To all the moms out there...



  • hgaspard83
    hgaspard83 Posts: 66 Member
    I gained 60 pounds , 20 pounds of fuild I worked up till the day my water broke!! now 7 months post baby I am 35 pounds lost and curently loseing , just brestfeed and try to eat right and move around !!! good luck
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    I gained 35 with my daughter, and 15 with my son. Surprisingly, that 15 has been the hardest to get off...her weight gain came off easy!!
  • MoniMoni2u
    MoniMoni2u Posts: 211 Member
    I gained 17 with my first and they came off in less than 2 weeks (the weight was off, the body was not back! LOL) I gained 27 with the second based on my weight when I was admitted to the hospital.

    There are never gaurantees to what the body will do or what procedures and care you will receive. I will never forget with my second child, I weighed 8 pounds more after he was born than when I was admitted! UGH! Water weight gain like that in 2 days, let alone after delivering an 8.5 pound baby was hard to see! LOL
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    The secret no one shared with me - or perhaps I just ignored it - is your body doesn't go back together the way you want it to even after you've lost most/all the weight.

    Two weeks postpartum I had lost all but 6 of my 30lbs gained, but I still looked pregnant for a few months - even after getting to pre-pregnancy rate. That bugged and discouraged me more than how much I gained throughout the pregnancy. Even five years later :)
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    OH MY... well, happy to know I can to my OB about it... never thght of that - DUH- lol
  • aimelee
    aimelee Posts: 216 Member
    I was 142lbs when i got pregnant with my son, and i gained 30lbs (he was 7lbs 1oz).
    i'm almost 38 weeks pregnant with my daughter right now (I was 121lbs when i got pregnant), and i've gained 34.

    A 25-35lb gain is considered healthy for someone of a normal weight, and most of the weight is fluid, tissue and baby! Only about 10 of it should be actual fat gain... from what i've read anyway.

    It's pretty easy to not gain 50+ pounds, just make smart choices. you only need about an extra 300ish calories a day, you aren't LITERALLY eating for 2!
  • rhondaruth
    I lost 75lbs when I was pregnant with my 14 y.o daughter who was 3oz shy of 8lbs at birth. I had one miscarriage before her & three miscarriages after her. I gained a LOT of weight with the last three pregnancies.
  • Typhanee83
    Typhanee83 Posts: 313 Member
    I gained around 80 pounds during my pregnancy.. but I was also having twins. But, that was still WAY TOO MUCH for what I should have gained. Most of it was pop-tarts.

    Combined, I gave birth to almost 11 pounds of baby, but they were both in separate sacs and had separate everything, so that weighed quite a bit too. I lost a total of about 35 pounds right after having them.

    My advice to you, stay away from the pop-tarts.
  • stacey1981
    stacey1981 Posts: 39 Member
    I put on 22 pounds with my last pregnancy.
  • Eerinelizz
    Eerinelizz Posts: 114 Member
    With my oldest, I started at about 125 and weighed about 145 before I delivered. My middle child took me from about 120 to 145. My youngest took me from 130 to 150. So I only gained 20-25 pounds each time, and that included the baby and all the other "stuff". It is completely possible to not gain a lot of weight! I ate healthy foods and did light exercise throughout my pregnancies, and I was also very active during the day.
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    40 lbs with my daughter
    50 lbs with my middle son (I could NOT stop eating when I was pregnant with him, it was ridiculous!)
    25 lbs with my youngest son
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    With #1 I gained 80 lbs (went from 100 to 180)
    With #2 I gained 30 lbs
    With #3 I gained 19 lbs
    With #4 I gained 26 lbs
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    I gained 22 lbs with my daughter - she was 6lbs 7 oz. and I had a c-section as she was breached. In the first trimester I could not watch a soup commercial - it made me incredibly nauseous! As did looking at any decorating pictures - paint, wallpaper...anything! I was addicted to oranges and whole wheat bagels with sliced tomatoes, cheese slices and salt and pepper...craziness.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    23 lbs with my first daughter and 18 with the second. Remember that blood volume doubles when you're pregnant I've heard that an average pregnancy with a 7 lb baby is about 17 lbs, all told. Just because you gain doesn't mean it's "fat".
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    I can't remember the numbers as my kids are now 9 and 10...

    However, I do remember I gained more with my son (the 10 year old). Mainly because at 35 weeks was deemed pre-eclampic and was put in the high risk pregnancy ward until he was delivered at 37 weeks via c-section (he was also breech). I was not allowed out of bed except to use the restroom, so I got zero exercise. He was only 5 pounds 6 ounces.

    My daughter was born 15 months later with no issues, so I don't think I gained nearly as much.

    Keep in mind I also did not have ANY cravings, only food aversions.

    Good luck when the time comes.
  • MeeshKB
    MeeshKB Posts: 120 Member
    50-60 lbs with my twins. But I was maintaining a high calorie diet in order to ensure adequate nutrition to keep those buns in the oven until they were ready!

    I lost the "baby weight" within a year after they were born and am now just working on the other 40 lbs of extra weight I've been carrying around for the last 15 years or so.

    I wouldn't change a thing about my pregnancy, including the weight gain. It brought me the most amazing little people, and that is worth working to take it off.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I wouldn't change a thing about my pregnancy, including the weight gain. It brought me the most amazing little people, and that is worth working to take it off.

    :heart: this.
  • mom2pne
    mom2pne Posts: 215 Member
    With my oldest I went from 130 to 190 after I had him because of depression. I never lost that weight. With Ty I know I went to about 224 on the scale and at my post partum I weighed 190. Between my second and my next pregnancy I weighed 290ish. My next pregnancy was twins and I lost 30+ pounds due to all day, every day morning sickness. I couldn't even take meds to help. Then with my last son I only gained 12 pounds throughout the whole pregnancy, He was 8 pounds 1 ounce and I had him 5 days early.
  • TheMommyWifeLife
    TheMommyWifeLife Posts: 194 Member
    I have three kids. with the first, i started between 120-125lbs and gained 80 (no joke =( ). i had her while weighing 200 even. Second daughter I started out at 135lbs and had her at 175, so i gained 40lbs even. third was a boy. i started out weighing between 145-150lbs. had him when i got to 195lbs, meaning i gained about 50lbs.

    every person is different. a LOT of the people i am friends with gained less than 20lbs. i havent met very many people who have gained more than 40, guess im just one of the unlucky few, but after the baby especially the first one you can drop the weight by barely doing anything. each baby you have, it gets harder and harder to lose the weight, so to make you feel better, yesterday i weight in at 164lbs. i had my son (weighed 195) on july 9th, so not even three months later, barely over two months, and i have already dropped over 30lbs. my second daughter, i was back to my prepregnancy weight by the time she was two months old, but with her i worked my but off during my maternity leave, and jogged around the apartment, cleaned up after my oldest, did jumping jacks, everything i could think of.

    every pregnancy is different though, so you never know what kid of weight you will gain or lose during the pregnancy or post pregnancy! dont let the weight gain take over your brain, because the child will totally be worth every pound you gained, and more!
  • Smrhoads
    I put on 50 lbs for my son. He was born weighing 8 lbs 4 oz. Not a small kiddo. And I was active and ate healthy for the most part.

    Ditto, including the weight of baby! I did water aerobics until 7 months, but ate a cheeseburger every single day. I had to have one!