Been here for several months.. would like more support :)



  • I'm new to this but support is always good. Well done on shedding the first 21 pounds :)
  • Hey there Lisa, congrats on your weight loss! I cannot wait until I can say that I have lost 21 pounds! YOU GO GIRL!! I'm new to the MFP community - just signed up tonight and am looking forward to joining up with others on this journey. Would love to keep up with you and perhaps we can help each other :-).
  • mattsdad1961
    mattsdad1961 Posts: 65 Member
    Sounds as if your approach is very sensible (and therefor very likely to succeed!). Congrats on your progress so far! Feel welcome to add me as a friend. Look forward to walking the journey to better health with you!
  • pjmcinnis
    pjmcinnis Posts: 71 Member
    Lisa... 21 lbs is alot! As the weight comes off, be sure to mark the little victories. The day I discovered my collar bones again (after an absense of far too long) was and exciting one. I had to buy new underwear, because they were too big. These are the types of milestones that are important. It's not about the numbers on a scale... it's how you feel and the ability to do more. And if you need a graphic example of what you have lost... go to the grocery store (don't pick a high traffic time), and put 21 lbs of butter into a shopping cart... or pile it up in a pyramid, take a picture... that is how much weight you have lost, not such a little thing at all!

    Keep up the great work, it takes time, and work on the exercise... it will all happen. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Great job!! It's never as fast as we want, is it? ;-) Just keep goin, girl!!
  • nmleisa
    nmleisa Posts: 93 Member
    Another Lisa here...but I spell mine Leisa :) would love to help support ya! I've lost 25lbs and would love to drop about 75 more...but just taking it one day at a time :) I'll send ya a request :)
  • Hi Lisa.....Congratulations! 21 pounds is quite an accomplishment! I like to relate it to something......Like you lost 21 boxes of butter or 4 five pound bags of dog food. That way you can visualize just how much weight has come off of your body. Keep up the good work. We are all here to support each other. Good luck and I'm here when you need me. :-)

    Lois :bigsmile:
  • Hi Lisa, 21lbs is 21lbs! Fast never works in the long run. I love the support on this site too, sending a request :smile:
  • Hi Lisa. You are welcome to add me if you would like.
  • I need support too! Add me. :smile:
  • MrsWonderland
    MrsWonderland Posts: 107 Member
    Hi Lisa, 21lbs is great. I cant wait till I loose that much. I sent you a request, Ive been here alittle over a week and still have no support buddies and would really love some. But your the first I asked so thats my fault.

    My doctor who is working on a weightloss program with a group of us told me today that some start out slow loosing lbs can rapidly start loosing weight later. Some start out loosing fast then slow down. I think your doing really good. Since last monday she told me I lost half a 1/2 lbs., I think she was just being nice. :flowerforyou :flowerforyou:
  • myjourrneytoabs
    myjourrneytoabs Posts: 11 Member
    i've only lost like 6 pounds i keep going between the 135-137 range i also need some support feel free to add me :D everyone else is also welcome to add :)
  • rubix08
    rubix08 Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Lisa! Great progress so far, keep it up and you'll be at your goal and feel great! I sent you a request.
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Lisa,

    I am sending a request! I look forward to going through this journey with you. I too have done WW among a zillion other diets.

  • Hi I am Pam I have lost weight and gained it back over the years and I have lost 3 pounds and I am inspired by your story. Nice to meet you I would love to be in your support system, and hope you will be in mine too.

  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Congrats on 21 pounds lost!!
  • Hey Lisa! Just like another poster said-- 21 lbs is still 21 lbs. But I can also see where you are coming from, and I feel the same way...I've been here quite a while and I'm definitely feeling like I need more support. I'm sending you a request.
  • I've tried to add people as friends and get only a few : \ But look at all the people who responded to you. You've got LOADS of support now! YOU CAN DO THIS LISA!! Best of Luck!! Welcome to the family~ lol
  • Allylynn
    Allylynn Posts: 8 Member
    I just started a few days ago. Still need to get my pic in! Feel free to add me. Would love to support and encourage you. We can all share ideas and recipes!
  • FemaleandFit
    FemaleandFit Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations are your continued success. I would love to support & motivate you. Please add me. Again, I am very proud of you.:flowerforyou: