Would you be mad if..



  • SarahJean0704
    well right .. i told them both i would be happy for either of them if they found someone to be with but i don't think they should have even made that decision to start talking .. when he started i think she should have turned him down and left it at that , thats just me saying what i would do if i was in that situation.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    If he's your ex why do you care? He's out of that part of your life. You should be happy your friend may be able to find love. How would feel if he was her one and only and you stopped that because...well for whyever you stopped it. Then ask yourself how you would feel if you found a guy that you really liked and actually had true feelings for and then found out he was an ex of one of your friends, would you give up on a chance at love just because your friend used to date him. That's high school BS.

    Thats just my opinion.

    Edit: The I don't know who to choose would be my issue, but she's confused she wants love wants to be loved and to throw that chance away because he's the ex of my friend has got to be hard for her.

    Your not in High school anymore, grow up and move on..it would be different if you still loved the ex...ohhhhh wait that's the problem you still care for him and want him back..now I get it.
  • SarahJean0704
    i don't want him back but i can't say i dont care for him somewhat , but im way too good for him and hes no where near my level, just sayin may sound bad but its the truth .
  • dinoskycm
    In my book, the "no ex" rule is an unwritten law that must be obeyed and never broken. I mean, you can consider this a true test of your friendship. You have been true to her, but will she be true to you? If that happened between my best friend and me, I would be pissed, and it would definitely change our relationship.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Petty and puerile. If I throw out a chair I no longer give a damn whose butt sits in it.

    Yeah, me too. When I'm done with something I don't care who uses it next. If I cared, I guess it means I wasn't really over it, right?
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    Hmmmmm...what to do what to do.

    I guesss Id feel.................


    totally blessed if that were my biggest worry of the day.:blushing:
  • rozsbluejay
    rozsbluejay Posts: 303 Member
    Maybe. It depends. Have you moved on. Because I was friends with a couple now the couple is broken up one person is married and the guy and I are single and we're looking on the brighter side of the situation. Maybe it does look bad. But it really depends on your friend.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Your bestfriend started talking to your ex ??

    Just recently my bestfriend started talking to my ex , we weren't to the extreme of talking about marriage or anything like that but to the point of where we met eachothers kids .. well last week he asked if she was single and then they started talking and when i asked her about it she said she doesn't know who to pick between .. and honestly i never told her she had to pick but i did tell them both that it bothered them.. idk maybe im over reacting ?? and she says she does';t know who to "pick" .. shes known this guy for about a week and me and her have been friends for years ?? wth.
    I dated a guy for like a month. Met my SO and he's friends with the guy I dated for about a month. THAT group of friends hate me now because I started datingone of his friends. It wasn't a serious relationship and I didn't meet my SO until about a year after that relationship ended. In cases where you haven't dsated long I don't see the big deal, but if it was serious to the point where you met each other's kids, as a friend I would respect that and no it' not okay.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    She can have him, with my blessings. If you knew my ex- you would understand why I say this.