Went out to lunch....what happened?!

thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I went out to lunch with my grandmother and aunt for my birthday today. We went to the Cheesecake Factory. I didn't want to ruin my day, so I had a Chicken and Avocado Club without the bacon with a tossed green salad with balsamic dressing on the side. When the sandwich got there, I took off half the bread and cheese, and then I went to town. It was delicious.

Later for dinner, I played it safe again just in case. I made sure that I stayed under 500 calories for dinner, which is usually a bigger meal for me.

Well, I go to log my food and....wholly crap! A whole sandwich from the Cheesecake Factory was almost 1400 calories! That's my daily allotment!

I was ticked. I mean, I know that I reduced the calories by removing some of the bacon, (buttered) bread, and cheese, but still....there's no way i stayed under my calories today.

Screw you, Cheesecake Factory. I just looked at your full menu, and there doesn't appear to be one entree under 500 calories.


  • oh my god thats horrible id be so mad/annoyed

    but at least now i know where im definitely never going
  • Someone posted an article from Ment's Health about the worst foods you can eat at a restaurant a couple of days ago and I think that sandwich was on it. In fact the article said they could write the whole thing about cheesecake factory. It's a shame you can hardly go out to eat without packing in a days worth of calories.
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Yeah, i work there and it is pretty horrible. I'm a vegetarian so luckily there isn;t much for me to eat so I always bring my own lunch. I am AMAZED by what some of my co-workers eat everyday there. (& not to mention some of the guests that come in!) I'm sorry to hear about your sandwich but just remember it was your birthday so it's to be expected to be a little bad. PLUS it could have been even worse had you got the bacon, fries and the excess bread and cheese. So good for you for trying to be on the healthy side, thats really what it comes down to :) The chicken and biscuits on the menu is over 2,5000 calories. YUCK!
  • mrsbeck
    mrsbeck Posts: 234 Member
    I was just there last week for my son's birthday. Even their "weight management" salads come in at 590 calories! It's insane.

    I had the portobello sandwich, which runs about 1100 calories. As luck would have it, the sandwich made me so sick (too much oil and sauce, nothing wrong with their kitchen! :laugh: ) that I didn't eat anything else that day, so I was still under calories!

    I hate to admit how much I liked that sandwich while I was eating it, though! If you're going to eat there in the future, I advise a big workout that day, so you have a little more wiggle room, and only eating half the meal. I don't have that kind of willpower, so I only eat there when I've made up my mind that this day is going to be an "over" day.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Take it as a cheat day and enjoy your birthday. Happy Birthday. :flowerforyou:
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Ugh, I hate when that happens. Especially when you really were trying by taking some of the things off. The thing I don't get is how is it possible to have that many calories and fat??? Seriously, you can make it at home for so much less, how can they not just do a little tweaks to make things healthier? I just don't get it.
  • Bthack
    Bthack Posts: 48
    Hungry-girl.com has a really great alternative to making the grilled portabella on a bun. with 1/3 of the calories! haha
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    a good rule of thumb is always eat at most 1/2 at the resturant. Pack it up and take it home. This will give you time to look it up online. The other option is research before going if you can. I got screwed at a salad bar he other day. I put some of those yummy mozzarella balls on my salad. Well 1 ball has 120 calories...I had 4 balls..Wont be eating those ever again.
    Brush it off. Tomorrow will be a better day
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