can lead to fat storage.
  • savageman69
    savageman69 Posts: 339 Member
    If your saying fruit will stop you from weight loss yah id say take that degree back because thats total bs....Yes your weight isnt totally calorie dependent you will fluctuate due to may things..water, salt, stress but fat loss...FAT loss is calorie deficit plain and simple, telling someone to eat more veggies over fruit is plain what you want long as you hit your macros and come in on calorie target

    HAHAHA this is hilarious. I find that many young men like yourself often scoff at science for a more simple approach to fat loss. Ask a woman with hormonal issues if she can just maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    No, a piece a fruit isn't going to hinder weight loss, but a carb overload like the one the OP described could. All those carbs, whether simple or complex, are going to be broken down the same way in her body. To get rid of that sugar, insulin is needed. One weekend of carb overload...not that bad. Weekend after weekend of this behavior requiring huge amounts of insulin to remove all that sugar from her bloodstream? That can lead to fat storage.

    Well im sure glad im male so that my daily cup of carb loaded oats and 4 bananas dont make me fat.......Sounds about as dumb as my step dad telling me peanut butter makes women fat...Quote on quote they cant eat it, it goes right to their baby making parts......This is the kinda bs info that causes people to get eating dissorders, avoid good foods and go crazy really.

    Im sorry but i dont care how much schooling you have im more then sure there is tons of women on here that have no issue eating tons of fruit or other carbs while keeping a deficit and losing weight
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I will never ever ever beat myself up for eating an apple.

    If it makes me go over my sugar then twatever, its worth it.

    I think its just too nitpicky to worry about carbs in fruit and vegetables, theyre good for you, bottom line. (better for you than any processed food)
  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    I think all of the fiber in fruit is how I got a flatter belly.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Fruit is not the enemy, greedy is :drinker: